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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Once again, baloney. I did an entire presentation on this a few years back, all the while tricking my audience (older and middle-aged people) who also think that they were smarter than "the kids today. Unfortunately, our data shows that kids just keeping getting brighter and brighter. https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/06/student-test-scores-continue-rise-just-they-have-past-40-years/ ONLY drops in 50 years have been during COVID, which coukd be expecked. https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/highlights/ltt/2022/
  2. "Mr. Hawley also argues that working-class voters “have little enthusiasm” for the GOP. Data don’t back up this claim, either. According to the Fox News Voter Analysis, white noncollege voters in 2018 were 40% of the turnout and broke 59% Republican, 39% Democrat. In 2022, their share of the turnout ticked up to 41% and the Republican advantage grew to 65% to 32%. It appears Democrats have bigger problems than the GOP does among working-class voters." This was often given as the reason as to why Deuce "won" in 2016; that working class voters voted for Deuce in large number. That would be true, but the obvious problem with that is that black and Hispanic voters didn't vote for Deuce and voted overwhelmingly for Clinton. Thus what get sold as "working class voters" carries a strong racial element as well.
  3. The Democrats also chucking money into the primary races and voting in them, where they could, to have extremist candidates be the nominees also didn't hurt matters.
  4. Hunter Biden's laptop has been in gubment hands since 2018, I believe. Seems a little odd that Deuce wouldn't have insisted that someone find something of substance on it when he was "in office." Nothing.
  5. You said all, not me. Which ideas of mine are extreme? This should be fun to watch, eh, friends?
  6. Abortion. My views do not differ from yours. In cases of health of the mother, rape, and incest should never be outlawed. That's asine to even consider. Education. Pretty much fully agree, but also believe that it should either be free or greatly made cheaper. Environment. Same view, plus easing into 100% renewables. Gay Rights. 100% agree. No laws governing it. Govt. Spending. Need much more of it and higher taxes on those paying single digits to pay for it. Gun Rights. Full bans on public ownership of anything outside of shotguns and rifles for sport or hunting. Immigration. We need more people in the U.S. to solve worker shortages. Massive overhaul to alliow more legal immigration and citizenship for those already here. Military. Defund the poop out of it and put the funds where they are needed. Personal Responsibility. Pretty much the same view, except I'm a full on social libertarian. Govt. Regulatons. They keep our society civil and functioning. I'm ok with even more of it. Death Penalty. 100% abolishment. Taxes. Need much more of it, done far more equitably to fund our society. Voting. Even though I don't vote in any partisan elections, I do like the national holiday idea. Never should one person in America be denied the right to vote, including those with no I.D. If ONE American can't vote, that's criminal.
  7. Ah, gotcha. I've been studying that phenomena of us only hearing the extreme, but there are several reasons for that. One, they're the loudest, most frequent voices, so it's easy to think they are the norm, Second, conservatism today lives on extremism. Tattletale "News" and AM radyo pushes extremist ideas 24 hours a day. Bill Mahar correctly says that there's no such thing as too extreme in the Republican party today (30% of the electorate). You see it in their views, policy proposals, politicians, and candidates.
  8. Crime reporting has never been a perfect science, but we have to use the data that is available. That's the case now as well. The fact is is that from the sample that we get, it is still showing the continuous, over three decade pattern of crime rates in freefall. Funny how you only trust the homicide data- the only area of crime temporarily rising- but ALL OTHER crime data is fake news.
  9. 25 years ago for me, but, yes, too many birthdays have killed my ability to be the glutton I'd love to still be.
  10. False. I detailed that crime has been in freefall since the 90's. However, the homicide rate has increased over the past two years, but it will be temporary. You can see all of the data under the "Michigan" thread in this forum.
  11. I'd like to take part, but I don't really understand the instructions. Am I to convert those statements into what a majority view would be? If so, it doesn't account for my views.
  12. I just learned of the Glutton Game. Everyone weighs in at the beginning of the day, and the heaviest at the end of the day win Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
  13. No, they were committed by lone wolf, psychologically disturbed folks. Definitely NOT part of a religion nor terrorist group.
  14. Yes, in addition to what I always say, they're devoted to keeping stupid people angry and uninformed.
  15. The list is endless over the years. MS-13, eminent domain, smash and grab, undocumenteds voting in droves, gun grabbers, radical Imams (sp?), Antifa ( instantly dead in the water now), Ebola, Benghazi ( I used to mock them by combining, Ebolaghazi into one), wind turbines, radical professors. Keep adding...
  16. Exactly. Had the homicide rate rapidly plummeted a few months before midterms, not a one of the 30 percenters would have applauded it, but, rather, lamented it. I once asked a question to a group of 30 percenters a few years back during an election season that told me all that I needed to know. I clarified their views at that time about their illusion that crime is up, libruls support welfare, undocumenteds are flooding across, etc, etc., to which they all verified. I then followed it up by asking if all of these imagined "problems" suddenly reversed and Democrats and libberols were in power when the reversal occurred, would you be happy with that outcome. Sheepishly, they all answered "no," as it would mean that they would likely lose the upcoming election. Conclusion to be drawn? The 30 percenters aren't interested in seeing "problems" go away, but, rather, winning elections and everyone be damned. And people wonder why I don't vote, nor aprticipate in this charade that we call a "political system?"
  17. As I posted in my initial reply to you. Yes, the homicide rate IS temporarily up, but CRIME, overall, is down, as it has been for decades (homicide rate was down for decades too). The problem is is that Tattletale "News" and the criminals on AM radyo only drum beated crime in general, over and over again, as you continued to parrot, as you were told to do, but never specified that ONLY the homicide rate is up. Furthermore, not all cities saw increases in their homicide rates, many of which were deliberately incorrectly conveyed to the 30 percenters. I simply clarified that crime is NOT up, but, yes, the homicide rate is temporarily up.
  18. Daktronics (SDSU) Open results. https://unipanthers.com/news/2022/11/20/wrestling-uni-wrestling-four-panthers-claim-titles-at-daktronics-open.aspx
  19. First tournament results. Pretty much all freshman. https://unipanthers.com/news/2022/11/12/wrestling-panther-wrestling-claims-three-titles-at-grand-view-open.aspx
  20. Only a Linkedin user here. I have yet to buy me one of them Twitters or Facebooks from Target, but I'm happy that I use neither.
  21. Nah. That's what cheap little banana republic dictators say. Hence, "fake news."
  22. It's easily explainable though. The ONLY rules governing what you are talking about is the spreading of mis/disinformation. So, because conservatives were so much more riddled with mis/disinformation, deliberately fed to them by people who know better, and they are always so willing to parrot this mis/disinformation, of course they are going to be more prone to being censored. Understand: I'm an honest, fair man and if the same was happening to libruls regarding mis/disinformation, I'd be the first one to pernt it out, but it is an entire industry of mis/disinformation on AM radyo and Tattletale "News." If you're still not sold, there was an analysis of the major networks to prove my pernt that I'll happily share.
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