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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. i think they're great my dad thinks they suck, but he doesn't know or follow wrestling.
  2. i feel compelled to argue but can't really think of a good reason that doesn't make sense.
  3. but its sooo far from being an exact science. just feels like its tinkering.
  4. yeah but then you're leaning into the arbitrary. You can pick the biggest match, don't you think there would be diminishing returns trying to rank all ten in terms of value?
  5. I don't think anyone is impressed with his diction but i'm not sure how you could deny the authenticity is wonderful.
  6. no. i was cheering for henson and hoping he wouldn't...for what its worth.
  7. anyone else sick of this socialist BS NCAA add?
  8. https://www.ncaa.com/_flysystem/public-s3/files/Updated Session 1 Brackets.pdf
  9. Yeah but I believe Lee didn't weigh in the next day...the importance being they lost his team points. Is this not true, I'm only certain it is or was a rule in high school.
  10. Well you first sentence doesn't quite hold, because I'm not aware anyone who was entitled to specific "results," but you could argue that fans should be entitled to watching the thing they are a fan of. The hard question would be, if he was healthy enough to wrestle for himself, why not wrestle for the team? No one has ever claimed he was hurt during the match. I'm not saying you're wrong or I'm right, just trying to flush out the core of a tough situation.
  11. fix gets less ire than Lee because the only thing preventing Fix from being a walking meme is that Vito beat him in the semis.
  12. you need a funnier joke if you're gonna hide the mean spirited nature of this post.
  13. no he was just born 20 years too late.
  14. yeah but wheres the line between trying to define him through one decision and refusing to acknowledge it was at least sort of gross? I think this is what makes it hard to talk about. Any fair minded person knows this is a gray area situation...
  15. this did make it seem like Brands discovered the internet abruptly in 2022...
  16. "Nick Suriano learns to play setters of catan!" -Flo
  17. "I was talking to my uncle the alcoholic, and I said 'listen you have a disease but I think you've got the best one, cause it involves drinking a lot of booze....in fact that is the disease.'"
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