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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Did anyone see the clip of the "peaceful protester" at Portland University run at the police officer with a gas mask on and a garbage can shield...freaking hilarious when he gets owned by the police officer and subsequently arrested...these kids are freaking idiots!
  2. I can't stand how people have changed the meaning of words in order to fit their narrative
  3. Just as I thought...you are under 30 years old...you still have a lot of life left to live and experiences to gain...I'll give you some, and I'll reiterate SOME, leeway for your opinions now.
  4. I agree...sort of like Biden does/did...sort of like Obama did....but we know you won't mention any of those....
  5. Wouldn't one who is for someone replacing the American flag for another countries flag, in America, also be for someone who says they should move to the country of which replaced the American flag???
  6. This stuff cracks me up...start an anti-Israel protest...errr....I mean an anti-war protest...errr...I mean a pro-Palestinian protest...errr...I mean a climate change/anti-police/reparations protest....and we wait for the next reason they give to act like complete idiots and have people on here make excuses for them and support what they are doing
  7. Interesting that Luxembourg didn't make the list on top scores and Singapore didn't make the list on highest paying teaching jobs.
  8. Country PISA 2022 Overall Score PISA Math 2022 PISA Science 2022 PISA Reading 2022 Overall 2018 Singapore 1679 575 561 543 1,669 China 1605 552 543 510 1,736 Japan 1599 536 547 516 1,560 Taiwan 1599 547 537 515 South Korea 1570 527 528 515 1,559 Hong Kong 1560 540 520 500 Estonia 1547 510 526 511 1,579 Canada 1519 497 515 507 1,550 Ireland 1512 492 504 516 1,514 Switzerland 1494 508 503 483 1,494 Australia 1492 487 507 498 1,497 Finland 1485 484 511 490 1,549 New Zealand 1484 479 504 501 1,508 United Kingdom 1483 489 500 494 1,511 Poland 1477 489 499 489 1,539 Czech Republic 1474 487 498 489 1,486 Denmark 1472 489 494 489 1,503 United States 1468 465 499 504 1,485 Sweden 1463 482 494 487
  9. Country Primary School Teacher Starting (USD) Primary School Teacher Top Of Scale (USD) Lower Secondary School Teacher Starting (USD) Lower Secondary School Teacher Top Of Scale (USD) Upper Secondary School Teacher Starting (USD) Upper Secondary School Teacher Top Of Scale (USD) Luxembourg $71,812 $126,868 $81,387 $141,470 $81,387 $141,470 Germany $69,599 $90,970 $77,358 $100,962 $80,911 $110,050 Switzerland $60,948 $92,671 $67,837 $103,952 $76,393 $117,580 South Africa $57,893 - $57,893 - $57,893 - Denmark $54,130 $62,301 $54,405 $62,901 $50,653 $65,827 Saudi Arabia $49,942 - $49,942 - $54,546 - Austria $47,995 $83,892 $47,853 $89,610 $47,914 $95,230 Australia $46,988 $74,335 $46,987 $74,454 $46,987 $74,454 Netherlands $45,594 $85,360 $48,336 $98,654 $48,336 $98,654 Spain $43,684 $62,368 $48,796 $69,499 $48,796 $69,499 Sweden $42,727 $56,757 $44,003 $58,287 $44,258 $59,053 United States $42,723 $74,214 $43,466 $77,596 $43,438 $76,055
  10. So about that marijuana legalization.....
  11. Really...really?? You honestly believe they are JUST protesting innocent lives being killed during war?? They are protesting against Israel and using the unfortunate atrocities of war as a reason to be antisemitic. If they truly understood everything that has happened in that area and why the war started, what you state wouldn't be the reason to protest. Why aren't they just holding anti-war protests...against BOTH sides?? Why aren't you and uncle antisemite talking about BOTH sides and what they have done?? Why aren't you posting and looking up articles and tweets that talk about what Hamas has done and continues to do??? Again, the point of my original post is being made by your response...especially you can't comment on the overall point other then try and show support for what these stupid kids are doing on campuses.
  12. Don't you think these may go down? There isn't a lot of evidence that marijuana use causes a ton of health issues...especially when compared to let's say alcohol.
  13. I have looked into this...I use to travel to Denver 3-4 times/year for work. While it can be said A LOT of money is available via taxes, it is pretty hard to actually find the true benefit of the money influx in terms of how it is or plans to be used...this is not only from what I have looked into but from pretty much every single person who lives out there's experience that I worked with. Again, I am all for the legalization and the potential for increased tax revenue, I just would like to know where and how the money is going to spent, and then actually see that happen.
  14. Laughable is to think a bunch of 18-20 year olds have the slightest clue as to the reality of things in life...especially in other countries other than from what they are being spoon fed by totally biased people and media. What's more telling is that THAT is what you took out of everything I said and commented on. Better get back to your protest so you don't have to go to class.
  15. I'm not sure I buy the "boom in state economy" thing, however, while I personally do not imbibe in the whacky tabacy I don't understand it being illegal, especially in its current form (gummies, candies, etc.) considering it appears to be no worse, and maybe safer, then alcohol.
  16. I'll never understand the thought process/attitude of completely dismissing the actions that lead up to a reaction and then go WAY over the top criticize the reactions that were brought upon the people themselves...it is borderline narcissistic behavior. Criticize the side that reacts to being attacked. Blame people for unfortunately/inadvertently killing human shields and not the people using a person as a human shield. Blame the cops for making arrests for the actions of the person being arrested. Blame the people trying to get into buildings that are being blocked by "peaceful" protests...blocking a roadway or access to a building is NOT "peaceful" protesting. Blame university policies when buildings get taken over versus the people taking over the buildings. Justify yelling "death to Israel" by claiming the meaning is something other than what the actual words say. SMH I'm all for the right to protest, but will never understand the actual crazy behavior associated with some of them. Most of the protesters have NO IDEA what or why other than it is a fad and they like to virtue signal. And as for the war...Humas brought it upon themselves, and the results of the war and the responsibility should fall mainly on Humas. War is ugly and it is very unfortunate the innocent lives that are lost..I'm sure Israel hasn't done things perfectly in regard to what is "right" in war, but that is why war is so unfortunate and yucky. I truly wish Humas would surrender and the war be over.
  17. So stop saying books were banned then...because you just indicated you agree with what has happened in most cases at schools...aka, books were not banned.
  18. Oh if you only truly believed this.
  19. @ThreePointTakedownSince you just can't help yourself from going down stupid rabbit holes and continually insinuating things about people and want to find the boogeyman in everything, I'll try one more time...I'll type slow...no need to read into anything I write other than what the words say. I feel society will get a lot further in terms of people making enough to live if we focus on teaching hard work and self-accountability MORE....versus jacking up wages unnecessarily which in the end teaches people nothing and drives up costs of products and services. By the way, about 80% of fast food workers are high school/college age kids who are not looking to make a career out of it. That says nothing, or insinuates anything about someone who does want to make a career out of it. SMH
  20. This is priceless...you complaining about someone acting like a victim....you can't make this stuff up
  21. Why encourage hard work and self-responsibility...just keep giving people "free" money and raising minimum wage...that fixes everything!!
  22. Yeah...I stand corrected. I guess I should have said you didn't bring up Covid as a topic of discussion but rather as a way of making a point to the topic being discussed and the rock lobster turned it into a topic about Covid.
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