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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Why would a flood gate/boarder wall gate need to be welded OPEN in the first place?? Let's try and answer that question with any sort of logical answer.
  2. What is concerning is the joy some take when one side or the other is in shambles/messes up/does something stupid/etc...best analogy I heard of our government is the US is a bird and the R's are one wing and the D's are the other and thus hoping one side fails or screws up is hoping the US falls to the ground. It really sucks that the House is in shambles and McCarthy got ousted...not because I am an R, but rather it means our government once again sucks. I typically agree with one side;s policies, but also agree with the other sides at times too,...however, both sides do the same thing in terms of "bad" things. Overall, get rid of the R and D, have term limits, and equal amounts of $$ and air time (can only talk about their policy ideas) to campaign on.
  3. I'm sure this is where him and I would diverge (like probably every other topic there is)...I am not a lenient person for criminals...especially repeat offenders.
  4. I can't even imagine the horror for the little girl and her family. So glad they found her alive!
  5. So doing something that is a civil offence isn't "illegal"?? What the?!?
  6. Yep...I am a dick...to YOU! I give what I get...idiot
  7. An easier solution would be to have no border...just let everyone in...doesn't matter where they are from or the type of person they are. We don't need boarders...they are racist and it is racist not to let every single person come into our country no matter what their intentions are. Heck I say get rid of all state boarders too, what is the point other than to segregate and divide people. While we are at it, let's just get rid of property boarders...all land is everyone's land....all houses are everyone's houses. All those terrorist are welcome anytime. MS-13 gang members, come on over...we'll cookout! It is such a simple solution....let's elect someone who will do this...oh wait.... Oh sorry...I didn't bold anything...
  8. LOL...one of the better Holier Than Thow post in a long time...especially coming from someone who calls people "dicks" on the reg.
  9. OMG...you said "catch phrases"....I heard a MSM dolt say that so you must watch that person every day and support them... Sounds pretty stupid Plasi doesn't it? And of all the people you could align to, you pick dum dum Ban?? Come on...we all know you are better than that...
  10. Ahhh....good ole hypocrisy in full display in this thread...first off are the people who have consistently said they are against the government bailing out big corp, but yet now are touting when that in fact happened (i.e., the car manufacturers getting bailed out)...then they are all for the union workers, yet vote for and support candidates that are going to drastically impact those same union workers in a very negative way. Can't make this stuff up...
  11. What the hell are you two dips@#$'s even talking about. Who or what the hell is "HUD McVeigh Hannity"? If you are referring to Hannity the guy on Fox News...well hate to burst your bubble but I haven't ever watched one of his shows. Nor have I read any article about him or his show. But keep on with your projecting...and sucklin on the MSM's teet.
  12. Everything you need to know about Ban right here....LOL..."the CNN article showed me".... You can't make this stuff up!
  13. How do you know you lost a debate....you change the subject...claim somebody is something they aren't...and make false allegations that they like a certain politician when they have consistently expressed their opinion of said politician. Sorry your undies got in a bunch Plasi...go put your mask on, get your 15th jab, and stay away from people so you are safe.
  14. Hey sexist dum dum...so does the Mayo Clinic disagree with the CDC than??? And what is your fascination with the mayo clinic?? Oh wait...I speaking to ban who just repeats stupid crap over and over, not to contribute to the conversation but just to be an annoying A-hole!
  15. Do you want me to give you my relatives phone number so you can speak to them yourself? My narrative on everything is trying to find the truth...I don't just accept what the MSM tries to shove down peoples thoats...I go to direct resources...like the CDC...and listen to all different sides and opinions...funny part about COVID is the data is pretty clear and has been from the very beginning, but people have twisted it and manipulated it for all the wrong reasons. Which includes the narrative that "the virus is spread from everyone to everyone so it is a problem for everyone to solve."...the problem to solve is if you are afraid, then take all the precautions...instead of let's lock down the vast majority to hypothetically to stop the spread of the virus. Again, if you wear a mask, are vaccinated, and stay away from people, why do you, or anyone else care what the heck I am doing?? Still didn't answer my question about number of pure Covid deaths. Also didn't answer my question about what the CDC says in defining deaths of Covid versus the flu??
  16. Oh but they were/are counted differently Plasi. If you have Cancer and are essentially waiting to die from the cancer and then actually die and test positive for the flu, did they count that as you died from the flu? If you were in a car accident and died but tested positive for the flu did you die from the flu? Two examples of personal close experiences of what happened during Covid...both those cases the person that died was tested for Covid and it was in the record of death as Covid plus the other things that actually killed the person. Just read the freaking CDC website on how they count deaths as Covid deaths and then read how they count flu deaths...VERY different. To this day NO ONE can show me where it is recorded that someone died JUST from Covid....why....because it is all lumped in with all the other Covid "deaths". And before you get all emotional on me, yes all deaths are tragic...that is not the point....the point is the number of deaths were inflated for political reasons and to cause mass hysteria...why??? Don't really know other than one can only guess that it was done because people hated Trump....which is so freaking stupid! Bottom line, if you are in the age group that is adversely affected by Covid, by all means mask up, get jabbed 15 times, and stay away from people if that makes you feel safe. Even if you aren't in the age group and are afraid, again by all means mask up, get jabbed 15 times and stay away from people......but don't force that on me or my kids, or the VAST majority of the population.
  17. Ugh...come on Plasi...if it was so bad that "over a million died" wouldn't you want to take any sort of drug available??? Why aren't more millions dying mow?? Why aren't we all wearing masks?? You know it's because we counted Covid WAY different then any other virus...but people that want it to be political and are all for the lock downs don't want to "follow the science" when it comes to that. Bottom line is Covid became political and people lost their freaking mind! Both sides contributed but yet one sides still sticks to their stupid stance that masking and social distancing is the answer...I'll use your "logic", so those things worked but over a million people died?? Nope!
  18. Once again..."hey, this virus is bad to a specific demographic of people...and a comparatively a small percentage of the population, so let's mask our kids, shut down our schools, cancel once in a lifetime events, close businesses, don't let people say goodby to dying love ones, etc"....yep, that is the bass ackward way some of you think. Where was/is "trust the science"??
  19. Once again are you showing everyone how dumb you are for trying to make a correlation here, but also showing how big of an a-hole you are for using someone's cancer diagnosis as a way to try and "get back at them"....for doing what was the right thing to do...seriously....just cancel yourself!! F'ing idiot!!
  20. And it just goes to show you that people pick and choose what "science" they follow. But hey, let's mask those kids again!!
  21. Weird...Ban once again ruined a thread and made it all about himself...sigh...
  22. You are sexist. And as I thought...you can't even answer my questions. Once again you provide absolutely zero substance to any thread other than to be an a$$hole.
  23. "Ma'am"?? How do you know what my pronoun is all tolerant one...showing your sexism are we? Curious why you think calling me ma'am is somehow an insult?? And what the heck are you even arguing about on this thread? Other than to purely argue? You have zero substance to anything you are saying other than to say "No it isn't" to every piece of evidence people have shown on here. And then you try and once again fall back on this stupid thing of "Show me where social media is contributing to gender dysphoria" and "That is what I meant all along". you keep trying to play devils advocate to semantics and it's stupid. Answer these simple question....do you think minors should have elective gender altering surgery? Do you think minors should take castration drugs? Simple yes or no questions. And finally...based on the evidence...do you agree that both of these things have had happened to minors??
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