Or at least there should be.
While we have all been warned ad nauseum, that past performance does not guarantee future results, you never hear future performance does not guarantee past results. Why is that? Clearly it is a conspiracy against wrestlers of an early age. Well, I am here to shatter that illusion at great personal risk to myself. Damn the torpedoes...
In the freshman eligible eras there were 19 wrestlers who went X, 1, 1, 1. Of those 19 only 5, or 26.3%, filled in the X the right way, with the freshman win.
In the non-freshman eligible eras there were 16 wrestlers who went N/A, 1, 1, 1. So without question 4.2 of them would have won it as freshmen had they been eligible because math.
Since King Solomon don't live round here, which four are you picking?