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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Last year was a banner year for the EIWA as they led all conferences with 4 individual champions. It was the first time since 1963 that they had the most champions. This year is looking a little different as they have about a 90% chance of just 1 champion. And almost all of that chance comes from the two-headed monster of Crookham and Arujau. After a down year last year the Big 10 looks to have 4 or 5 champs, followed by the Big 12's 2 or 3 champs. Is the Big 12 the surprise conference that gets more champs than the Big 10 this year? By school it looks like this: PSU leads the way at 2.6 expected champs, followed by Missouri (0.9), Nebraska (0.8), and Iowa (0.8). Does anyone other than PSU get multiple champs?
  2. Chuck Klosterman explores these themes in a non-religious way in his book But What If We're Wrong: Thinking About The Present As If It Were The Past He spends some time on gravity as an example of something that we speak about as a proven scientific fact, but is still just a theory. And it is likely that our future understanding of gravity will be very different from what it is now just as our current understanding differs greatly from what it was not too long ago.
  3. Hmm. Now it is getting cash back to bounce around in there, inviting friends like "talk to the hand", "all that and a bag of chips", and "you would know" to couch surf in there with it.
  4. The expression living rent free is living rent free in your head.
  5. And cheers to you. Merry Christmas everyone. I second flyingcement's emtion.
  6. We used to go to Indy every year to visit family. Always stopped at St. Elmo's because the wife and daughters had to have that cocktail sauce.
  7. Extra Credit. Which of these statements is true? (Choose all that are true.) 1. Wkn is the best, surpassed by no other. 2. Wkn is better than the best. 3. All of the above.
  8. Twitter is absolutely better now that it has Grok. https://www.zdnet.com/article/i-tried-xs-anti-woke-grok-ai-chatbot-the-results-were-the-opposite-of-what-i-expected/ By better I mean funnier. Couple fun facts from the article: 1. This first one is for you @ionel, even Musk's AI calls Twitter Twitter. 2. I don't think Musk knows what the anti- prefix means. Grok is the most woke anti-woke AI ever created. 3. What do James Buchanan, Donald Trump, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, and Warren G. Harding have in common? Read the article to find out.
  9. Just a few weeks before. Feb 20 - 24.
  10. The bicameral legislature exists specificly to prevent the majority rule and give the minority a say. It is a fundamental element of our representative democracy. Always has been. This is not a MAGA invention. This is an always and everywhere thing.
  11. I believe that is already the case and it started with the recent world championships. It used to be you could use a vpn set for another country to tap the free stream, avoiding Flo. But now there is no free stream. USAW+ for outside the US and Flo for inside.
  12. They are zero day options. No one sees that coming by definition. The idea that the stock market is a casino leads to two incorrect decisions. People treat it like a series of bets and over trade. More money is lost trying to time the market than almost any other strategy. And people avoid investing in the stock market. This is actually the bigger money loser than market timing. The stock market is a wealth creator. What casino consistently doubles your money every 7 to 10 years?
  13. If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve. I hereby refuse this travesty of an "award" until such time as it is correctly named. Yours in pinfalls, WKN
  14. I have considered it. It is likely because this happens very rarely. I live in a very different situation than you. I live in a densely populated suburb of Chicago. Several of my children live in Chicago. I used to live in Chicago. But none of us have ever had a home invader. You used the word when, not if, you have a home invader. I am curious why that is. One more question. If you live in a community that has a lot of guns, all of whose owners know how to use them, a lot of dogs, and a large influx of military families, all of which serve as a deterrent to unscrupulous idiots AND owning a gun increases the risk of a loved one being injured or killed by that gun, wouldn't you be better off not owning a gun and allowing the communal deterrence be your protection?
  15. And in the least surprising development, Mayor POS files for bankruptcy today.
  16. A few option strategists are blaming yesterday's late move on zero day option hedging. FWIW.
  17. Yeah, taking virtue victory laps in the name of others (but especially in your own name) rarely (never?) ends well.
  18. You say when someone invades your home. How many times has someone invaded your home. For me, in 59 years, it has never happened. The one time that I know of for anyone in my extended family (hundreds and hundreds of person years), the invasion was when no one was home. And one of the things they stole was a gun.
  19. Wow. That is a lot to digest. I keep it simple. Get long and get loud. The vast majority of my investments are in index funds. My first job out of college was managing index funds and I never looked back. The book I was given to read at that time, and it still makes sense today, is Winning the Loser's Game. As I pointed out to my children, if you had bought an S&P 500 Index fund, and reinvested dividends, with the worst possible timing in the past 35 years, February 19, 2020, you would now be +48.6% or +10.9% annualized. As a matter of fact if you had done this on the five worst timed days in the past 35 years (2/19/20, 8/11/08, 3/19/02, 1/6/09, and 5/21/01) your investments would be +10.9%, +10.9%, +8.7%, +13.7%, and +7.9% annualized, respectively. The point being that if you are a long term investor then it does not matter what price you buy at, it only matters that you buy.
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