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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. I took it as he felt he truly made a mistake. I did originally read it as he was trying to excuse it, but after reading it a couple more times I think he meant it as just explaining his thought process when he wrote what he did, and after reflection agrees he stepped over the line. I was just happy he apologized as A LOT of people on here don't and just continue to post crappy things over and over. Not trying to argue with you Rasta...totally can see why someone would feel the way you do...I just got a different view on it is all. In the end what he wrote was wrong. God knows I have said some pretty stupid things on here...
  2. Curious...how does one have no balls AND balls at birth???
  3. I'd say for me it's Bartlett and Zerban
  4. Sure does...and playing the victim for others
  5. Can't imagine living like that...blaming everyone else for my issues and lack of accomplishment
  6. Take your pick. I think GWN posts are terrible, insulting, and completely crazy and cross the line all the time. If your line and my line are different...fine. But to say I was trying to make an apples to apples comparison, well, that is on you. I told you I think both GWN and HD went over MY line. As for how far, it wasn't close as I agree that kids/wife's/family are off limits and should never be mentioned and used as a way to "get someone". Is that better??
  7. I'm not putting anyone or any post into any category other than both his and GWN have posted things that are over the line. I didn't comment on how far over the line each were in comparison to each other. No need to get your undies in a bunch rasta
  8. Someone is on full whackadoodle mode today
  9. Wow...now "pro-life" is brought into the conversation...can't make this stuff up. Must be a miserable life to read things and always somehow twist it in your mind to think it equals cruel, bigots, racists, transphobes, xenophobes, etc. Once again, no one on here has ever said a huge portion of the world population should eff right off"...because people want a secure boarder and policies and processes for people to come into the country the legal way does not mean bigot, racist, cruel, etc. Quit being a psycho please
  10. I saw the clip for this...as much as I can't stand AOC, it is absolutely ridiculous that people do this...total whackjobs!!
  11. This is an interesting look at things! Thanks
  12. Source? Again where are you getting "record profits" from?
  13. There you go again...searching for that boogeyman so you can blame someone and play the victim card for people who don't need your help. You start a post with a lie for a headline and you continue to try and argue it, you won't retract it, and now continually turn the situation into something it isn't. By attacking the state of Oklahoma, their politicians, the school, and posters on here. You continually keep trying to think somehow, we all are a bunch of insensitive bigots who go around hating people who are different then ourselves...al of which is utter B.S. And how you could think anything like that based on what was posted on here is beyond me. People have continually used facts and data to explain why your original post was a lie, why your assertations about things are a lie, and yet here you are continuing on with the name calling and implying people mean something other than what they typed. You even got offended by me using a common scientific term like "genetic defect". SMH. Again, do you get off on trying to make people out to be bad...does that make you feel better about yourself and make you feel all warm and cozy stroking your invisible virtue award as you doze off to sleep at night??
  14. So where did you get your original assortation that "companies were experiencing record profits"?? This article doesn't seem to say that but rather companies have had to raise prices due to inflation in order to stay in business. What were they supposed to do, not raise prices, not make any money, lay off workers and go out of business?? SMH
  15. Very interesting it was unanimous
  16. I am worse off financially comparatively from 5 years ago. This is do to cut backs at work, 401k performance, and inflation. I am making less and my dollar doesn't go as far. I am still comfortable due to having zero debt except for my mortgage, but I can see why people could really be struggling right now. Was there a reason you asked this?
  17. That is the irony/hypocrisy of it all...those screaming on here about respect/choice/acceptance/inclusion/etc., spew some of the most divisive/unaccepting/oppressive/non-inclusive/etc. stuff on here. They constantly jump to labeling folks as bigots/transphobes/racists/etc. for no reason other than disagreeing, or for some reason assuming you mean something completely different than what you wrote in order for them or someone else to be a victim. Such a weird thought process. Never understood how freedom of choice/being left alone/wanting to think for themselves/conservation of freedoms that built this country/work hard for what they earn/keep what they earn/etc. equals bigots/transphobes/racists/etc. Most people who are "conservative" could give two snits about what other people do in their free time, how they dress, or what they want to be called...and yet get labeled all those things. SMH
  18. My favorite saying from my father....if you aren't liberal until you are 30 you don't have a heart, if you aren't conservative after 30 you don't have a brain. This is exactly how it worked out for me ironically. I use to be a bleeding heart liberal all through college until I got out in the real world. The first thing that had me starting to turn more conservative was my first job out of college was at a hospital and I was forced to be in a union...wow that was eye opening...working in a very important/huge patient impact if there were error's, anyway and the union steward for our area would literally drop what they were doing in the middle of their work and walk away at the exact break time...they would tell on others if they took break to early or late, worked to late or left to early, and the head of the union broke into an office to steal communications from one of the leaders. Crazy stuff! But I think what happens when people are younger they tend to believe in pie in the sky sort of things based on emotions and emotional narrative...they have not been quite exposed to "real life" yet and think things are as easy as "why don't we have free health care"...and "why doesn't everyone make the same amount and live in big houses and drive nice cars"..."big corp is bad because they take advantage of people in order to make huge profits"..."blame others for their misfortune"...etc. But as you get older and actually live life and have experiences you realize how things work and what stopping blaming others and working hard can do for you. You also understand how the government is run horribly and is more about control and power and taking your money, then it is to help you in day-to-day life. That nothing in life is free, and you don't fall for the idiotic rhetoric like some on one side of the political isle likes to spew. You begin to think for yourself, and understand how to find the truth through the cesspool of media and "news". You also learn that the loud over the top "experts" in certain fields are in fact, not really experts at all but blow hard politicians in it for the money...and then spew about universal health care, taking care of your fellow man, etc., but keep all their millions and billions of $$ to themselves. So in summary, you become all about working hard, not believe what you are told from politicians/experts/etc., think for yourself, focus on taking care of yourself and your family, helping people in need, and wanting to be left alone and to leave others alone as long as it doesn't impact you. I also honestly have no problem with people that are liberal, some of my best friends and some in my family are liberals. I enjoy speaking with them and learning how they think and why they think they way they do (even though sometimes they get so angry when I share my opinion they just walk away huffing and puffing...it is quite funny...I am like why are you so angry??). Anyway, I tend to agree with them on a lot of things even though we get to conclusions about topics differently or disagree about how to get to a solution. My best friend from high school is liberal, and use to be extremely liberal, but even he is getting to more of the middle as he gets older and can't stand the far-left folks. And similarly, my dad is conservative and as he has gotten older he has become far right...hard listening to him sometimes. Anyway, rant over
  19. I just read that the chief of police ran on the platform a couple years ago that he will not work with ICE and perpetuate the fear...aka, it is a sanctuary city
  20. I hope the arguing about the definition of "darkhorse" keeps going.... What was the 125 lb kid from VT last year that had a super low seed and finished high on the podium...I guess I could go look it up...lol Edit: Eddie Ventresca - Finished 7th as a 27 seed
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