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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I know this is an unpopular take in this thread, but that is up to Trump. Republicans have a majority in the House. So if he gets impeached even once, then something has gone horribly, Trump-ian, wrong.
  2. Also, nope. They were highly specific charges even if there was no way he would be convicted. This idea that a president's policies are somehow impeachable is so much mental masturbation.
  3. Nope, nope, nope. You guys should really read up on impeachment. What part of "legally" doing something or hypothetically doing some future non-impeachable thing, is impeachable?
  4. These are reasons to not vote for Biden in the next election. These are not impeachable in any way. I am a little surprised and a lot disappointed this is your argument for impeachment.
  5. Ditto. Have become a cordless convert. And when I built a house this year I noticed every contractor had at least some cordless tools.
  6. Hypothetical? No, this is right there with death and taxes.
  7. Let's hope so. Too exciting to not wrestle.
  8. Brooks being in his fifth season is like taking a redshirt. He won't get a sixth year. No different than Sanderson taking a redshirt and then going four for four. Starocci did take a redshirt. If he goes four for his first four it is the same as anyone else. It is really just his fifth title that would be tainted by the fact that only he and all the other 2021 freshman (true or redshirt) got five chances. So if they each win their fourth this year it isn't because of any extra chances.
  9. Or at least there should be. While we have all been warned ad nauseum, that past performance does not guarantee future results, you never hear future performance does not guarantee past results. Why is that? Clearly it is a conspiracy against wrestlers of an early age. Well, I am here to shatter that illusion at great personal risk to myself. Damn the torpedoes... In the freshman eligible eras there were 19 wrestlers who went X, 1, 1, 1. Of those 19 only 5, or 26.3%, filled in the X the right way, with the freshman win. In the non-freshman eligible eras there were 16 wrestlers who went N/A, 1, 1, 1. So without question 4.2 of them would have won it as freshmen had they been eligible because math. Since King Solomon don't live round here, which four are you picking?
  10. Have to add my man Mike Macchiavello to the list. On FRL they referred to him as the nicest man in wrestling. That he once gave my wife and I credit for his NCAA title doesn't hurt his case either.
  11. NC State. In the six years prior to Pat Popolizio taking the helm at NC State their average finish at the NCAA tournament was 39.5. Since he took over ten years ago they averaged 17.4, but in the last five years their average placement has been 9.4. This year they are projected to finish runners up. Prior to Popolizio, NC State had 3 AAs in six years. After Popolizio they nearly average 3 AA's per year (2.7). This year they should have 4 or 5 AAs.
  12. The opposite. Wkn sees pinfalls everywhere he looks.
  13. Doesn't Terry "Cheatin', Lyin', Sons a Bitches" Brands need to be in the corner for this team?
  14. That really was madness. And the worst part of the NCAA's decision was EVERYONE but them knew it at that time.
  15. @lightweight it was like I was there. Thanks for all the match summaries.
  16. Interesting that in explaining a post about Biden your first impulse is to go to TDS. You certainly have it.
  17. https://news.yahoo.com/mitt-romney-says-doesnt-see-155940291.html Mitt Romney said he has not "seen any evidence" to authorize House Republicans' impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Wait. This can't be right. So many of you have assured me that the evidence is there. I assumed you had all seen it and it was just being kept from me.
  18. Starocci can, and does, assume he will just win NCAAs. Has said this was his plan.
  19. 2020 redshirt 2021 free 2022 year 1 2023 year 2 2024 year 3 2025 year 4
  20. Wait a second. I thought he was the wrong guy to talk about this?
  21. I don't know about a few years ago, but a few days ago there were some on HR calling for Brands' head. While there is no doubt that Smith has done a great job at Missouri, numerically only Sanderson has outperformed Brands.
  22. 2.2 points at 174 with Kennedy ranked 14. And I would say 1 Ferrari and Kueter are looking pretty likely. I am fading AJ until I actually see he is enrolled.
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