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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. NJ Dan, eh, boy? Trying going back over two decades and you may have it. Everything ok at home? WOWZA!!
  2. Well, I think the better question is this: which news source(s) should I use to get this accurate information? I love learning, so please share.
  3. I've never understood why they've always kept this great tournament there. Anyone who is a rasslin fan has to travel to watch it in person, Nevada and rasslin is like Iowa and surfing, and NO ONE goes to it. I wonder when the "a-ha" moment will hit that it would be more lucrative and practical elsewhere.
  4. Anti-woke translation: "I'm opposed to equality, equity, and respect for others." I'm old enough to remember all of this as being the new iteration of anti-PC. Now, how about some disrespect for and jokes about the disabled, eh, anti-woke, folks?!
  5. The site was owned by you, right? If so, and by your own words, you wouldn't want to see me banned, why didn't you override the ban?
  6. Which strawman? Are you refuting what I asked you, sir? Education is static and never scientifically develops? Maybe you can work to get me banned here too! Seems my ideas are still dangerous.
  7. Really?! No science or research goes into education? No educational theories tested, re-tested, formulated, re-formulated? That's news to me, and why I refer to my quote so often.
  8. I'm reminded again of my own quote that reveals itself each and every time I engage with non-educators: " those who claim to know the most about education and the education system actually know the least about it." It's like me trying to act informed, talking about engineering. I'm going to look stupid and out of my league FAST!
  9. Yes, which includes religion and philosophy courses. A large chunk of those faculty are conservatives, which is great. No whining about ideology here!
  10. Yes, which includes religion and philosophy courses. A large chunk of those faculty are conservatives, which is great. No whining about ideology here!
  11. I know of one college intimately for 23 years, and several others for 5 years, and, nope, no libberol curriculum. It's called academic freedom in higher education, which is highly prized and guarded. No one is told to teach ANY curriculum.
  12. Really!? I've been tuning into reported news my whole life- I'm probably older than you are- and I find it three times daily. Talk to an actual trained journalist some time about who, what, where, when, why, and how. They can easily inform you how it works and that it is what their job depends on.
  13. I'll save this for another time, but it's maddening how the 30 percenters have duped each other into believing that bias immediately translates into inaccurate. That's pure whiners' nonsense. Regarding the news, in specific, baloney. If you watch reported news, that sticks to the old dictum of who, what, why, where, when, and how you will not see "bias" surface in such news. That's the ONLY news that is worthy to me. Someone once said- and it holds true for me- that if you can't clearly determine how a reporter votes, then you are getting neutral, reported news.
  14. These reasons are far from exhaustive, but are two primary motivating reasons behind their war on knowledge. 1. It offers a differing view to their alternate reality that they created through Murdoch's creation of Tattletale "News," as well as the criminals on AM radio. Almost everything that they offer, especially AM radio, is counter to facts and reality. In fact, one content analysis of Tattletale "News" ( it'd be even worse numbers for AM radio) showed that they say something false and/or misleading over 60% of the time. Education counters this alternate reality. 2. I may say the most important reason is because educators are aligned with unions, who are, in turn, aligned with their ultimate feared group, Democrsts. Kill education, you kill unions, and kill the Democrat party. NO BETTER evidence of this than right here in Iowa, where our GOP legislature and gubner have killed unions, and dismantled academic freedom to points to where cheap banana republics would be impressed. Neither weild any power in the state. Again, far from exhaustive, but 28 years of it has shown me these two things.
  15. This has to be an upcoming skit for a comedy segment, so I apologize, if so. HUD McVeigh Hannity has to be proud of his daughter aged girlfriend after this segment. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6316308192112
  16. Ah, that makes me think. Did the OP mean our high school, or the college team that we root for? I did go to graduate school at UNI, so I'd be covered with college.
  17. He may very well be the best wrestler that I've seen period, regardless of school and medals.
  18. It would easy to say Bill Koll (UNI), but competition wasn't the same 70 years ago than it has been in the past 20 years, so it's an impossible thing to say.
  19. Even though this is an improvement in recent years, I still think that the FCS is the only one that can claim a true national champion. Unfortunately, no birth for UNI this year.
  20. Nice to see that you understood my sentences, my friend. WOWZA!!!!!!!
  21. I only learned one thing from my Dad and that was to never make bets you aren't certain to win. Too many variables there, but I'd certainly bet on the dates that the tournament will run.
  22. It'll be competitive, but not for Keckeisen. He's already put multiple spanks on Hidlay, and Romero will get so overwhelmed that he may just roll right over and quit. It'll be a cakewalk for him.
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