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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. i'm not sure I lunged at the low hanging fruit, vertigo is my only guess?
  2. Well its his best shot at the team. I'd take him over Parris at this point, not sure if that's a minority opinion or not.
  3. yeah it is, one was way more accomplished than the other, one guy got de-railed by an injury, the other just quit. A higher value commodity getting taken out by random events is way more compelling than a high school kid quitting.
  4. its possible, but I'm guessing they would give a point in a dual (especially during a pretty ugly season) over having him beating the #2 guy and getting flamed all off season for not putting a title contender in the lineup. When was the last time iowa didn't have a guy in the finals?
  5. I don't think he's in there to save a team point, they've still got to get someone ready for the post season. they wouldn't put him out if a win didn't guarantee him the spot.
  6. Random unfalsifiable statements dont make for very robust compliments.
  7. to not your point, I think Arnolds style can handle bumping up. He's not that physical, pretty elusive but can stand his ground, picks his spots to wrestle pretty well...in my experience if you took an opposite style like Chittum, thats the type who suffers from bumping up.
  8. to your point, if they thought he was that good they would have pulled him already, or at least that's a strong argument.
  9. supporting his case is the fact that high school kids seem to be more ready every year. Remember when it used to be a big deal when a true freshmen made the finals?
  10. its not his alone. That's just something coaches like to say so they don't sound tyrannical.
  11. i'm saying that sense he has no chance of making the team he's probably not sweating which weight to go in the same way that someone like retherford is. For instance, if I started a topic about what weight ferrrari is going I'd expect a lot of people to say "who cares".
  12. are we talking as if Shapiro has a chance at the team? nationoal team maybe
  13. I'm sure you heard that but that's a meaningless expression. The staff has their own ideas on the subject and is influencing in that direction.
  14. I like the idea of Cox at HWY...he's such a weirdo but he wins, let him do what he wants.
  15. That speaks to my point a bit, guys like Gilman have wrestled at 61 but generally just stayed down. Notice he hasn't been competing a lot in related news. There is kind of a bias in place in that we can have a decent idea of who is headed up, but cutting weight is such a taboo subject that we have no idea who was as big as all the guys who went up but decided to stay down...
  16. My first reaction without thinking too deeply, has anyone ever legitimately bumped up and made the team? It took taylor two years to turn into a real 86, Dake almost made the team over Cox in 2016 but not quite...I looked back through 2012 and didn't see anyone who struck me as small. I don't think anyone from 61, 70, 79 who goes up has a chance.
  17. Can a smarter person tell me if this makes sense? Brands' in a recent interview said that "we have two true freshmen who we can wrestle and not bring them out of redshirt," looks like the plan was to keep both options open as long as possible, which makes more sense than me and others have given credit for...
  18. we have to work on our topic titles...
  19. As someone who has bashed Flo a lot, the dake ambush is one of the better things they've ever done, mostly because ot required a measure of boldness.
  20. yeah makes sense. I should have spun it like "oh yeah thats exactly what I meant they hate giving it to PSU ever sense they won it 5 times in 7 years"
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