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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. agreed. Actually the Democrats wanted to run against Donald Trump. They thought Hillary would easily beat Donald Trump.
  2. I'm talking about the absurdity of the Jan. 6th hearings. There were no witnesses for the defense. There was no cross examination.
  3. I would say Hillary got Trump elected. Women weren't very excited about her as a President.
  4. It looks like the January 6 th hearings on steroids.
  5. The media doesn't have to try to twist facts on Joe . He gives them more than enough material in speech , falling upstairs, falling on flat surfaces and on his bike.
  6. I'm sure there were people that didn't like him prior to his election. Actually a lot of democrats liked Donald prior to him running for president. Then he did the unthinkable and ran for president. Then he got elected and got 70 million new haters. Does he know how to throw a punch.?Yes.If you attack him will he fight back ? Yes. Does he send mean tweets? Yes. Does he act like a jerk? Yes. Does the liberal Media hate him with a passion? Yes. Has Biden been treated with kid gloves by the media compared to Trump? You bet your a--.
  7. So far they are doing a commendable job.
  8. So you are an actor .Are you on strike right now? Also that's why you're the man when it comes to spread sheets.
  9. Just a side note. Do you have a legal back ground? You may also take the 5th.
  10. Just a side note . Do you have a legal background? You may plead the 5th if you want.
  11. I wouldn't know I am not a lawyer. I was just repeating myself to Wrestlingrasta. From my prior thread.
  12. You are a smart guy. By chance ( prior to Jan. 6th ) do you know the 3 individuals who denied multiple requests for extra security because of the optics? They thought it would look bad to have a large presence of National Guard Soldiers already there early in the morning. They were more concerned about the optics not the security. If its ok with you I only want to discuss this one question. If you are not interested or do not know the answer that's fine. Side note . I have never used twitter.
  13. OK. I said the democrat machine went after Trump 7 years ago. Even before he was sworn in. ( to be President). They have been going after him for 7 years now. So yes they were going after Trump before Jan. 6th.
  14. Thats fine but as I pointed out this started 7 tears ago before he was sworn into office. That is what I don't understand. Maybe you can explain.
  15. This has been going on for 7 years. The government has probably spent north of 60 million dollars on all these investigations. I'll admit there is a lot I don't like about Donald Trump. He and his lawyers have done a lot of stupid things. If found guilty so be it. I'm 68 years old and I have never seen a political party so intent on destroying a political opponent. I'm all for a good hard fought fair election . Then you crown the winner. Everybody moves on and gets on with their life ( your family,your work,helping others). It looks like that ship has sailed.
  16. Probably not . I wouldn't advice it. But it worked under similar circumstances.
  17. Except for Hillary Clinton. I would say her actions definitely showed intent to destroy evidence. With Joe I'm pretty sure he should never had them period. Little less bring them to his homes or offices. Just laying all over the place.
  18. So you are fine giving Joe Biden several days notice to come and look for classified documents.
  19. I'm not sure how much you are keeping up with high school wrestling. I was wondering how you would rank the toughest (folk style ) high school tournaments. Include any pre-season tournament like Super 32.
  20. Also the FBI made appointments days in advance to come by and look at Joe's multiple homes. That seems a little suspicious to me.
  21. Did you forget about the classified documents sitting in a unsecured closet at U PENN Biden Center. I don't believe the people moving the boxes had a security clearance. I pretty sure lawyers do not move storage boxes. I doubt the lawyers who eventually got there had a security clearance to handle the documents.
  22. The problem comes when they want it so bad they are willing to commit crimes in order gain the profits.
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