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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Who blamed it on the Covid vaccine? I don't remember people claiming it was in fact the vaccine. Honestly, when I was thinking about Bronny and all the other young kids having cardiac events lately it makes one think of all the potential reasons why it could be happening, and if Covid and/or the vaccine isn't something to speculate on than one probably isn't truly trying to find out the reasons.
  2. Oh Canada....oh Canada!! Good for fishing is about it. I'll take my chances with the US health system over anything else right now, so the rest of you who think it is better somewhere else have at it. As for the cost of our health care system, I bet if people truly dug into it and found out what drives up the cost you may have different opinions. Here are a couple hints...shhhh...government regulations (which some of you probably voted for) and a litigious society....
  3. I don't know to much about Alex Jones...don't think I have ever listened to him speak...but I do know who he is. What is funny is from an outsiders perspective on this, when Husker asked the question, I personally thought, good question, what did he do or say? Not sure how asking that question makes someone "trivialize" the killing of innocent kids and have stupid memes pointed in his direction?? And seriously Rasta, you aren't going to unsubscribe to InterMat because Husker asked a question?? Dude...come on! Ban and GWN are ten times worse than Husker is!!
  4. Just curious, did it ever cross your mind why they didn't provide the actual data to support this skewed view point? And how about if people removed their D or R glasses and just looked at the raw data and normalizing it in a way that truly tells the story?? Honestly, I couldn't care less if it is a "blue" or "red" state. But what is completely obvious, as people have pointed out, the murder rates are significantly higher in large cities compared to rural America. Why people debate that is beyond me.
  5. Thoughts and Prayers to you and your family brother!
  6. I have said many times, I can't stand Trump and hope the R's have a different candidate to run for president as I hope the D's have a different candidate as well, but I also find it sad that people are applauding this and celebrating what is happening....this is a sorry time in our history as a country. I don't say that to be overly dramatic but more of a "step back and think about it" commentary. The political narrative and division that is being forced down people's throats by the MSM, social media, and the far right and far left is sickening. And even more concerning is how many people are falling for it. I can't wait for this part of our history to circle back to the middle again...and I have optimism it will based on my kid, his friends, and the kids around his age because they all think for themselves and are extremely anti-far right and far left.
  7. You didn't even address what his point was Plasi, other than I appreciate you trying to use emotion to make a point that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but it is quite obvious why you are doing that. Again...if I am not vaccinated, or I am, and I walk around the grocery store with no mask on and I walk past grandma who is triple (or whatever the number is now) vaccinated and is wearing a mask, how am I a danger to her??
  8. Plasi "Reduced spread of disease is vital to society and kids need to to play their role along with everyone else. " This...and to address the vaccination claim Plasi made, the covid vaccine does NOT stop the spread or from people getting it so NO, kids should not be getting the shot...it literally provides no value to them, or their fellow old people. The older people and those with co-morbidities, sure, may help them personally.
  9. You were able to interpret what he is say?? Lol
  10. No...because unlike Covid, these things do have serious implications to kids. Oh, and those vaccines have been tested and tried for years and shown to be safe.
  11. Oh...pretty sure everyone on here does understand that...but that doesn't make a lot of the mandates right, or logical. Nor does it mean people should sit back and not speak out against the illogicalness and stupidity of it.
  12. I am just going to leave this here...I just read an article on the different types of narcissism...was very enlightening...instead of posting a link people can just review certain posts by a certain poster to understand the mindset of one of the types of narcissism.
  13. How about actual real-life scenarios and experiences from various types and levels of law enforcement who say that their departments policies are not to investigate certain crimes. Who when they try and bring charges to the DA they instantly get dismissed? Is that "Facebook news"? Is that "fantasy land". I sure hope you or a loved one isn't a victim of a crime and the DA lets the perp go and then says "It is not practical to lock everyone up." It is NOT fantasy land to say there are policies in place in police departments and in DA offices where there is directive is given to not go after certain perpetrators of certain crimes and/or prosecuting those crimes and/or recommend jail for certain crimes. It's burying your head in the sand and viewing everything threw partisan glasses if you don't believe that.
  14. Here where I live, for one year the kids had to wear masks during practice and in matches...it was an absolute joke at practice...but I HAD to tell the kids they needed to wear them, but they were down around their chin 90% of the time. And after the mask ban was lifted, the refs still couldn't allow the kids to shake hands or shake hands after the dual...made no sense!
  15. Getting to the Truth About the Effectiveness of Masks in Preventing COVID-19 | Annals of Internal Medicine (acpjournals.org) Good article
  16. Good conversation Bob!! This is what I like...this type of back and forth!
  17. This!! The sympathy for the victim is lost in enforcement of laws more than ever right now. Some of the current narrative out there paints perpetrators as the victims. The victims should be at the forefront of every policy decision being made in regard to laws and breaking the law and enforcement of the law...sadly that is not the case.
  18. Understand what you are saying. And understand that the sentiment was to limit exposure...but where I diverge from the sentiment is when it was applied holistically to everyone, instead of towards those the data and science indicated should limit their exposure. There were things and processes in place for people in the high-risk category to truly limit their exposure without limiting other people who maybe didn't have to worry about their personal exposure. And where that truly caused the most damage was shutting down small businesses, totally disrupting the supply chain (which we still feel the pain today), and the biggest one, canceling once in a lifetime opportunities for our kids and college students. The data and science, from the very beginning, clearly demonstrated we didn't need to do that.
  19. I agree with the overall sentiment Bob, but why the mask craze? Why the "stand 6 feet away"...not 5'11'' away, but 6 feet craze? And have people forgot about the not for more than 15 minutes thingy that made no sense?? Point is, this all should have been personal choice from the beginning...period.
  20. While you sorta make good points...we literally had real life studies going on in different states which sorta "proved" that masks really didn't have a significant effect on the spread of the virus nor impact on the death rate (don't get me started on that). Which also includes the ~95% of people who didn't wear it correctly anyway in states where it was mandated (my estimation based on my observations everywhere I went and in all the states I visited during that time). Not sure how that can be argued. Bottom line is, which is how it should have been from the beginning, if you are more risk adverse, then feel free to wear a mask, if you are not, then don't. Fixed. Something I find absolutely hilarious, especially those that stand up on their pulpit and demand others wear masks, you have no clue if the mask prevents people from spreading it to others, or if it protects them??
  21. Here's a link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiArsua6_CAAxUptokEHbDBA6UQFnoECBIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-12421505%2FFord-CEO-Jim-Farley-admits-electric-F-150-Lightning-needs-improvement-charging-issues.html&usg=AOvVaw1FS5OsML5Dkc5ExGTd-jig&opi=89978449
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