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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. You choose not to see it being applied unequally because you want them to go after Trump. And the application of equity has many different facets...one being wealthy versus not wealthy, and another being political in nature. I am speaking to the political side of things...which you tried to discount by comparing a senator to a president and saying the jury determines guilt. Not to mention the massive implication this trial (and others upcoming) has on both our political system and our justice system. It is almost like you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth by saying things that indicate the justice system is blind (in Trump's case), but then turn around and admit it isn't (rich vs poor). You are actually making my original point.
  2. Do you honestly think this is the same thing as an ex-president who is also running for president again?? Come on!
  3. I have no problem if Trump is found guilty if he is guilty. For me it is a matter of applying our justice system in a consistent matter. Take away the names of the big players in politics right now, it is blatantly clear...to me...that the justice system is NOT being applied consistently...and it is clear...to me...it is based on political affiliation. And because it is political, depending on what side of the isle people lean, people will either justify the inequity of the application of the justice system (aka. deny it is happening), or they will question every single move by the justice system.
  4. She is tacitly endorsing getting rid of a terrorist organization...because she does want peace. With Humas around there will never be peace in that area.
  5. Yeah...everyone knows that! Meanwhile me
  6. I'll bite...everything you just bellyached over in your babbling post are things you yourself and your echo chamber have also done. Almost everyone on here, especially the most vocal, which includes you and me, have participated in heated debates, name calling, divisive rhetoric, painting a perception of hating the person you are arguing with, etc. It makes me laugh that you still can't see that, and then post that gem of a post. This is a message board, this isn't "real life", people post things they probably wouldn't dare say to someone face to face, they post things to get a reaction, they debate fiercely, etc...that's it. I enjoy debating with people that think differently than myself...I truly do enjoy learning different perspectives. What makes it go down the tubes, and I am just as guilty as the other person, is when people make stupid over-arching assessments of people who they know absolutely nothing about, make a post mean something other than what it says, think they are smarter than the other people, make it personal, or ask a million nonsensical questions in every post. Imagine if you would have said..."I have not posted in a while and I realized that my actions may have caused....the rest of your post...and wondering what we could do to try and eliminate some of that from happening and just have good, spirited debates about things we disagree on?" But you didn't do that, and you wouldn't, hence my post. Does that answer your question??
  7. Nothing Burger....these types of things happen all the time during war. Besides what is wrong with wanting to finish a terrorist organization?
  8. Is it me or could there not be a more ironic/hypocritical post than what TPT just posted?? I literally started laughing out loud. Crazy how some people have ZERO self-recognition, introspection, or social EQ.
  9. What is funny is for people to actually think, as a country, we would ever ban contraception. SMH But then again they are the same people that somehow played mental gymnastics in their brains to try and convince themselves that Trump said he would ban them. Wow
  10. Braves/TPT/Uncle are the type of people that advocate for the perpetrator of a crime and against the police, all the while having complete disregard for the victim or victims...anyone with that backwards thinking isn't worth arguing with.
  11. I think this is one of those cases where both sides of the argument here can be true...yes it is standard procedure that the FBI is armed and ready to use deadly force when executing a raid/search warrant. And it also can be true that the "way" the FBI executed the raid/search warrant wasn't consistent with other very similar situations.
  12. Wow...it's like watching someone trying to argue what the definition of "is" is....I think he got stupider camped in those tents...
  13. First paragraph...LOL...not even worth commenting on because it is so ridiculous. Second paragraph...show on here where ANYEONE is defending the slaughter of 15,000 children, by the way, which propaganda anti-semetic literature did you and your crazy protesters get that from? Any innocent civilian casualties are a travesty; however, 99% of the people on here blame the terrorist group and hold them responsible...yet you defend them and try and blame the people who were attacked, who warn the Palestinians when they are going to retaliate, and who try and provide aid which gets blocked by your terrorist buddies.
  14. Man...you are so wrong on so many levels...I have a feeling you are realizing it after spending so many days living in a tent on a campus thinking you are doing something good. Some day you will realize you are wrong, have been wrong, and aren't as smart as you think you are. Just quit defending hamas and spending all your time blaming Israel...
  15. Here we go AGAIN!! Your "logic" has to work both ways...that is where you are so blind! The truly bad guys (Humas) are responsible for the current situation...you continually trying to paint a different picture is flawed on so many levels. Let's stick with your logic...shouldn't all Israel's be blinded by rage and want to kill Humas??
  16. This! I read all the news sites, and it is pretty much a consensus that the prosecution stunk this up.
  17. Isn't that basically what ALL fans want their staff to do??
  18. What @Offthemat said. There are a sub-set of our society that let the media and politicians run their life for them and listen to everything they say. The media scared them so much about Covid that they can't get over it and probably never will. It is quite sad really. I'm not saying all, but the vast majority who still wear them masks are voting one way, and it rhymes with remocrat.
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