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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Agree with what Rasta posted...but there are others on here not saying this, they are defending Hamas and making excuses for them.
  2. Yep...and people would hate him if he never did anything wrong and cured cancer. And I would love to see where anyone is blaming the victim
  3. Yes. And if you know more and have concrete evidence that Jordan did in fact know something, and purposely didn't say anything, then do share. And if you do, and no one else in the world does since he has never been sued/charged/fired/not allowed to be elected to the Senate, etc for this. Otherwise, you, just like me, have no clue as to what truly happened. And thus go on hating Jordan...like I said, I truly don't care....I haven't followed his political stuff closely enough to hate, or not hate him. I read a comment from one of the wrestlers which said: “None of us used the words ‘sexual abuse’ when we talked about what Doc Strauss was doing to us, we just knew it was weird and Jimmy knew about it because we talked about it all the time in the locker room, at practices, everywhere.” Extrapolating out the context and how it may have been talked about, this is probably what logically happened (I would love to have heard this comment in full context and there be more specifics honestly). In the context of things, and during that time in our society, we could, and people are, playing armchair quarterback with it. Why didn't all this come out BEFORE Jordan took office, or even when he was running? Hmmmm??? I am NOT blaming the victims, I am blaming our society for attacking people, well after the fact, due to obvious political reasons.
  4. I was referring to the word "banned"...as people like to use that word to illicit an emotional response for not agreeing that certain age kids shouldn't be exposed to certain books and thus those books are removed from the schools in which those kids would have access to them. That is not "banning" books. They know it isn't that, but yet use that word. If books were truly banned, and what I don't agree with, no one would have access to them.
  5. My opinion, and how I have raised my son, the internet isn't necessarily all bad, since it can be a great source for information. What I taught my son is to critically think for yourself and don't trust one source of information. And to look for the bits of truth in different sources and to bring those together to help form your OWN thoughts on a subject. As for social media (FB, Twit, etc.) those are usually cesspools and to tread lightly.
  6. Are you being obtuse? Yes...yes you are...you know what word.
  7. Man...okay Rasta...take it how you will...can't explain my point any further for you to understand...you don't understand it and won't...I am not mad...I am not saying the things you think I am saying....and you will continue to hate Jordan...go for it...I truly don't care.
  8. Yay...who doesn't love changing meaning of words to fit a narrative....so fun!!!
  9. Go ahead Plasi....it's obviously fair game for people to give their opinions on the matter.
  10. No...I am not saying any of what you are implying....once again you are making my point...most people on this BBS have no clue... If you do...you are a relative...you know more than most...I respect that...most people are not even remotely close to being in that boat yet have opinions like butt holes
  11. So my guess is that about 80% of the US stands with Israel...man, the US must be a terrible nation for doing so according to some of you...aka Israel deserves their innocent people getting murdered. Again, I would like people to actually answer the question...would you rather have Israel or Humas governing the people over there?? Simple question... Or how about this...do people believe Humas is a terrorist organization?
  12. This is exactly my point...we...me included...do this all the time...you read an article that says the victim (who I have all the sympathy in the world for) said Jim Jordan knew...what I typically do in these situations is try and use deductive reasoning asking myself did Jordan truly know (based on Jordan's comments) or did the victim assume Jordan knew? That is all. I am NOT saying I believe Jordan and don't believe the victim...I'm saying people are going to choose who they believe based off of politics...that is sad. Maybe Jordan did know and he is a POS if he in fact never said anything and it kept happening because he didn't say anything...but based on what is being "reported" and different parties comments on the situation, I'm not sure. And this has nothing to do with whether I agree with him politically or not. Jim Jordan could have not know, have the best policies ever to come out of the senate, cure cancer, and people would hate him.
  13. Exactly...people make up a narrative in their mind based on politics. No one on here has a freaking clue what actually happened and even if presented with evidence that Jordan did or didn't say something people wouldn't believe it because he is a deplorable R. SMH....
  14. Your mom sounds like my dad! Things he has zero experience with, coaching, wrestling, football, my job, etc. he has no problem lecturing me about them ALL THE TIME!! LOL
  15. Couldn't agree more!! Run into the same thing all the time in my profession.
  16. While I agree with your sentiment @nhs67, people in a certain field can in fact be terrible in that field and have completely asinine views. Everyone has an opinion, and everyone has an a@#hole, and sometimes they both stink. I am neither directing nor not directing that comment to anyone on this thread.
  17. Right here is the problem...so technically this may be true, but you are focusing on Israel and not what Humas is and always have been about as NOT war crimes?? SMH War is always terrible and both sides end up being at fault in one way or another, but to defend Humas for what they stand for and what they do everyday, and put all the blame on Israel is absolutely despicable.
  18. Man...some of you make my head and heart hurt based on your take of things....let me ask this simple question, who would you want in control over there...Israel, or Humas??
  19. You better be careful Plasi...you are starting to sound like one of those deplorables
  20. I don't think anyone on here condones anything that is happening over there...the only one condoning anything is you!! War sucks! War is sad! But for God's sake please stop crying and spewing this b.s. and that Israel deserves it. The innocent people in Israel don't deserve it nor do those in the Gaza strip!!
  21. Ironically, I wasn't directing my point solely at you nor calling YOU the narcissist (maybe I should have) so quit getting your undies in a bunch...again...if I had directed it at you I would have quoted you directly, like I just did. And how in the hell did I make this about me? Anyway, this is about innocent people getting bombed and killed...period. And your point isn't lost on what social media is saying as that cesspool of crap does it about every single topic...these BBS included. Reason number 63456 why I don't twitter and never read any "news" or the comments on FB.
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