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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. Before taylor won worlds he was in the category of really good but forgettable, Lee is in a similar situation.
  2. um, sort of, we established uncle bernard is here because he's pretending that he's in a heroic stand against people who enjoy dead babies...not sure that accounts for the rest of us.
  3. you don't think mess will win three? i don't think he ever loses again.
  4. Yeah....luckily it begs the question of if UB is proof life or not....that's just what this topic needs.
  5. it wasn't but covid it was but Zahid's character issues took him out. To me that counts, I'm not gonna write in zahid for another title because he wasn't eligible.
  6. yeah but gable is the only one on the list who was definitely not the best guy at his weight for a whole year.
  7. hamas gets to do that because people from privileged ethnic groups are mean.
  8. Well if any of his thoughts pop into your head feel free to message me, who knows he might show up and say them himself.
  9. PSU would never condescend to stealing an Iowa guy...if I have to bring back tbar to explain this i will!
  10. So he's gonna take the wrestling scholarship, and then switch back when he can tap into the football money, which is limited next year compared to 25'? I'm not arguing, just trying to get a perspective.
  11. i don't think they would either, they also care way less because if he comes back it won't take him long to get back in football shape and they have like 90 full scholarships. Two of his justifications (the three being winning a u20 world, ncaa and team ncaa title) have nothing to do with him quitting football, unless he's going all in on wrestling.
  12. he's not gonna have any more. saying he'll be there next spring is just being nice.
  13. I understood that, but presumed once he quit football, wrestling is paying the bill, and in that light i don't know why you would say they "let him take a year of eligibility on wrestling". I'm sure he won't be on a football scholarship next year.
  14. what is the evidence Caliendo can make 157? Excuse me if it was previously discussed.
  15. "Hey...have you seen this 'gay' porn? It's terrible, no ladies at all."
  16. Well my thoughts on that are that I don't think you can sustain a conversation very well with that standard. For one thing sense styles makes match ups that person might not actually exist. But also there is a bit of a problem in that I could just say, "Stephen Neal takes Gable on their best day", and there isn't a great response for that. I also get you can't go solely on credentials, because thats a non-staeter in terms of conversation also. So all that said I think the purpose/intrigue of the conversation is the negotiation of those factors, and I take the lack of a third title pretty seriously. However, two things I hadn't thought of when I objected, A) there are very few 3 time HWY champs right? Snyder (who unlike neal doesn't match up with steveson very well), Haselrig....so being a two timer in three tries isn't that problematic B) The field steveson was competing against was the best groups of HWYs ever...only reason its not remember more broadly is he was running the show so thoroughly you had to remind yourself. So maybe he is the best.
  17. yeah thats it, i'm sure he delivered it differently sometimes as prolific as he was.
  18. i thought it was 11 or something. I'm sure you're aware that most people who bribe people are willing to lie about it..... @NormMacDonald remember your bit from when you were alive that went something like, "I feel like most rapists are hypocrits...you don't see a lot of guys standing around yelling "Yeah i forced intercourse on a woman, and anyone big enough is entitled to do the same to me!"
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