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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. To tie it back to the other thread I believe you started about being "extreme"...that was an extreme statement.
  2. You need to get out more ban. I'll lose no sleep if Trump ends up convicted of any of the crimes he is being charged with, but you have to check your selective outrage to make a statement like that...yikes!
  3. Seriously @Le duke? Are you just being lazy, or purposefully obtuse? Funny thing is, I didn't get my undies in a bunch when she kept saying it and I didn't when Trump did it and does it. Being a sore looser is a real thing folks
  4. You can't be serious...start at the top of the page and read down Ban And your link...Yikes...there are all kinds of things wrong with that article
  5. Oh crap...I didn't know about the 10 minute thing...after I day and I reread and it's messed up, I just throw my hands up and say oh well and never tried to edit at that point. If I notice it right away, I usually correct it. But good to know about the 10 minute thing!
  6. Just have to shake my head...wow By the way...still waiting to hear how teachers were "attacked" in this thread...
  7. Anyone have a good recipe for a smoked turkey breast? I really want to do one and the last one I did was meh...nothing special.
  8. Wasn't written the clearest. Funny when I go back and read some things I've written I'm like...were you drunk when you wrote that?? But I wasn't, I'm just a terrible writer/typer sometimes!
  9. Agreed!! I sort of thought that would have "just been known" to not do. This is a silly internet forum to discuss different opinions and have some back and forth, it is not meant to make personal attacks on significant others or kids. "Attack" me all someone wants, but it's stepping way over a very big line when it is my kid.
  10. Mr. "I am above everyone else and calls for people to respectful and not so divisive" strikes again! LOL Stay classy GWN! And quit PM'ing me!
  11. Huh....guess I haven't seen that part of him yet...then again it's not like I follow him. I have seen several of his clips and talks at his shows/debates and always thought he was logical. I haven't seen what he said about Covid that Husker posted as I don't go on Twitter or whatever it's called. As for the lies, I guess I don't get my undies in a bunch over people saying that...if I did I would have to get my undies in a bunch after almost every election, including the senate and the house elections...seems someone is always saying that it wasn't fair and they don't believe the results. And as for Trump...for the thousands time, he is an idiot and I don't like him, but he is just louder than most of the people claiming the election was rigged/stolen, including the person he beat to become president. And there are A LOT of people with TDS! So it is much bigger because of that. Just my insignificant opinion.
  12. Seriously...this is your response?? WOW! First off...you are worried about "ill-informed political beliefs"?? Who determines that?? You?? Then you criticize kids and call them "shitheads" and "illiterate"?? I'm glad you aren't teaching my kid...he would make you feel real stupid really quick. My kid has been and will continue to be taught to think for himself and not be manipulated by people like you who call them names because they have a brain and think for themselves. You think it is okay to insert your ill-informed political believes in the education of everyone, but if a parent pushes back on it....they are bad and "terorrists" ?? SMH.... Stay away from my kid idiot!!!
  13. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing.... Any "evidence" or information on Trump HAS to be true and proof he is guilty. Any "evidence" or information on Biden(s) is just rumor and hearsay. Like I say, you can't make this stuff up. Funny part is that the people that do this are the same ones that then preach about Bidem(s), "Well they are innocent until proven guilty. I'll let justice play out."...LOL
  14. How in the world can someone be upset, or offended, or whatever, that a parent wants a say in their child's education??? @Ban Basketball you literally just tried to bash parents for wanting to be involved in the child's life, including their education. I have to ask, are you a parent?? My guess is no. I am sorry, this is what we need more of,... parents being involved in the kids life's including their education!!! You have to be seriously deranged to think a parent shouldn't be!! Even more deranged to label parents as "domestic terrorists" or call them "poor little uninformed parents"!! SMH....
  15. Not to change the subject, but what is so bad about Charlie Kirk...people, usually from the left, attack him as if he is some kind of white supremist, when any time I have listened to him he uses logic and facts and data...also to me he comes off as very inclusive in his believes. Anyone, care to share why you or others think he is so "extreme"?
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