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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. We should be profiling, monitoring and creating policies to fight against the radicalization of politicians in Washington DC. There I fixed it. Data actually shows this.
  2. Yes its ok now. Racism ok. Profiling is ok. I just saw where Joe Biden signed an executive order to that effect.
  3. 25 states do not allow poll workers to open mail in ballots until election day. They have to then verify eligibility. Then scan and tabulate. With all the mail-in ballots now that is problematic.
  4. I'm calling the officials in Mich.,Wisc. and Pa. as we speak . I'll have fixed by the end of the week.
  5. Have you been following our little discussion? I'm just for accurate and timely election results. I say get results in by midnight the next day. Unless you have some sort of National disaster.
  6. Ouch. I didn't say I know everything or that its easy. Change sometimes is hard. To clarify this is the most important election that takes place in the world. Period. It is an incredible responsibility to do this job right. In North Carolina we have a lot of early in person voting and mail in voting.They are allowed to open, scan and tabulate the votes before election day. Mich.,Wisc.,and Pa. along with 20 other states do not do that . This causes the delays in releasing the results. Election officials in those states have begged the legislatures to change this.There state lawmakers could easily change this but they refuse to.Half of the states allow workers to open mail in ballots and scan and tabulate them . In NC I would say 85 percent of the voting is done 3 days before election day. Do we do it perfect ?No. So we only have to count 15 percent of the vote on election day.. We have 10.7 million people . the 9th largest state.
  7. Just make it mandatory. The states will figure out if they want their votes counted. It is isn't rocket science. We aren't going to Mars. Its really just a matter of change. You said you are in athletics. If what you are doing isn't working you have to change. States will figure it out. Sorry. I just think it is important to do things timely and accurately when it comes to elections. I apologize if I'm going overboard.
  8. Like I said there are states doing a really good job. They should be advisors to other states. Just implement the same procedures that are working for the states that are doing a really good job.In the 25 years I coached multiple sports that is exactly what I did. It worked.
  9. Fair enough. Like I said there are states that are doing a really good job. Maybe they can advise the other states. There is no excuse to take a week or more for results.
  10. I believe we are down to about 6 or 7 states that actually decide a Presidential election. It would be great for them to get the votes counted in a timely fashion. I would give them one day. Implement voting procedures to achieve that. They can certify them also in a timely fashion also. Some states are doing a really good job.
  11. That is also bizarre to me. Just have them accurate and done in a timely fashion.
  12. Aren't some of the states finished up the night of the election? Of course we want it accurate. But this isn't the 1980's .
  13. My point is that elections are very important. The integrity of the process is very important. Having antique voting machines is totally irresponsible. It causes chaos . Which leads to no confidence in election process.
  14. My wish would be they would have the results done by the next morning .No Exceptions. So if you are mailing in your vote you better have it there 2 days before the actual election day or it doesn't count. Taking weeks for results is totally unacceptable.
  15. Yes that was a big mess. No one knew what a hanging chad was prior to that election.
  16. Ok . Thanks for your help. I had not heard anyone actually talk about what the full process would be. Thanks again.
  17. Ok . So you go to courts and they find sufficient evidence of fraud in the election to alter the outcome. Does it go to the supreme court? Remember this is hypothetical. I just want to know what the process is. I don't want to start a world war 3.
  18. Fair enough. Maybe someone on here has some understanding of the process. Thanks.
  19. Hypothetically what would have been the process if they had found sufficient fraud in the 2020 election to have caused a different outcome?
  20. My son was part of first wrestling team at Quachita Baptist college. The first college program he helped start. Yes Greg has a real passion for the sport.
  21. I agree . It looks like a large college stadium ( 90k) would be a 1 billion dollars or more to build. Ohio State football budget is 70 million dollars. So football is very expensive. Have you read or heard about what Greg Hatcher is doing in Arkansas? Its an amazing story.
  22. All sports outside of men's football and men's basketball are non-revenue with very few exceptions.
  23. You are here by sentenced to be Kamala Harris's communication's advisory until further notice.
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