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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. I think we all know what it says. Will they ever release it? Probably not.
  2. The base line you are using is 8 years old. I can find little data on this subject that is current . Maybe in the coming years we will have some accurate research results. For now there is little up to date data. That is concerning.
  3. And you never will. That is off limits for some reason.
  4. What if that number has doubled or increased by 40 % since covid. Is there any recent up to date data. Usually google searches for data is 2 or 3 years old. which would not cover covid and the shot.
  5. Wow . Had the judge allowed this go through Hunter would have had immunity from any other illegal activities he might be involved in the past. This really looks like the 2 sides are colluding with one another .The deal they agreed on would have been the deal of century.
  6. Judge is accusing Hunters lawyers of misrepresentation, also accused of trying to remove briefing material.
  7. What is the conspiracy. Would you want to come and testify before congress if you had information that could get the president impeached and his son put in jail. Devon Archer knows this will go really bad for him. He knows his life will forever be changed. But I am pleased that you are now reading at an acceptable level now, Keep up the good work.
  8. On a side note I had read what you said concerning your family and your situation and I sincerely hope for the best for you and your family.
  9. Correct me if I am mistaken but didn't Donald Trump offer to( activate) the National Guard a week in advance (which is normal procedure because the National Guard is not a fast strike unit) and was turned down by the Sergeant at Arms. Had the Sergeant at Arms said yes we wouldn't be having this conversation would we.
  10. Sure means yes . Fair question. How would you go about blocking the peaceful transfer of power ?
  11. I really didn't see any policies ( that you mentioned) Trump had that has to do with the peaceful transfer of power.
  12. Sure no problem. Can you give me a hint on how you would do it? Having a protest with some idiots with zip ties,bear spray, a pole and a fire extinguisher, (which they got once they were in the building ) has nothing to do with Donald Trump. But is has everything to do With Paul Irving's total failure to give extra security when he was asked multiple times by the Chief of the Capital Police.
  13. So who exactly is the healthier of the 2 men. Physically and mentally.
  14. Remind me . What exactly did Trump do specifically to block the transfer of power ? Questioning the outcome of an election is not blocking the transfer of power. Questioning the manner in which the election was conducted is not blocking the transfer of power. Telling the people to peacefully protest is not blocking the transfer of power. However the person in charge of security ( Sergeant at Arms,Paul Irving ) on January 6 th was responsible for the total failure of securing the peaceful transfer of power.
  15. Yes your right. Messi is only getting a contract worth 150 million dollars. It is still an expensive goal.
  16. I see he scored a goal. It might be the most expensive goal in history.
  17. So which of the laws described in the song would you be breaking? Why would you want to break those laws? You do know the democrats did the lynching.the Ku Klux Klan
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