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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Hey dip@#$ you going to comment on all the lefties that blasted this song and said it was far-right white trash?? Were they getting led down a dead end too? What percentage are they? And you even admit you haven't even listened to the song. Why didn't you listen to it?? Because YOU thought it was a far-right white trash song?!? Man, not only are you a narcissist, but an idiot as well. But hey, keep tooting your own horn...LOL
  2. Seriously...you do realize how delusional you sound when you accuse people of things when YOU are the one that does them?!?!
  3. And point proven....a narcissist somehow thinks it is about him...
  4. Ahhhh...the lecturer of decorum shows his hypocrisy once again.....back up on your hypocritical high horse GWN....LOL
  5. So people are talking about X and GWN follows it with Putin praises his actions and he extrapolates that to mean Putin is praising his actions in regard to X...amazing the lengths people will go to to try and twist crap to fit a narrative in their head. SMH
  6. You seriously didn't have a straight face when you wrote this did you based on the things you right (yes that was on purpose). I laughed at it through the lens that you were maybe trying to be funny based on your own grammar and spelling....you probably didn't mean it as an ironic joke...but I am going to take it that way anyway.
  7. I can't even contain myself I am so mad!!
  8. There he is again...the resident narcist whackadoodle...keep on keeping on Ban
  9. Really...guess I don't see it. It isn't the first leading article every single day on certain websites (Like CNN and Trump for the last 4 years). Barely even a mention of it really except for a couple days ago. Maybe you are viewing different sites than I am (Fox and CNN)? By the way, 9/11 shouldn't be about R v D anyway.
  10. I don't think they should. And I will just say if this was Trump who did this, half of the USA and the MSM would be losing their freaking mind right now...and it has nothing to do with Trump but more to do with peoples blatant and idiotic hypocrisy.
  11. Impeach Trump = Good Impeach Biden = Bad R v D at it's best.
  12. Dude...you are a true master!! Looks so amazing!!
  13. Ummm...never!! Why does it bother you and want it to just "become history"?? Name one thing in your lifetime that has been even remotely significant to 9/11 for the USA.
  14. Guess we all have different takes on things.
  15. I have not injected a pork butt...yet! Plan to try that. I have injected chicken however. What I use for my pork butt is a Kroger brand premade Pork Rub...I have made my own with good success but found the premade stuff is the best. Kroger Grill Time Pork Rub & Seasoning (instacart.com)
  16. I think that there just wasn't a precedence set to truly understand what would happen to a skyscraper when a fully fueled 737 (or whatever kind of jet it was) flies into it...which means people will hear and see things they never have before...and subsequently causes people to question things....which then causes conspiracy theories. It is a tragedy....period!! Wish 9/11 was a national holiday where Americans spent the day honoring all those that lost their life's, and not forgetting that there are very bad people out there intent on hurting us out of pure ideology and hate.
  17. ?? Are the voices taking over again Ban?? Who in the heck is the angry one?? Just Ban making things up in his head again. Please...just repeat yourself over and over again to show us how...cough...cough..."smart"...cough...you think you are. And by the way...not every post is about you, directed at you, concerns you, etc...narcist whackadoodle
  18. So is it capitalism or was it the governor's fault?? Can't keep up with the hypocritical logic (hard using that word describing what some on here are posting). Can we just get back to repeating the same phrases over and over again...what was it about "facts"?? Or "reality versus fantasy" or something??
  19. So glad our commander in chief is honoring 9/11....oh wait....
  20. Agreed with these comments. Will add, that I have started to smoke with the fat cap down as to not dry out the meat that is closes to the heat source...it has made that meat some of the best and moistest (yes I said moistest) parts of the pork butt/brisket.
  21. Happens everywhere...people that are "researchers" manipulating the data to appease their bosses to create the narrative they want...all for stupid votes and us versus them division.
  22. Thank you!! Not to mention...still waiting for that list of books that someone has "banned" in Florida and elsewhere...and we all will continue to wait while some spew it as if it is fact versus rhetoric and talking points from MSM
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