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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Take solace in the fact that he knows nothing.
  2. CKLV provided a lot of information for Intermat to update their rankings. Some moved up, some moved down, and some even had the spelling of their name changed (fair thee well, Ryan Crooham. We hardly knew ye.) The result is that there is a fairly substantial shake up in the podium positions. Most notably, NC State moves up a spot to second, while Michigan freefalls from second to ninth. Missouri replaces Michigan on the podium by leapfrogging Nebraska into third. The difference between second and ninth also grew substantially. Last week it stood at a mere 10.3 points. This week it has grown to 18 points. Iowa State was the other big beneficiary at CKLV, but coming from twelfth place meant they only moved up to eighth. Meanwhile, Oklahoma State is getting very close to crashing the podium, having improved two slots to fifth. And as @Jimmy Cinnabon was first to notice, Penn State is looking very vulnerable. They are no longer expected to double second place points. At this rate if the NCAA tournament was held in mid-February PSU would lose to NC State. Sanderson is officially on the hot seat.
  3. Hmmm. Assistant wrestling coach money vs. alternative asset management sales money? Tough call.
  4. Did they meet on the backside? I know Lugo beat Thomas in the quarters and DeSanto lost to Kolodzik.
  5. They sure would. Bartlett went to Serbia to be Lee's warm up partner at Worlds.
  6. Your ears must be this big to ride the ride.
  7. I certainly would not bet against him. My recollection is that he is better at free than folk, and he is pretty damn good at folk.
  8. Very interested to see how DeSanto does up at 65. And if the bracket gods smile upon us perhaps we get to see he and Eierman go at it?
  9. Now, more importantly. Let's talk Bobby Finke. The contrast in styles with Katie Ledecky could not be more stark. Ledecky had the fastest start meaning she lead for every inch of the race and increased her lead over every inch of the race. Finke is the king of the negative split and coming from behind for the win. His splits for the three 500s were 5:04, 5:03, 4:57. It is like he has a motor boat up his butt on the last 50. Trailing by about a half second at the 1450, he wins by >1 second. Awesome to watch.
  10. Turns out, yes. You should not be surprised as mine is right around the corner.
  11. My planned response was to show that Katie Ledecky's lead grew at ever 50 in the 1500, but I was foiled because she was so far head at the 600 that they could not keep her and second place in the camera frame at the same time. Imagine a wrestler who won every second of a 16 minute match. Now imagine anyone actually sitting through watching a 16 minute swim. Sigh.
  12. This is my favorite answer. He has a chance to out Cael Cael. He can go undefeated this year while redhsirting. Then he can go undefeated for four years and right the wrong of Sanderson's career.
  13. And then there were six. It was a tough weekend for undefeated freshmen. Before the start of the Cliff Keen Invitational there were 19 wrestlers with a shot at an undefeated college wrestling career. CKLV did some damage, knocking out eleven of them. Two others lost elsewhere over the weekend reducing the field of career undefeateds to six. No Wheaties Box for you gentlemen. Sorry. First, The Six * How do we feel about a loss as a redshirt but in an official match? The new freshman eligibility rule has the potential to really mess up The Sanderson Watch. ** Does it count if you do not wrestle? If so, get me my Wheaties Box, and get it now. And now for the vanquished. Note 1: I used the Intermat rankings to find my list of freshmen (the number in the far right column). Obviously there are other undefeated freshmen who have not yet been ranked by Intermat. Who are they? Note 2: It is possible for vice two of the undefeated to appear on next year's list if they do take a lose and do not use their five starts (Nasir Bailey, Luke Stanich). But Bailey better lose soon (or never) as he has used 4 of his 5. Note 3: I am not sure about Meyer Shapiro. If he does not wrestle six times this year, then transfers to a non-Ivy school, can he declare this year was a redshirt? Or is that not up to him?
  14. No, telling what will happen re: Twitter finances. The last estimate I saw is with the recent spike in interest rates the debt service is up to $1.45 bn annually. But I have no idea what their cashflow is, though both Musk and Yaccarino have suggested it is still negative. So lets say insolvency is possible. Given that the debt is 100% owned by the banks that lent the money, a restructuring is a possible outcome. Another idea floated in October is that Musk would personally buy some of the debt to trade it for more equity (dilute his co-investors), and, of course, bankruptcy is possible. As for Musk's comments, he is free to say what he wants, but he is stupid to think freedom of speech means freedom from consequences. And actions like suing Media Matters or banning journalists who were critical of him shows the hypocrisy. He is absolutely a free speech absolutist, but only with respect to himself.
  15. Likely preparing for Nationals to qulaify for the Olympic Trials.
  16. Musk acts like Twitter is somehow above commerce when it clearly is not. If you don't want to lose advertisers' business, don't do things that will drive them away. It is not coercive or pressure tactics to react to what Musk does. Musk has agency over his actions. It all starts with the choices Musk makes. Everyone else is just reacting to those choices.
  17. Flo also has Luca Cochran #1. Musta won the wrestle off with Brooks.
  18. Yes. Kerkvliet, Kharchla, Jordan Decatur, D'Emilio, Isaac Wilcox, Jacob Decatur.
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