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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Yes he is saying don't bring your crap to our town because the citizens , the police , district attorneys and judges will not tolerate it.If you try to hurt a citizen on the street the general public will step in immediately and it will not go well for you.
  2. I heard cornpop is still around and wants to kick his butt again. Joe is ready just in case.
  3. Probably a good idea for them. Live to fight another day. Do you think Hunter can stay out of trouble for the next 2 years ? Thats the plea deal on the gun charge.
  4. Looks like we would have been charged with 2 or 3 counts of federal tax evasion. Looks like 18 to 24 months per charge. Hunter has paid back most of the 2.3 million dollars owed on the tax and fines with the help from a loan from his LAWYER. Yea right. About 300,000 dollars has sunset for 2015 and 2016 taxes he owed. Its looks like we would probably get some time for the felony gun charge. Maybe 12 months. Most of do not have money to hire the high lawyers which might help get some of this reduced. So we would get smoked.
  5. I appreciate your answer .You're probably right. But I was wanting to know what you or I ,just regular Americans would be charged with and Convicted of.
  6. I'm curious as to what everyone thinks especially all the law experts on here.Thanks. Would we get any jail time?
  7. Do you mean Joe [Russia} Biden? Like in the last election.
  8. There you go a voice of reason. By the way Bob when did they get WIFI in heaven and is it expensive?
  9. SHHH. You shouldn't let out our dirty little secrets. I'll bet that 80 percent of the voters do not know this,
  10. The Media really fell for it, hook, line and sinker. Watching the media melt down on election night was priceless.
  11. Russia colluded to help Hillary get elected.Russia already had an agreement with Hillary to be able to go in to Ukraine. Russia always wants a democrat in the white house.
  12. It couldn't possibly have been that you had a god awful candidate . It couldn't possibly have be that the conservatives were not giving the pollsters accurate data. The pollsters fell for it so did Hillary and her election team. Watching the media slowly melt down on election night was priceless.
  13. Well said. Also there are little safe guards to prevent it from happening. There are very little repercussions if you do get caught .There really is know way to know who is actually voting on the ballot . You have ballot harvesting . You have mail in ballots.Who is actually voting. Some polling places have 100 percent plus voting .Really !! Lets face it in the last election there was know way in hell that any court would ever touch an election regardless of much illegal voting was found. The country would never recover from the massive effects of a fraudulent election . Voters would never trust or have confidence in the election process.
  14. That is what they are really good at. They also have a lot things they don't want us to find out or to talk about.
  15. I read it. 2017 . Would like to see the updated information.
  16. Those pesky old facts. Scouts Honor you know democrats get bothered when you use them.
  17. Honestly to this day I can't believe Hillary did not spend some time in jail. Incredible. I have a son and 3 son in-laws that are in the military .If anyone of them had done what she did they would still be in jail.
  18. Trump won't be out of prison. The democrats will see to that and I thank them ahead of time for that.
  19. I see your Badge. Thanks for your service. I'm sure you know and understand that having 300 Guardsman stationed around the city was a big mistake. They should have already been at the capital along with another 500 troops. The goal of security is to prevent things like Jan. 6th. Once the Capital is breached it becomes a massive failure. So yes they could have called the 300 to come over to assist after the fact but that is a day late and a dollar short. There were requests days in advance by the Capital Police to have the National Guard in large numbers but they were turned down. This would have easily prevented Jan, 6th.
  20. To be fair we have been using the electoral college for sometime now to determine the winner in the presidential election. Also to be fair that study did not include independents which make up 33 percent of the voters now.
  21. Wow the study had 10,245 voters in 2017. We all know how the polls work . Just 12 months earlier they said Hillary was going to win in a landslide.
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