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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. His sister actually said it. That she would support her. But as of now that's all there is to it.
  2. Yes that's just a good day of Gaffes for old Joe. That is with all of his handlers telling him to not say anything.
  3. I get it. I Just found it very odd coming from the Presidents sister. I also got your other point.
  4. That is about one day for Joe.
  5. Did you hear Joe Bidens sister Valerie is pushing for Meghan Markle for president.
  6. Who do you love more Joe or Kamala?
  7. Can you imagine all the companies that have a lot of office personnel watching the proceedings on computers and phones when they should be doing their work. The networks would celebrating .
  8. It will be a he said she said circus. Get your popcorn and your drink of choice ready.This will be Hollywood worthy. Maybe someone will win a Oscar.
  9. Thats to bad . There are a lot good wrestlers on the west coast who could benefit from having UCLA,USC,Oregon and Washington offering wrestling programs.
  10. You know I am being sarcastic. Greatwhitenorth thinks anyone who disagrees with him is worse than A Russian asset. He seems obsessed with Russia.
  11. Sort of the same thing the DOJ and the prosecutors are doing with Trump. Will they succeed .Time will tell.
  12. Its probably the only reason Biden will not get impeached. Our enemies really want Kamala in charge.
  13. Maybe he is one of those Russian assets.
  14. NARA and the Obama Foundation had intended to work together to digitize the presidential records to create a digital archive. Did it not work out?
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