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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. I thought I saw somewhere that the CEO drove one and essentially admitted the new electric ford truck isn't very end user friendly other than for short trips here and there. It was completely inconvenient to charge it while on a trip longer than a couple hundred miles.
  2. Based on his overinflated view of himself, I'd definitely say PhD! I worked 11 years with PhD's in the drug development field and some of them were the dumbest smart people I have ever met.
  3. You know what I would love to see...just once...is Ban somehow back up anything he claims about the mythical Tattletale News shows being wrong. If, and that is a big IF, he has ever done research, I'd like to see any data what so ever to back up any of the ridiculous claims he has made on here...everything from policies around criminals to his whackadoodle Covid claims of how the Mayo Clinic is home to the worlds greatest and most smartest "experts" and doctors and just because he lived close to there, he himself is the worlds greatest and most smartest person on all topics health related.
  4. ?? What the heck are you even talking about?? What is over the line?? Him PURPOSELY calling people the wrong pronoun to try and insult them, or me calling him out for doing so? And how the heck did you twist that into I am trying to get people to reveal their gender on here?? SMH Just like Ban, sure would like to know what the heck is going on in that little brain of yours and how the heck do you two make up half the crap you spew on here. Hmmm...ever wonder why the two of you are almost always arguing with every single other person on here? Including those that appear to have similar believes as yourself. Sometimes when you think everyone else is the problem, here is a hint, it may be you.
  5. The last 2.5 pages of posts has been some of the craziest things I have read in a long time...wow! I'd be curious to know who in the heck Ban actually "educates". Please say it isn't kids!!
  6. What shoe and who is to wear it?? Come on man...let us in. What in the heck are you even talking about. And I'll challenge you any freaking day to see who is the bigot. Never on here have I ever disparaged someone for their life choices, or a group of people. You do it every day!
  7. Internet gold coming from you! By the way, why do you refer to people on here...who are clearly males, as females?? Or use female pronouns? Is that meant as an insult them in some way? Or is it just you being a hypocrite once again, and going against the inclusive little woke progressive you claim to be??
  8. Only you could take a lot of viewership as a way to bash something and a group of people. And then tied viewership to something called "Tattletale News"...and won't even tell us what that even means. You never did say why you called people who watched the video bigots...PLEASE explain what the heck is going on in that crazy little brain of yours.
  9. Agreed! And to the level of using what one reads to make decisions for themselves. I always felt that it doesn't take anything away from a doctor, or "expert" if you take your own health decisions into your own hands. My long-time doctor LOVED it when her patients did that as she always said patients should have a huge say in their health and treatments. People also forget that a lot of these "experts" in regard to Covid were providing their RECOMMENDATIONS based on the most conservative approach possible (didn't look at things from all aspects of society), it was the politicians (who are NOT doctors or experts) who set the mandates and shutdowns. And most of those mandates were completely illogical, did nothing, didn't take the "science"/data into consideration, and took so many opportunities away from people. Effects that we still feel today.
  10. You are probably right! And not sure how it is being tied to being a bigot by some on here...pretty much nothing in the lyrics is remotely bigoted or controversial.
  11. I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day / Overtime hours for bullshit pay / So I can sit out here and waste my life away / Drag back home and drown my troubles away. Pre-Chorus: It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to / For people like me and people like you / Wish I could just wake up and it not be true / But it is, oh, it is. Chorus: Livin' in the new world / With an old soul / These rich men north of Richmond / Lord knows they all just wanna have total control / Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do / And they don't think you know, but I know that you do / 'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end / 'Cause of rich men north of Richmond. Pretty basic and raw...can feel the emotion when he sings it.
  12. It's actually a good song...I like due to the pure raw form of it. Just a dude and his guitar singing about how he feels about the state of the US right now. Nothing purer than that. And there is a reason it is No. 1 on the charts...it resides with a large group of people.
  13. LOL...do you actually believe some of the ridiculous stuff you post??
  14. Wow...true tolerant person you are. Already disparaging it and calling people that listen to it bigots, and HAVEN'T even heard it...yikes. Keep on keeping on Ban. See you are putting all those "degrees" you claim to have to good use.
  15. Hey Ban...do you know what self-awareness is??
  16. Never heard "tattletale" news used so often and then that person calls other people "stupid"...and claims to be a teacher...and tells other people their kids aren't teachers??? You can't make this stuff up...
  17. Led Zepplin Fleetwood Mac Pearl Jam George Straight Metalica/Motley Crue Not a "band" but my favorite right now and who I think is an amazing singer and would love to see play in a small venue...Luke Combs
  18. I like this version of GWN. Anyway, I never said exclude anyone. I merrily stated a scientific fact in response to Ban's posts and comments he made trying to lecture people. People that personally know me I am a very inclusive person and I'll call you whatever you want to be called and it is no skin off my back. Do I agree someone is a cat if they believe they are a cat...no, but I'll call them a cat if they would like me to. Same if a biological man wants to be called a woman, then I'll call him a woman. Does that mean he can change in front of biological females or play sports against them, no I DO NOT agree with that. Not because I don't want them to be included, but rather it is just wrong. Unfortunately right now we don't have sports that are transgender only...does that suck, yes, but life isn't fair. Does that make me un-inclusive, or transphobic, absolutely not. And if someone claims I am, well that is on them, and they are closed minded idiots who think the rest of the world needs to think exactly like they do.
  19. LOL...once again, Ban using how shitty of an athlete he is to say it's okay for biological men to compete against women. By the way the argument of "there's only 100 of them" is asinine!! It takes ONE to beat hundreds and thousands of females...THAT is the problem!! It's not hard if you get out of your own way and take off the "if you don't support it you must hate LGBTQ+ glasses" the extreme shoves down your throat. A And spare us the feeble lecture attempt of "there is a difference between sex and gender". You are born a biological male or a biological female...period...this isn't a scientific hypothesis, it is a scientific FACT! And spare us the genetic abnormalities of people born with both sex organs or no sex organs argument.
  20. So he was guilty even though he was found not guilty?? I'm confused. This whole thread is confusing...Trump is the most criminal person ever known to man yet hasn't truly been convicted of a crime yet? And even more confusing is how people make things up as to what people say even though what they posted doesn't say any of those things. People are really good at that on here. I have a question, if Trump was a "nice" guy and spoke in a polished manner, but still felt like there was enough fraud in the election that he felt ithat he was actually re-elected and said and did everything he has done in a nice, professional, curious, inquisitive way, would he have been indicted?? Discuss....
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