Well my thoughts on that are that I don't think you can sustain a conversation very well with that standard. For one thing sense styles makes match ups that person might not actually exist. But also there is a bit of a problem in that I could just say, "Stephen Neal takes Gable on their best day", and there isn't a great response for that. I also get you can't go solely on credentials, because thats a non-staeter in terms of conversation also.
So all that said I think the purpose/intrigue of the conversation is the negotiation of those factors, and I take the lack of a third title pretty seriously. However, two things I hadn't thought of when I objected, A) there are very few 3 time HWY champs right? Snyder (who unlike neal doesn't match up with steveson very well), Haselrig....so being a two timer in three tries isn't that problematic B) The field steveson was competing against was the best groups of HWYs ever...only reason its not remember more broadly is he was running the show so thoroughly you had to remind yourself. So maybe he is the best.