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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Yo Bobby.Maybe they should take a 4th grade math class sometime. I have a couple of grandchildren who are in the 4th grade that could help them. It is really sad that America has gotten this far off the rails. I feel bad for my children and grandchildren.
  2. One last time. Do you know anyone that is in or has been in the National Guard. Then please call them and ask them what they think. For some reason people think the National Guard is like a full time City fire department. The fire department has fireman ready to go at all times. Generally there is know one at the National Guard Armory. I'm not saying you can't call them and ask them to come. It just going to take a while to respond . I couldn't imagine how long it would take to get to the Capital from their Armory with all the traffic. Wouldn't you agree that would be unacceptable if it takes 2 or 3 hours to respond. Also enjoy your brisket.
  3. just as a side note in your previous post you said and I quote { you democrats are all the same}. Please explain. Also how can 804,000 borrowers still owe 39 billion dollars. Isn't that close to 48,000 dollars each? When they supposedly have been paying on their loans for 20 or 25 years. As George Bush used say that is some fuzzy math.
  4. Obviously you do not have a military background. The National guard (which my son was in for 10 years } is not a fast reaction or strike group. They need advance notice if they are to be utilized . Like a day or two in advance . The National Guard is made up people who work other jobs and have other responsibilities and may be hours away from their Armory. On the other hand the Army's 504th which my son belongs to now is a fast strike operation. I have been talking about the preparation leading up to Jan. 6th. In order for the Natonial Guard to be properly utilized they would have been notified days in advance and been deployed at the Capital building early in the morning Jan. 6th.,. So I am not talking about after the fact. It really was to late after the Capital was breached.
  5. The head of the executive branch had no say in the security on Jan . 6th. I know you are well aware of that. Paul Irving the sergeant-at-arms and Nancy Pelosi had that responsibility. Of course, you knew that.
  6. Maybe you should take a reading class. Where did I say 1.9 million? I also said maybe people should take a basic economic class in high school and in college so can they make better decisions. Also my math is just fine. Show me one error in my math. By the way what is the bottom quartile. My 5 children are all doing just fine whether they went to college or not. The ones who went to college have already paid of their student loans. Most of them are well on their way to having their homes paid off and their automobiles paid off.
  7. Maybe if Wrestlingrasta would have studied up he would have known that.
  8. Looks like Paul Irving ,the sergeant -at- arms was asked by the Capital Police days in advance for extra security . He refused to act upon it. I'm sure had the FBI got it right they could have persuaded Paul Irving to get the needed security. So maybe if you had studied up you would have known that.
  9. Trump was not in charge of the FBI or the Capital Police. Of course you new that. The utter failure of those 2 high level agencies with all their resources. Unbelievable .
  10. So the investigation said the FBI and the Capital Police did a great job? Really.So who was the person at the head of the branch. Wray or Pelosi?
  11. So if you have a 50,000 dollar loan at 5.9 percent on a 25year loan that works out to payments 327.00 dollars a month. 1.2 million dollars breaks down to about 28,000 dollars a year. Of course you have to pay taxes on it but still leaves a lot of money to pay on your student loan. It shouldn't be that difficult to pay off your student loan. Side note. Maybe if students take some basic economic classes in high school or college they could make some better decisions .
  12. The tip top of what? I think we need to go back and investigate the massive failure of the Capital Police , the FBI and whomever was calling the shots going into Jan. 6 th. How did so many top notch law enforcement agencies get it so wrong. It just doesn't add up.
  13. Really. Are you saying that when I pay in 8000 dollars in taxes and government decided to give me back 1000 dollars is the same as a student who signs a contract for a 50,000 dollar loan to go to college and gets it forgiven?,. Then the student graduates with a degree and now they are obligated to pay back the loan per the legal contract they signed. So the federal government forgiving their 50,000 loan is comparable to a 1000 tax cut? Wow. Isn't that income redistribution on steroids?
  14. That could work but that won't win the election for Joe.
  15. its good for Joe Biden and his bid to get reelected.
  16. I have a question for you. In the upcoming election I decide to pay 1 million voters 1000 dollars each to vote for a certain candidate in order to win the election. We have the election and the candidate wins. Did I do anything improper? If so what is it. As for your question about taxes. Taxes are derived from money I EARNED from WORKING. If the government wants to lower my taxes and give me back some of MY MONEY I'm fine with that. I have paid in Taxes for 54 years. Forgiveness of student loans is taking my tax money to pay for someone else's debt. I paid back my student debt. All of My 5 children have paid back their student debt.
  17. Biden and his administration are so desperate for votes in the 2024 election they will do anything to buy the votes. When the Supreme Court voted him them down they knew they were in deep shi!. When he promised 42 million voters he would give them 10 to 20 thousand dollars each in loan forgiveness that was a huge incentive to vote for him. So now he came away with 38 billion dollars for 804,000 voters.
  18. Bob please explain all sports have predetermined outcomes. Now if you are watching WWE you would be right.
  19. What percentage of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere each year is from humans? Before you look it up take a guess.
  20. So over the last 25 years instead people actually receiving beneficial help the doctors prescribe drugs to fix the problem. which in some cases can help. But I believe Americans are over medicated. Just read the small print on the bottle.
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