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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. My ears are fine. I always wore a headgear. On the other hand my nephew who wrestled in Ohio (3 time champ )since he was 5 years old had perfect ears. Then he went to Penn State (2 time all American) and his teammates would not let him wear his headgear. Come to find out girls in Pa. love Cauliflower ears.
  2. I have to come clean. While in college I challenged the bullies on the football team who were harassing and bullying our 118 and 126 pounders who were Hispanic. They backed down. It's interesting they didn't pick on our 190 ponder or the Heavyweight who was 6 foot 7 and 295 lbs.
  3. You are officially cleared then. ( note to FBI). I'm still a little concerned about Wrestlingrasta though.
  4. I know you are a busy guy and appreciate your efforts. Can you make a graph of total deaths during same time period. Thanks
  5. I am not violent extremist. I have never met a violent extremist. Be careful the FBI is monitoring this forum and collecting data.
  6. It takes a man to admit when you are wrong. They might surprise us. Again outstanding job on the research MSPART.
  7. Great job laying out the truth. Very well done. This will be interesting seeing the responses from -----.
  8. Try doing a google search to find exactly how many of these violent extremists there are. I can't find one study or article that gives you concrete numbers. I did see where there were 59 violent attacks from 2000 to 2016. With 29 deaths. Like a I said earlier that is 4 week ends in Chicago.
  9. I posted one definition. That isn't violent.
  10. Looks like there were 26 violent White Extremists attacks from 2000 to 2016 and there were 49 homicides. That is 4 week ends just in Chicago.
  11. Looks like that only covers violent extremism. Which I would think would be a different definition than Extremism. Check out the definition I posted.
  12. Here is one definition of Extremism. The vocal or active opposition to fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty.
  13. I think we will be shocked by the governments definition of Extremism.
  14. and they want you and I to pay off their college loans that they agreed to pay back.Hmmm
  15. They are 32 through42 now. Grandchildren 6 months through21. Yes controlled chaos.
  16. I'm sure millions of upset parents at school meetings went into the data as extremists. I'm sure if you dislike what president Biden is doing you will be flagged an extremists. If questioned or were concerned about the elections you probably are considered an extremist.
  17. Can you define Radicalized Extremists? Wouldn't stand to reason that there might be more just because of number differential between Whites,Blacks, Asian and Hispanic. Can you give an example of the rad extrem..
  18. Along with raising 5 children and running a small business I managed to do a couple other things. I coached little league baseball. Coached and played softball . Coached and played basketball. Coached youth wrestling. While I was doing all that I was vice chairman and Chairman of AAU Wrestling in North Carolina. I retired last year. Now I am enjoying my 13 grandchildren. Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy. Good luck with the Raquet Facility.
  19. Nice career. You have probably seen it all. Is the beer League Mens Softball
  20. Fair enough. Side note . Do you coach or are you an athletic director? You make take the 5th.
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