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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Looks absolutely freaking amazing!!
  2. Is that part of the adults GED program? And I don't teach...always thought about it when I was younger as I do like teaching/coaching, but not sure I would have been a good fit for an actual teacher. Instead, I teach and coach executives on leadership and process improvement, and create and develop our corporate management system...oh and my favorite...I get to coach kids wrestling.
  3. SMH...so ridiculous! You think they main motivation was just so he helped their alma mater?? Terrible!
  4. Curious as to what Ban teaches adult learners?? I have a guess but will withhold until I hear what he actual teaches.
  5. I agree...but only if what you said applies to EVERYONE Plasi...not just those that you didn't vote for. We ALL have swallowed internet rumors and other things read on social media...including myself and yourself...the problem is the lens in which people choose to look through when reading/watching those things is where the divergence comes into play. People on both sides do it...some A LOT more than others. My whole thing is, and I'll just pick on you even though you know I do like you Plasi, your enjoyment when the rumors came out that Trump may be charged, and statements you made about Trump BEFORE he was indicted would not mirror those said about Hillary...is that an accurate statement? Also, most people that are complaining about Trump, not all but most, aren't defending Trump as a person, but rather the complete hypocrisy of the whole thing.
  6. Maybe this would be a better discussion, or at least know where people stand. Who thinks crime is a major problem in the US and should be a priority for our politicians?
  7. Thing of beauty! I did one a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing!
  8. I have no doubt it isn't just a Chicago problem. And my bad, I thought I read in that article that he was rationalizing away the criminals behavior, but it may have been another article I read. And I am to lazy to go find it, and it doesn't change my main point that suing the car manufacturers is asinine and backwards thinking. It isn't like they are purposely not putting in safety equipment. I guess I am a strong believer in self-responsibility...i.e., if I buy a house that doesn't have locks on the doors and someone breaks in, I sure don't feel like it is the builders fault and thus I sue them...or even stupider, the city I live in sues the builders. I purchased the house knowing there were no locks.
  9. So weird that this turned into a R v D thing. Add on top of that all the "inferring" people are doing versus taking the article for what it says, nothing more, nothing less. The Chicago mayor, regardless of what political party he is from, is suing a car company because criminals steal cars. At the same time in the very article, he rationalizes the criminal's behavior. Never did I or the article say anything about if the police are in fact going after the criminals so not sure why that keeps getting brought up. Anyway, I stand by what I originally said, the mayor is an idiot for suing the car makers...it makes no sense.
  10. Oh, I didn't take it that way I guess. I took it as money was being spent on going after the car makers versus using that money to go after the criminals...aka, to help the victims. Who knows...guess we will see what he meant if he responds.
  11. Who brought up R or D? I couldn't care less about that...what he is doing is absolutely stupid and backward thinking.
  12. He didn't say the car companies were the victims...the people who got their cars stolen are the victims!! You know the ones who should have justice.
  13. You are right...it was a "strategic choice"...and I think it is completely asinine and quite frankly backwards and wrong thinking. Also, I wouldn't compare it to DeSantis and Disney as DeSantis isn't blaming a corporation for crimes committed by criminals who have no relationship with Disney. I still would like to see where you claim he isn't letting criminals off the hook. Heck, read the article...or any article on the subject, he rationalizes the criminals behavior...and he doesn't even call them criminals.
  14. Mayor Brandon Johnson. “The failure of Kia and Hyundai to install basic auto-theft prevention technology in these models is sheer negligence, and as a result, a citywide and nationwide crime spree around automobile theft has been unfolding right before our eyes.” Can you show me anywhere he is blaming the actual people stealing the cars?
  15. I can't even believe this...he blamed Kia for cars being stolen...that's right...didn't blame the criminals, but rather it is the automakers fault. Truly bizzarro world out there...yikes! City of Chicago :: City Of Chicago Files Suit Against Automakers Kia And Hyundai
  16. Because it's hilarious to me that you constantly say those two things in your posts...almost like you are trying to insult people or something? And you still haven't even said what the heck either one of those things mean??
  17. LOL...you assume I actually care enough if you to get canceled or not...but keep being you Ban!
  18. Again, you are trying to make what I wrote mean something other than what it actually says. I was not defending Alex Jones and was not inferring he isn't actually a bad guy. I have no freaking clue. Once again, just because YOU said so, doesn't mean I am going to just take your word for it. That doesn't mean anything, or infer anything, other than I am not going to take the word of a partisan hack on a message board. Here maybe this will help...if I am at work and I have to go work with someone I haven't met on a new project, and someone tells me the person is an A-hole, I don't instantly think that person is an A-hole...I find that out myself. Get it now?? So no need to spin the words I write into some weird narrative to find the boogey man in everything.
  19. Hey Bob...anyway we can get a count of how many times "Tattletale News" and "30 percenters" is used??
  20. It is hilarious that people bury their heads in the sand in regards to what is happening in the real world. How and why someone would argue that there isn't a employee shortage, especially in certain industries, is mind boggling. And then tries to blame the company, or person trying to do the hiring. But than again it is probably the same people that blame big bad corporate America and that evil capitalism...which ironically they participate in every day and probably make a damn good living doing so...but down to big corp and down with capitalism! I truly feel sorry for those in the trades...I have a lot of friends and relatives in the trades and they can't find people...and yes they pay very well!!
  21. So sorry...not everyone sits in front of the tv all day soaking in whatever BS the MSM is trying to shove down your throat and paint whomever they disagree with as the worst possible human being. Alex Jones may in fact be an absolute terrible human being...doesn't mean I am going to believe what some anonymous slanted partisan internet tough guy says on an internet forum. Fine...you hate Alex Jones...other people don't know who the hell he is, or heard him speak...how and why does that piss you off?? If he is a terrible person and justice was served yay! Does that make you feel all warm and fuzzy now?? And I also usually don't listen to people who find the boogie man in everything and every topic. Because Wille said "that sandy hook thing" do you honestly think he doesn't care that kids and innocent people lost their lives?? Dude...grow up.
  22. What do people think about this situation? Michael Oher, depicted in 'The Blind Side,' alleges he was never adopted by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, but signed into a conservatorship | CNN Sort of sad as it sounds like Oher is going to sue the family; however, I read reports that the family didn't hardly make any money off of the movie.
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