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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Have no idea why it turned the image since it was the correct way on the saved file....
  2. Pork Butt - 12 hour smoke and 30 minute rest (would have liked to go longer with the resting but guests were waiting) = one of the best I've done...so moist and tender...big hit with the guests!)
  3. Didn't you say you were a researcher Ban?? Yet, you make this wild claim about Iowa and their guns yet clearly didn't do any sort of research to back it up. But keep on keeping on. Here's a hint...Iowa is way down the latter in terms of gun deaths...and of those that die from guns, over 3/4 of those deaths are from suicide. Sure sounds like the wild wild west to me.
  4. It is absolutely amazing how people will twist things in their mind to create a narrative...even more amazing is they actually believe the stuff they write on here. Now someone is racist because they don't do racists things...can't make this stuff up. Is chewing gum racist? How about walking down the street? Sewing...that HAS to be racist!?!?
  5. LOL...that was good...thanks for the morning laugh! Have a good day Plasi...I am off to chase the little white ball around and get frustrated as hell. At least it is a scramble.
  6. I was laughing at you...oh wait...than that means...shoot, my apologies, guess everyone's speculation was correct, you are disabled. Makes sense now.
  7. Agreed @WrestlingRasta on both statements. I did a chuck roast and it took longer than expected and wasn't quite as fall apart as I thought/hoped it would be. Not sure I would do another one. Pork Butt going on Sunday a.m. for all the wrestling coaches who are coming over...can't wait!
  8. If this was remotely true, you clearly would have posted link after link and source after source to prove your point, yet you didn't (and I am not googling that on my work computer). Rather what has happened, as with all your posts, it is a fabrication in your mind in order to find the boogeyman in something so that you and others can continue to be the victim in some way. Overall point, people can never know what other people's true feelings and what their true believe system is by simply trying to tie antidotal things together to fit a narrative in order to say "See!!! Bad person...vote for other person!!" Yet people do it ALL the time...and some WAY more than others...cough cough...you Ban...cough cough. So once again, you keep being you...everyone else is wrong....you are the victim...everyone is racists (and every other "ist") because they think differently than you...and continue to call them immature/childish names...etc.
  9. "I recon I like them french fried potaters, uhh-huh."
  10. Reminds me of the ride along I did with my stepbro who is a cop and he pulled over this guy doing 70 in a 30 mph zone. Guy was super pissed and blamed my stepbro for making him late to work...ummm, sorry, but YOU made yourself late for work, and now you are going to be even more late and your wallet is going to be much lighter. Ban is intent on banning himself...and then will once again play the victim.
  11. I literally laughed out loud at this...nicely done!!
  12. I am not a practicing religious person today but do believe in God. I think one way to experience salvation today is to begin to understand some of the basic tenants of what the Lord preaches of just be a good freaking person. But is extremely hard to do every day.
  13. Yes...refusing to look up information themselves
  14. Let's start a list: Resorts to name calling Attacks the source of information versus the actual content Keeps repeating the same stupid phrases meant to insult over and over and over....
  15. I'll play your guys game...you are racist for saying that.
  16. Weird...why did Ban previously get banned again?? @BobDole and @Husker_Du...you two are saints!
  17. Agreed...100%. But doesn't change the fact that it is true.
  18. Who doesn't speak English? The professor that wrote it? What I think is misaligned here is the fact that people think because of the context and what was said is somehow diminishing the absolute horrible and sickening treatment of slaves...but what was written has NOTHING to do with that or implies anything other than what it says. To say otherwise is purely trying to find the boogeyman in everything. History is an ugly thing...there are things that have happened that are disgusting...but again...in context and during the time in which things occurred, you can't apply today's norms to that time. Kids should be taught our history!! They should know what has happened. But also should be taught context and what society was like during that time.
  19. The pure emotional responses are so tiresome!! Ugh!! No one can and will ever be able to point out where something was truly banned, or provide any reason as to why certain books removed from school libraries DON'T contain graphic material that is inappropriate for children. As for the other stuff...wow...way to try and find the monster in everything. Why is it the white middle-aged men and women who are all bent out of shape about what the black professor suggested be discussed around the black history?? Give me a freaking break! The guy literally, on TV, completely explained the context in which the one sentence in the whole darn document reads...nope...not good enough for some of you...you have to accuse people of being racist, changing history, banning books, etc. Then try and throw the Native American topic on top of that...absolutely laughable. The Native Americans were doing exactly the very thing you all are complaining the whites did to them before the whites got here. If it didn't happen, we would not be the United States!!! Do you not think that has happened during the formation of every freaking country of the world?? Some of it is still going on. It happened...sucks how it had to happen, but it had to happen. Quit applying today's societal standards to hundreds and hundreds of years ago...so weak minded to do so!!
  20. You think it isn't outlandish to mask kids right now?? Require 3rd graders and above to wear N95's??? For the president to say he wears a mask inside because his wife tested positive isn't outlandish?? By the way...why not actually post something with substance and your opinion versus weak ass one liners...oh that's right, because you can't...I'll wait for the I'm a "Deuce Lover" and "a 30%'er"...
  21. School in Maryland just implemented masking mandates for their elementary school...SMH...so stupid! Oh and Biden is wearing a mask indoors because his wife tested positive. You just can't make this crap up....
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