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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Okay dum dum...nice try making it about that actual act of wearing a mask. It is about the MANDATE to do so...all the while knowing IT REALLY DOESN'T DO MUCH. I'll never understand the need/want/thrill people get forcing something on the vast majority for something that impacted such a meniscal minority. Not to mention you throw out words "cowardly" when you feel the need to wear a mask 24/7. Funny part is...I don't have a problem with people wearing masks...have at it! But don't force your irrational fears on me.
  2. Who is making it a big deal? Who is lashing out violently?? Have a bathroom for unisex...problem fixed. All sides of the issue win. Why are you against that??? Why do you want to force the situation that we all know will end up at some point being very bad? I look forward to you somehow turning unisex bathrooms into some kind of "ism" of "phobe" of some kind....
  3. Wow...you are dense. Biological males should not be in the bathroom with biological females and vice versa....this isn't because people hate trans, it's because it is simple science and, the two words you can't stand, common sense. The fix is to make sure there is at least one bathroom that is unisex and is one stall, and the door can be locked...problem solved. That is what my work did...no problems whatsoever...simple and easy.
  4. He has every right to say whatever he wants, just as you do...here is the kicker, I do too. So yes I can ask he not post crap that is nothing but false anti-american b.s. Just as you can have your views on people that are religious...while stupid and naive, you are entitled to it.
  5. I think Pritzlaff would be a great head coach!
  6. Literally you are just typing to type...you literally said nothing in 98% of what you wrote. Jross has answered every one of your questions in great detail...what else are you looking for?? It doesn't "bother" you when people don't stand or pay tribute during the national anthem but you do, fine. Jross has explained how he feels, done, fine. What is it that you have to keep babbling about? Is it until you can find some mythical boogeyman in what he has said?? Give it up dude and learn how to communicate without typing 98% mumbling nonsense.
  7. Being human isn't illegal Jimmy!!
  8. Funny how some like to misdirect and argue semantics when they realize their opinion on a topic is absolutely asinine. Someone asking when is the last time someone in our military died for our freedoms is such a weak and feeble thought process it isn't even worth discussing. Talk about entitled and privileged. All the reasons people can sit here behind a computer screen and spew this ridiculous crap is all thanks to the fine men and woman who unselfishly serve our country to ensure our freedoms are never taken from us. And they sit there and spit in their face. I know I said I wish the idiot who asked about the last time someone died for our freedoms should say it to my brothers face, but I know exactly what he would say because he is a great humble human being....he would say "It was my honor to serve so you can have the ability to say and ask the questions that you do without repercussion."
  9. I love how people think they can sit behind a computer screen and type some of the dumbest f'ing things one could possibly type and think they are smart/clever and they are just utterly moronic. His take on the military is beyond moronic though. I would love for him to ask that question to the face of my brother....
  10. Probably because the reasons why for some of those behaviors matter.
  11. You just can't stop can you??? I don't think I am the one who appears to need coping skills... Keep on keeping on labeling people based on a message board,,,clown
  12. Yeah...I probably shouldn't have lumped you in for the whole response...my bad. I guess it is perspective as I didn't get any feeling that people were "mad" or "upset" about what was happening but rather disagreeing with what did happen and for the potential reasons why. I disagree with a lot of things but it doesn't mean those things upset me in anyway. And there was discussion about what a coach could do...probably prompted my question to vak and someone else about what a coach could do or rules they could implement...for discussion purposes is all. Anyway, you think the playing of the anthem before every sporting event is weird. Fine...it's your opinion. I don't take it as you are upset or mad. Anyway, I love the anthem as it brings me back to my younger days and it giving me the goosebumps before competing, as well as the honoring of the people who sacrificed and gave their life for us to have the freedom to be who we are as a country and to play sports. That will never be weird to me. But...it's my opinion.
  13. Dude...you are a clown...keep believing the crap you type...good luck
  14. Based on eye test Brooks clearly has jumped levels...again...I have a feeling that it will translate over to freestyle and it will be close with Taylor...would not be surprised if it goes to the third match. Brain tells me that it will be Taylor this year and then Brooks takes over.
  15. What the?!?! Ok...you seriously have gone off the deep end! You and @uncle bernard are clearly looking for the boogyman in something on here...Paul does not seem upset at all...it is called A DISCUSSION. And show me where one person on here has said they are 'SO UPSET" about LSU, or any other team that they want all scholarships taken away and for all support to be pulled?? What is wrong with someone saying IF they did it as a form of protest then they disagree with it but agree with their freedom to do so? Or even if they did it other than it's their "routine" and you don't like it? How is that expressing so much anger that you get called an "abuser". You two must be absolutely wonderful conversationalists in real life. How could anyone discuss anything with you two without you two thinking they are racist/bigots/against everything and everyone/abusers/etc.??? You two need to get out of the classrooms and your text books and get in the real world.
  16. Aren't you against lowering taxes so shouldn't you be criticizing Biden??
  17. Yeah...I know. I am all for freedom. My questions again weren't nefarious in anyway but trying to understand how, if possible, someone could restrict scholarships. And never once did I make an opinion that anyone SHOULD restrict scholarships for this.
  18. What?? Who said I don't like the basketball team or their members?? I don't even know them. Once again trying to read into things to find a boogeyman and label me with some sort of 'ism. If you read ALL my post dumb dumb you would have seen I really don't care that they weren't out there for the national anthem. I personally like it when players stay and stand, but again, couldn't care less if others don't. How many more times do I need to type it before you get it babble boy?? And by the way my "guess" is based on experience at large national wrestling tournaments and talking with college coaches....so yeah...call that a "guess" I...guess?!?
  19. Got it..thanks. But a coach could make a rule that his/her/their players stand/pay tribute when the anthem is playing and this is not covered under free speech?
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