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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. I don't think anyone has "oversimplified" anything...pretty much everyone's take is it is super complicated and not sure how to feel. Other than the local narcisist trying to make it all about himself, people are not sure what to think. My opinion, it is just sad that in today's world there is a point where someone purposely bombs and kills innocent people...over what I can only imagine is politics/religion. And not knowing the history of the Palestinians and Israel, I can only imagine that if Iran is supporting the Palestinians than it isn't good.
  2. What's everyone's take on this? First thing I'll say is it is absolutely horrible. But as much as I try to understand the Gaza strip I still don't understand the hate. And I hope the US stays out of it.
  3. Man this gets old...please provide any evidence of a book being "banned". Can't wait to see how people twist the definition of "banned" again. By the way...who starts a thread like this??
  4. The irony of hillary claiming anyone needs to be deprogrammed is not lost. And the spin people are trying to put on it as well as attacking where it is being reported is hilarious. By the way, doesn't matter which site reports it when all you have to do is watch the clip of her actually saying the very words. SMH
  5. I noticed that too...wonder how long it last
  6. Wait for the spin people try to put on this...LOL
  7. Is the new wall going to be called Biden's Border Wall?
  8. Wow...awesome pictures! My brother who was in the Navy for 27 years, said Singapore was one of his very favorite places to visit in the world...for how beautiful it is and for all the things it offers for a 20 something year old...wink wink...lol
  9. That was my take after reading the article. However, I would like to visit Singapore someday...heard it is beautiful.
  10. Will Biden be called a racist now because he wants to build a wall?
  11. What does everyone think of this....cost starts at $76,000 just for the right to own a car in Singapore? Singapore: In this expensive city, the right to own a car costs $76,000. And that doesn't include the car | CNN Business
  12. This sorta of sounds good on paper until you really think about it...where does income-based pricing of things stop? Should the cost of goods be income based as well...i.e., a car for Gates should cost $1.4 billion? How about his groceries? etc. That is why it isn't a good idea to base things on cost. Here is a better idea...just don't break laws...and if you do, you pay the price (jail and/or $$). If someone has more money than another person that is a whole separate issue...which I have no problem with.
  13. Funny who is posting facts and who is just trying to nitpick and attack words....LOL
  14. Imagine if politicians actually cared about getting things done and done in a timely/efficient/costly manner instead of showing each other up, all for the vote
  15. I don't think keeping people angry has anything to do with it. There is nothing wrong with people being concerned about high crime, no matter how it is in relation to the past. No one can say that the areas people are talking about has low crime rate; thus, the need for conversation is definitely okay. Deflecting by saying, well it is lower than a previous time in history does nothing other than to deflect and/or argue with people. If you don't think there is a problem in the areas in question, you may in fact be part of the problem. Again, what are the things each of these areas have in common?
  16. but hate tastes better when it's sugarcoated
  17. I think the argument is that yes the gates may have been open in other presidency's, however, in this presidency the gates have been "welded open", not just opened for the monsoon season...at least that is how I took what people are saying...especially since he specifically used the word "welded" when discussing it.
  18. My take on the article....the gates were put in for flooding reasons and are part of a boarder wall. The gates themselves have been opened in other presidencies for flooding reasons. Illegals cross through the gates when they are open. There is no mention of if they are in fact welded open during this presidency. Overall the "fact check" was really weak and not a lot of substance in terms of what is being argued here...other than yes they are flood gates on the boarder wall and they have been open before and illegals do cross through them when open.
  19. If people agree that crime in some areas has gotten out of control, if it isn't because of certain policies and certain DA's, what is the cause, or causes? Are there any correlations between the different area's that can be made? If there is, why do people discount them so quickly...if you want crime to go down why wouldn't you be open to any and all solutions and ideas??
  20. I think 95.98% of people agree with the basic principles around this issue. It gets bogged down from the minutia, the overdramatized media, and the inference by people in terms of what people actually intend with their opinion...ex., saying you disagree with a parent giving their kid hormone blockers doesn't mean you hate trans people, or people having an opinion of trans women should not compete against biological women in sport doesn't mean you are transphobe and are a hateful person.
  21. I kind of agree with what you are saying Bob...but the flip side holds true as well...why are people making this a HUGE issue and headlines lately? Why bring up the very small instances of the extreme bad things that happen to trans people? Why do people make it a HUGE issue for the politicians to address these very rare instances? Why are their commercials about these things?? Why do we have parades? The point is that no matter what side of the issue you are on, it is always blown way out of proportion in order to make a point, and then people on the opposite sides sit back and point fingers. Here is a fix...leave kids alone in terms of surgery or drugs and make sure they have the proper mental health care they need. Have a bathroom for males and one for females (biologically assigned sex) and than a single stall all sex bathroom with a lock on the door. Let ADULTS do whatever the heck they want to their body, call themselves whatever they want to call themselves, marry and sleep with whomever they want to sleep with...and just leave each other alone. Oh yeah, for sports, you either participate based on the biological assigned sex at birth, or in a trans group...if their isn't a trans group, a trans person can be a leader and create one (get funding, participants, run the league, etc.).
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