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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. I can't believe you even type this b.s....LOOK IN THE MIRROW whackadoodle!! Have some freakin self reflection! You admittedly don't have any common sense, but take a step back and read what you actually accuse people of based on NO FACTS other than the stuff you make up in your head. Then you try and lecture people on it...crazy!!
  2. 125 #18 DeAugustino 133 #20 Wells 141 #32 Miller 149 #20 Jordan Williams 157 #18 Zerban 165 #21 Fish 174 #22 Mocco 184 #24 Liegal 197 #27 Surber 285 #26 Catka
  3. You two are better people than me for trying to argue with that whackadoodle!
  4. And another perfect example of why I shouldn't even try to respond to TPTD. ZERO reading comprehension skills and twisting everything he reads to make a boogeyman appear in something someone wrote. People cry and stomp their feet over the dumbest things just to be a victim or make someone else a victim. "I can't believe you called them illegals!!" I'll say it again very clearly.....I am all for those who want to come here to the US for a better life. I am also all for having secured boarders and an effective and efficient way to vet those people before letting them in.
  5. Honestly it doesn't matter what I say, or anyone says as you will just twist it in your head that we are somehow racists and don't care about other people. I am not sure how you get through life with such a thought process. What you fail to understand or even try to understand is that mine and others' opinions about the boarder issue have nothing to do with the unfortunate plight of these people coming here. It has to do with us as a country having secure boarders in order to maintain our sovereign state. We in the US are the most open country there is, and it is a great country to be in, and that is why so many people want to come here. I have no problem with those people wanting to come here but we would be, and have been, completely out of our minds for having open borders and not vetting the people who get let into our country. THAT is what people on here are arguing and you refuse to understand and just want to yell racist at as many people as possible. As for flying the illegals (that is what they are for not going through the proper vetting) to other parts of the country, I have no problem with that due to the fact that they all agreed to go. In addition, where your "empathy" for those people falls short, as well as your claim I don't have empathy, is they CHOSE to come here illegally, and they CHOSE to get on the airplane to get flown somewhere else. And it is probably offensive to those who you claim "don't understand"....are you calling them dumb?? Are you so superior and "privileged" that YOU know better than they do?? See how easy it is to play your stupid game?? Finally, the southern states do not deserve to be over run because of piss pour decisions by our government. I am all for those who want to come here to the US for a better life. I am also all for having secured boarders and an effective and efficient way to vet those people before letting them in. It really is that simple...so I will ask you again, stop insinuating things about me.
  6. Hoping Messenbrink out of University of Scholor Spellors will get an at large bid, but if he doesn't I'm looking forward to the Mesenbrink v O'Toole match than.
  7. Messenbrink v O'Toole Brooks v Hidlay Crookham v Fix Lovett v Gomez
  8. There is unstable and then there is TPTD
  9. Why do you hate Biden? What is the definition of "illegal"? How are people kidnapped? Why should I eat green eggs and ham? And are the green eggs racist?
  10. Wow...weakest post of the year. He comments on how a bunch of narrow minded judgmental idiots get their undies in a bunch over someone praising the Lord and you claim HE is triggered. SMH...can't make this stuff up....
  11. I could give 2 snits what he said or anyone says about what they believe. Like I said...it says more about judgmental people like you who let it bug them so bad that they will bash someone for their beliefs. I personally don't go to church or follow any prescribed religion...but I have zero problem when someone else does believe in God (or whatever their religion calls it/him/her). What makes it so annoying/scary/bad for you when someone thanks the lord??
  12. Being upset about someone praising God says a lot more about you then it does about the person who praised God.
  13. I literally laughed out loud at this!
  14. While I support anyone chasing their dreams, I totally agree with this...just never saw it in him as a WWE guy. I sure hope he makes another run or two or three at Oly gold!
  15. Vak would probably love to be AJ's defense attorney.
  16. Holy crap it is a Bob sighting!! He has come back from the dead....again! Good to see you on here again Bob!
  17. Again...I am not a trump fan at all! But I can only imagine how bad the TDS is going to get as we get closer to the election and it shows Trump is leading in polls...sick back with the popcorn and watch people lose their freaking minds!
  18. I love how some people constantly blame one person for every ill will out there...talk about not having a strong thought process. If everything that is wrong right now is because of one person, well, maybe you aren't smart enough to vote to begin with. Man.... Back to immigration...just read a dem rep blocked some legislation that would allow ICE to detain/deport illegal aliens that come here and have a criminal record...like seriously WTF?!?! His excuse..."they deserve due process"...so let them go free to roam in our country is "due process"??? How do these people get elected and how do people agree with this?? Serious questions for those that support this dem's idea!
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