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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Too late to edit so quoting you twice. Apparently there is some concern on the Cornell board that Dan may be slipping mentally. https://bigredbears.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=457 He is Guillotine.
  2. He was last seen on the Cornell board soliciting lawyers to take up his cause to get him unbanned from here.
  3. Every year at about this time Bloomberg gathers predictions for where the S&P 500 Index will end one year hence. To do this they poll market strategists from a variety of firms like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, etc. From year to year they have roughly 12 to 20 participants in the survey. In addition to tracking their individual predictions Bloomberg tracks things like the high, low and median predictions. For example, yesterday they published the results from 19 strategists. With the S&P 500 Index currently around 4770 the low prediction for 12/31/2024 is 4,200 (-12%), the high is 5,200 (+9%), and the median is 4850 (+2%). These predictions tend to make headlines. And there is this idea that the experts know best. So I imagine some investors use these estimates to make investment decisions. On the flip side anyone who studies the market knows that market timing is brutally difficult. So I thought I would take a look at a brief history of these expert predictions to see how accurate they are. Here is a graph of the high, low, and median predictions combined with the realized returns: Interestingly, the most bearish prediction is not bearish enough three of twelve years and the most bullish prediction is not bullish enough six of twelve years. That means that only 25% of the time in the last twelve years were the actual results for the S&P 500 Index within the range of expert estimates. Buyer (and seller) beware. Note: These are all price returns and 2023's final return hasn't quite been written yet.
  4. There are all manner of things decided in courts that are not voted on. That is not anti-democracy in any way.
  5. I thought this was about getting vasectomies. My bad.
  6. Adam Mastroianni makes the case, based on his research, we are living in the illusion of moral decline rather than the reality.
  7. Isn't that exactly the charge against Trump? And not just in 2024, but 2020 as well. I find the whole TDS thing to be lazy and tiresome. It is a way to avoid actually discussing the issues.
  8. I do not know the answer to this. The Supreme Court may or may not weigh in on that question or they may go with a deeply technical argument (like the appeals court in CO did).
  9. I was surprised to read that Trump is O-fer in front of the Supreme Court that he shaped. All of his arguments to overturn the election were rejected by the Supreme Court (not sure how many there were) and in the three years since he has left office, the court has rejected him four times in document-related battles with prosecutors and lawmakers. Document cases: In 2021 the court cleared the way for Trumps' papers to be turned over the congressional panel investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. In February 2022, the court allowed a Manhattan prosecutor access to Trump's financial records as part of a criminal investigation of him and his company. In October 2022, the court turned down Trump in his fight over records the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate. In November 2022, the court rejected Trump's bid to block the IRS from turning over six years of Trump's tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee.
  10. Though it does not appear he will be trying for a medical redshirt. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/sports/college/iowa/2023/12/19/iowa-state-wrestling-hawkeyes-nelson-brands-appeal-denied-in-ncaa-gambling-probe/71978306007/
  11. I believe gambling. Medical redshirt would only come into play after regular eligibility is exhausted. So in theory he could be back next year on a medical.
  12. You are an all american in my book. The title of which is "Why Portajohn is an All American in My Book"
  13. Are you looking for when the US can qualify the weight, or who has qualified for the trials? If the former, it is 2/29 - 3/2. If the latter, Flo has been updating an article that is not behind the paywall.
  14. Agreed. They sum it up as duty to all, duty to none. Very nonsensical.
  15. It is an interesting question. Read the article jross posted above. It is about the strange concept of having a duty to the community but not to the individual. So when do the individuals become the community? Are 2 enough? 3? 10? 100?
  16. Zain Retherford aligning humself with a winner. Just read an article on Bloomberg about volatility quant ABR. Their enhanced short volatility fund is +64% on the year.
  17. I always find it the height of hypocrisy when these football coaches complain about NIL. Fleck makes $6 million a year. Rhule's contract averages over $9 million a year. Yet somehow they bitch and moan about the players getting paid. They are really just bitching about having to work harder.
  18. Interesting read. Thanks. I am no expert on the difference between military and police, but there certainly is one. So I am not surprised that their rights and responsibilities differ.
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