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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Yeah....should have worded the title better and said "Political Separated at Birth"...it is officially a flop, especially since Ban posted on here...which tends to happen on every single thread he posts on
  2. Okay..."cis" isn't a pronoun...LOL, but what the heck is a "pro-birther"? By the way, I have never seen a beat down like this in a long time....oh wait, that happens in every thread Ban responds to...LOL
  3. Great comeback ...anywho, I personally couldn't care less what an adult does to their body, who they sleep with, how they identify themselves, etc.; however, in the subject of children, you'd have to be out of your freaking mind to take a child and alter/remove their sexual organs, or give them drugs to change their natural sexual development hormones...absolutely disgusting for people to defend doing this to kids. These are KIDS!!! How can people not get that?!?!
  4. Guess not everyone knows how the separated at birth thread works....oh well...he's the forums "special" poster.
  5. Sorry ionel, but it's "thirty perntenters" WOWZA...everything okay at home??
  6. Amazing backpedaling demonstration...and then tries to change what he asked...LOL
  7. Pretty sure we are doing ok with who we have at 97kg
  8. Unfortunately I agree with Jimmy
  9. First off dum dum, you won't and will never be able to tell me how to do a freaking thing...you are an idiot and anyone who listens to you and takes advice from you would be out of their freaking mind. I truly feel sorry for any child you may have had as a student. I can only hope your online persona is an act; however, based on your arrogance and narcissistic behavior, pretty sure you are probably like this in real life too...God help those kids!! 99% of the time I don't take this forum very seriously, but the one thing that is serious is that you are disease to this forum. You make every topic about yourself. You get into arguments with pretty much every single person on here and you then try and play the victim. Do us all a favor and actually stand by your words for once and cancel yourself already...this forum will be a much better place without you!
  10. Perfect example of an egotistical narcissistic POS...first hijacked this cool thread about wrestling to make it about themselves, and then even tries to say he was well liked by a whole state. Delusional idiot at its finest.
  11. LOL....you continue to demonstrate how and why you should NOT be a teacher. It is teachers like you that give them a bad name telling parents to stay out of their schooling and having a say in how they are educated...once again get over your narcissistic self. You did get one thing right in your post...you are in fact a fool.
  12. I'm sure Minnesota would be more than happy to not have you associated with them
  13. Did they refute it really, or is that just what the headline reads??
  14. Dennis Hall v Brandon Paulson Matters of the heart / Hall stops Paulson in 3-OT epic to grab Greco-Roman spot (sfgate.com) Fun Fact...I wrestled Brandon Paulson in 8th grade to qualify for nationals...was not a very long match and did not end well for me...LOL
  15. So much wrong here...first off...I never used the word cancel...I used YOUR word, "BANNED"! You can't show me where anything is "banned"...my guess you are using this word in a way that fits your narrative. Second..."stay in my lane"?? About what my kid gets taught in schools? My opinion on what other kids should be taught in school? Hey dum dum...that is the very definition of MY LANE!! Because you have 28 years of teaching convicts and dropouts you think that you are the only person who should have a say in what my kid, or any kid gets taught in school?? Once again your true narcissistic behavior comes shining through. Keep on keeping on Ban...
  16. Man...you are dense...clearly you don't know how a back and forth works....please explain to me, and provide evidence, where what I wrote is wrong. Since there is a "CARLOAD" this should be easy for you to refute what I said is happening. Books are NOT being banned...removed from elementary school libraries that aren't age appropriate for them to read/see...YES! Teachers are NOT getting fired for saying gay...is curriculum being changed to make sure things are age appropriate for those who are ready to learn things about sexuality/gender/etc....YES! Books are NOT being banned from adults...are books being removed that aren't age appropriate at certain libraries where kids not age appropriate have access to them...YES!!
  17. LOL...as expected. I have tried to look this up so many freaking times only to not be able to find any sort of concrete facts surrounding this. All I find are news articles spewing "analysis" and "opinions" rather than providing any concrete undisputed facts about policy indicating anything is being banned. Here is what happens which you and your ilk fall for...the headline reads "Florida bans LGBTQ+ from being taught in schools", "Teachers Can't Say Gay in School", etc., you scream "BOOKS ARE BEING BANNED!!" But when you read up on what has actually happened, it is far from what the headlines read or what the articles contain. Rather policy has been put into place which details out what age people feel is appropriate for KIDS to learn about such topics. Those policies are generated based off of multiple different points of views, parent's thoughts, "experts", etc. Yet a certain group of people don't want to address that fact. And specifically around the topic of books that were asked to be removed from elementary school libraries, if one actually looks at what is inside those books it makes perfect sense why they would be removed from elementary school libraries. Yet the narrative is set to appease stupid people to villainize certain political opponents and get the stupid sheep to follow suit. You know what would be a more appropriate argument, how about a discussion around what age group should kids learn about people's sexual preference? Or gender identity? Or be exposed to sexually explicit material? And who should expose kids to those things (parents or teachers or other)? My argument on the topic, as a parent, I ABSOLUTELY should have a say in that (NOT some "teacher" with an over-inflated sense of self and "intelligence"...aka. YOU Ban!). And those things should first be taught by me the parent and then not in schools until after puberty 15/16'ish (would be okay with 13/14ish though).
  18. AGAIN....show us what has been "banned" and what books have been "banned", not what you make up in your mind, or spew some other stupid MSM talking point, but actual policy that says "XYZ subject is to not be taught in schools", or "XYZ book should be banned from anyone reading it"...I'll wait for the typical idiotic statements people spew when they can't prove the dumb things they write or say... Not to mention, I assume you teach this fallacy of books being banned in your "classroom"/prison setting/community room at the local library where you hold "class"
  19. Classic Ban...keep on keeping on living in that weird world of yours
  20. You apparently are in a "classroom" and don't know what is going on...
  21. From the article YOU linked (not to mention the countless other articles and interviews he has done that say the song was in regards to ALL politicians on both sides): Anthony, though, was critical in the video toward both sides of the political spectrum and said his ballad “has nothing to do” with Democratic President Joe Biden. Do you purposely just read the parts you want to read and skip over those that don't fit your idiotic narrative...and you still haven't even answered my question...when it came out why did you choose not to listen to it??? Who fell for what hook line and sinker you 30 percenter??
  22. Hey dum dum...he is talking about ALL politicians. Reading comprehension is hard....
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