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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. @red viking how do you feel about the amount of money we spend on our military?? Just can't seem to truly pinpoint what your stance on that is. Oh and the support for Israel we provide and how you feel about the war against Hamas??
  2. Thanks Jimmy...I definitely do not...and without getting too deep in my personal life, despite my dad being an absent alcoholic dad, I suffered far more trauma from a stepdad that was extremely abusive...only way to not go down the same path was self-accountability and to NOT be like that. And it drives my behavior/emotions when it comes to domestic violence and child abuse...probably one of the only ways I end up in prison is my reaction to that if it happened to a family member, or close friends or their kids.
  3. Thank you....just glad he did it...he's been sober for 35+ years now
  4. My dad didn't stop being a severe alcoholic because his kids and the rest of the family asked him to...many many many times. He finally quit when he decided HE was going to do it and took the action to do it.
  5. So who was "hurt" by this "illegal" activity?? Did it harm RBY as a child? Did it teach him to not work hard and achieve his goals? Did he not get an education? Just truly trying to see how you feel this is such a grievous act.
  6. You do realize that the data shows, without doubt, that a person's chance of getting to a point where their addiction isn't controlling their life is much higher when THEY want to help themselves...aka, self accountability. In treatment what do you think they preach...yep...self accountability! Yes, I know some surround the treatment around God, but ultimately it still is all about self accountability. Also, one isn't going to not be homeless if they don't want to help themselves.
  7. What was illegal? Are you saying me not putting my child in kindergarten when he was 5 and waited until he was 6 is illegal? You know what is best for every kid and know better than their parents?? Dude...YOU get a grip
  8. Shows how stupid I am on this subject, but I always thought EV's were much lighter than gas vehicles for some reason.
  9. Taxes and the rich??? WTF?!?! You must be TPTD's little babble brother who wants to change the subject every other post for some reason. I'll cut to the chase...this is about self accountability....period. Not about anything other than you shouldn't expect others to do things for you without you doing everything you can do to help yourself FIRST. It isn't blaming others for your ill wills and unfortunate situation. It isn't expecting handouts and taking the easy way out. It is about working hard. It is about dealing with the hand you are dealt in life. It is about constant self-improvement. Etc....
  10. So it sounds like you skirt the term "accountability" by falling back on the adage of "nuance". You know exactly what it means and what it references...yet you want to bog it down with all these "what if's" and one-off circumstances...I ask you why do you want to do that?? It literally would be impossible to have a conversation with someone if all you talked about where the what if's and one off's.
  11. People who say things like this is code for victim, simple and weak minded, wrong, lazy, uneducated, etc. Fun game to play isn't it. Maybe save yourself the time and others time from having to read it and just don't post stupid crap like you did.
  12. Wonder if there is legalese that could get around this...for instance it is around how they get paid for their image and likeness? Again, just ideas but may be impossible to do.
  13. Holy crap...what nuance are you even suggesting?? I think you play conversations out in your head and then babble them on here. You asking obscure/stupid/impossible questions to answer is not debating nuance, nor is it a way to prove people on here only think black and white. Since you are a questions guy I'll ask you a couple, what is gray about personal responsibility?? What is gray about blaming versus accountability?
  14. What if NIL/scholarship deals included stimulations around leaving...ex. NIL's are contracts and if an athlete doesn't stay for the length of the NIL contract they have to pay back a certain percentage of their deal? Sort of how the military academy's do it.
  15. Yeah...I think when you attend an academy there comes a point, I think year two, or three, where the cadet has to choose if they are going to stay at the academy for the full 4 years and receive the free education, and if so, they have to commit to 4 years (I think) after they graduate to stay in the military....or something similar to that. My buddies daughter went to the naval academy for soccer and she was close to not going all 4 years because of the commitment after she was done with school, but she ended up staying and is now a captain on a ship. Oh...and If she didn't agree to stay in the navy after school she would have had to pay back the tuition.
  16. Again...WHAT??? I have defended every one of my opinions...the problem is you don't. All you do is follow it up with a bunch of nonsense babble and stupid questions that have nothing to do with what the topic is. You answer questions with questions....one of the weakest forms of argument. Then you sit there and infer things about me and other people that are completely asinine just because I and others prove how terrible your logic is or have lack of it. Case in point, you ASSuming I am upset about anything...me pointing out your lunacy isn't me being upset. Me asking you to stop ASSuming things about me is not me being upset. Again, do you ever do any sort of self-reflection about the things you post and the things you say?? I know the answer to that because you keep babbling on and on....
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