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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Let's talk about baselines. All important government contractors are vetted constantly. Between Starlink, SpaceX, and the Boring Company Musk has become a very important government contractor in several highly sensitive areas with national defense implications. At the same time, Tesla received a timely and enormous boost from the Chinese government when they built him a plant in Shanghai in under a year at a time when Tesla was struggling. Now the Suadi's are co-investors in Twitter with him. There is just no way that someone who has become a critical defense contractor while taking investments from China and Saudi Arabia is NOT going to be subject to massive scrutiny. Add on top of that Musk's often erratic behavior, and here we are. If you all thought for a second that a Democrat was in bed with China and Saudi Arabia you would lose your collective shit.
  2. I had twin brother bosses from Philly a few years back that did the opposite (and maybe that is the Philly thing?). I have a hard A in my last name, but they always said it with the soft A. The first time I heard it I didn't realize they were talking about me. It always made me chuckle.
  3. Maybe this will help some of the decision makers. The National Wrestling Hall of Fame has wonderful bios for all of these guys. I encourage you all to read them. But more than that I encourage you all to contribute to the NWHOF. To make it easy here is the link. Bios for The Sixteen Conrad Caldwell https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/47 Dan Hodge https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/6 Earl McCready https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/21 Ed Peery https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/42 Gray Simons https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/30 Hugh Peery https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/43 Jack Van Bebber https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/14 Joe McDaniel vhttps://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/35 Larry Hayes https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/1155 Mike Caruso https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/82 Myron Roderick https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/12 Rex Peery https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/11 Ross Flood https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/26 Stanley Henson https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/27 Wayne Martin https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/1976 Yojiro Uetake https://nwhof.org/hall_of_fame/bio/41 My two favorite new tidbits I learned from these: Conrad Caldwell once won matches at three consecutive weights (174, 191, heavyweight) in a duel meat against UCLA, and Wayne Martin taught hand to hand combat classes for the Tulsa Police Department.
  4. I am not foolish enough to bet against Musk, though I am also not betting on him in this case. On the sidelines for this one. While I own Tesla stock I do not think I would buy Twitter if it were public. I grant that a lot he has touched has turned to gold. But I also feel this is his over-reach. It did not have to be that way, but he just paid so darn much for Twitter that it was always going to be on a knife's edge. In addition to overpaying, something he freely admits, he took on a mountain of floating rate debt at exactly the wrong time to take interest rate risk. The rates on that debt now range from 9.75% and 11.75% (those are capped rates and would be higher without the caps). When rates were near zero it would be much easier to borrow to build. That is why there was so much private equity money freely available for so long. But that spigot has been closed. We all get short tempered and irrational when we are facing the potential for financial ruin. And doesn't that description fit with a lot of his behavior lately? Has there ever, in the history of finance, been a business leader who got on stage and was recorded telling his customers, who he desperately needs, to go f*** themselves?
  5. I remember all the entrepreneurs who thought if they made claims they were the next Steve Jobs....
  6. "Just about break even on an operating cashflow perspective" means they are just about $1.5 billion in the hole once they pay that interest. Damn interest. And this was before the latest round of advertisers got told to do the anatomically improbable.
  7. Believe me, I was not judging. It is just my sense of humor that I find it so entertaining. And it would be even better if it was on purpose.
  8. Even Musk says there isn't. And what is missing from 2018? How about ~$1.5 billion in annual debt service. He may have reduced human cost, but I doubt he reduced total cost.
  9. And now we have some numbers from people "familiar with the matter". 2022 ad revenue $4.73 bn 2023 ad revenue $2.5 bn estimated -47.15%
  10. Frank likes throwing them 65's around. https://www.facebook.com/FloWrestling/videos/frank-chamizo-and-luke-pletcher-getting-in-some-work-peep-franks-shirt-though-/963787984062889/
  11. I was all in on Diakomihalis and Lee winning their fourth last year and I am all in on Starocci and Brooks winning their fourth this year.
  12. I see Musk has reinstated Alex Jones and did it by hosting a live chat with Jones, Andrew Tate, and Vivek Ramaswamy. I cannot bring myself to download or use Twitter, but I also cannot look away from the slow motion car crash that is Musk's ownership of the platform.
  13. This one hasn't even been taken up by the Republican controlled House, never mind made it to the Senate. It has sat in committee for the past three months because Boebert is such a nut job that her own party does not take her seriously.
  14. I believe you are wrong. The first legislators to call for impeachment came a few months after he fired Comey, claiming obstruction of justice.
  15. Nice Federalist Papers call out. I own a copy. A key phrase that you did not highlight above is " acts committed by public officials that inflict severe harm on the constitutional order" and I have not seen that here. There are certainly accusations of that in the many posts claiming that Joe Biden helped Hunter Biden in his business dealings in a way that is out of bounds while in elected office. Mitt Romney, having seen more of this than any of us here, does not see evidence supporting that stance. Maybe he is right. Comer and Jordan both keep saying or implying they have the evidence, but they have been saying that so long without producing any of it, that they no longer seem credible to me. As for the turn this thread took yesterday where potentially impeachable offenses were replaced with arguments for impeachment that were things like, "look at all the illegal immigrants streaming over the border", there is just no way that subjective statement rises anywhere near the level of "sever harm on the constitutional order" even if it turns out to be true.
  16. I had seen this a few years ago, too. Nice update. I like people who say yes. I need to be more of a yes person.
  17. The Glenbard North to Penn State via transfer has been done before. See Cortez, Jered.
  18. I forgot about that. It was soooo cringy. A very bad look for him and Askren.
  19. I was not one of those folks. As a matter of fact, Hunter is so damaged that nothing he is found guilty of will surprise me. And if he pulls his father down with him he would not be the first addict to destroy his family.
  20. When you guys were making the case Biden, Joe and Hunter, had done illegal things, it was at least interesting to read, but now that you are arguing border policies are impeachable....you have reached a level of desperation that favors hope over logic.
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