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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Can you please explain why NARA is handling Obama's documents differently . Its been over 6 years since he took a large number of documents. Would it be fair to say NARA has no clue what Obama took with him. Thanks.
  2. When I saw your prior comment Obama came to my mind. I was wondering why NARA was handling all those documents so differently. Seems really strange.
  3. Maybe someone needs to explain that to NARA. Maybe tell Jack Smith also. This is some good information .Thanks
  4. Thats really great. Sounds like it is quite the place. I hope you a got a discount on some merchandise.
  5. She truly has a gift. It really is amazing.
  6. Maybe we could send a contingent of all the Big Ten wrestling coaches. See if they can negotiate a deal with them. An option would be send all the football coaches just in case.
  7. How much can I wager ? Hasn't Nike sold a million pairs of wrestling shoes. Nike could afford to get all 4 teams started . It could be a nice tax write off.
  8. With all the revenue pouring in The Big Ten should subsidize the start up of the wrestling programs..
  9. I should have added . That they are patriotic and have common sense. So you don't ship all your jobs overseas .
  10. Just to clarify I have 2 boys . One is in heaven the other one is serving in the Army.Those are my boys.
  11. Well that has been going on for some time now. I have always thought if you could get 20 accomplished, intelligent men or women that have run businesses and made payrolls and are good at problem solving . Throw all the lobbyists in the ocean. Give all Senators and Congressman a leave of absence for 3 years. They could have America fixed in a few years.
  12. I thought that was a slogan Democrats are using to degrade or insult people. But I am proud to be an American if that helps you.
  13. I'm really sorry to disappoint you but I am not pulling for Donald Trump. My picks are Ron DeSantis ,Glen Youngkin and Kristi Noem. I would take any combination of those 3. I hope you will forgive me.
  14. I didn't know MAGA could cry. Is MAGA a person in your mind?
  15. If he hadn't announced there would be no charges what soever. If his name was Schumer,Pelosi or Biden there would be no charges
  16. Its right there Bigbrog. Just like the emperor's new clothes.
  17. Are you saying the FBI was aware of the planning of the breach for the 2 months leading up to Jan. 6th ? All violent protestors should be prosecuted.
  18. Do you know what weight he was wrestling.
  19. Do you know what weight he was wrestling.
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