These reasons are far from exhaustive, but are two primary motivating reasons behind their war on knowledge.
1. It offers a differing view to their alternate reality that they created through Murdoch's creation of Tattletale "News," as well as the criminals on AM radio. Almost everything that they offer, especially AM radio, is counter to facts and reality. In fact, one content analysis of Tattletale "News" ( it'd be even worse numbers for AM radio) showed that they say something false and/or misleading over 60% of the time. Education counters this alternate reality.
2. I may say the most important reason is because educators are aligned with unions, who are, in turn, aligned with their ultimate feared group, Democrsts. Kill education, you kill unions, and kill the Democrat party. NO BETTER evidence of this than right here in Iowa, where our GOP legislature and gubner have killed unions, and dismantled academic freedom to points to where cheap banana republics would be impressed. Neither weild any power in the state.
Again, far from exhaustive, but 28 years of it has shown me these two things.