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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. As I said before, these are unusual, anecdotal cases that do not represent what the overall trends and/or data shows us nationally. As an Iowan, I could easily say that corn and soybean harvests are through the roof, but may not be so in other grain producing States. That would be an anecdotal case that is not relevant to the rest of the country. The inability to decipher between anecdotes and trends is what Tattletale "News" lives off of. As I say, keeping angry people stupid and uninformed. It should be criminal, in my view.
  2. Not entirely. With no runners on base, I couldn't fake a pitch to a batter and then throw it afterward. I also couldn't make any movement stepping toward the batter and pull back. Everything I saw that guy do violated both of those rules against balking. I just think they've re-defined it or something.
  3. Couldn't agree more, mspart. You can practically run with the ball from mid-court to the hoop and not get called. (Yes, friends, I actually was a high school basketball player, converting after my wrestling career).
  4. LOL! Yes, as Iowans, or at least in our area of Iowa, we aren't very Golden Corral savvy.
  5. Actually, a funny, pertinent story is in order. My wife and I were on vacation a few years back, hungry as heck, so we stopped at a Golden Corral, right on the Ohio/ West Virginia border. The place was busy, and my wife, who tries to eat sensibly, went to the salad bar twice throughout the meal. Neither of us couldn't help but notice that while I always had a line to wait in for more chow, she was always the ONLY person at the salad bar, with nothing but the best items to pick from.
  6. Just say Hunter Biden, Pelosi, or AOC and you're sure to get a flutter.
  7. I pitched all of my baseball career and all I can say is that baseball has sure gotten lax with what they call balks. Everyone of those were balks in my day.
  8. Nope. You're asking the wrong folks, friend!
  9. Trivia question for those of us who posted on rasslin forums over twenty years ago. Who started the "I really enjoyed the _______ era" posts?
  10. No, because Twitter ONLY persecutes conservatives and Republicans. Precisely why Marjorie, Lauren, HUD McVeigh Hannity, etc, etc still post on Twitter. Turn off Tattletale "News," sir. Theys ain't lookin' out for ya.
  11. False. If you're referring to Twitter bans, people were ONLY banned because of violations of a PRIVATE COMPANY'S ( key overlooked pernt) misinformation policy. In short, if you continued to selll B.S., you got banned and you knew the rules beforehand.
  12. No disagreement here. I only listen to or read REPORTED news. The old school, journalistic formula of who, what, why, when, where, and how. THAT'S news.
  13. Yes, UNI will have depth, but a lot of redshirts make up that depth. 125: Best guess is Kyle Gollhofer. It'd be his first year as a starter. 133: Kyle Biscoglia. 141: Cael Happel. Just won Daktronics Open, beating Carlson from NDSU in the finals. Hoping he breaks out this year. 149: Colin Realbuto. 157: Derek Holschlag. 165: Just my pure guess, but Austin Yant or Christian Minto (2x JUCO champ). 174: Another guess. Two names above, or, most likely, Lance Yunyon. 184: Keckeisen. 197: Noah Glaser. 285: Tyrell Gordon. As for lineup changes leading to better results? No idea here.
  14. As I suspecked, anecdotes. Unfortunately, anecdotes aren't much use to us in da bidness of social science. So, no, your work that you tried to do for me won't be of use to me. HOWEVER, I do like the NPR link, as it negates your very own pernt where you tried to claim that crime is rising. The article says exactly the opposite. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the bright side, though, that information IS of use to me for my job. Thanks for your work for me!
  15. Nice try at a "comeback," but, unfortunately, you clearly don't get the pernt of my "current events" posts. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a tall order on a rasslin forum, but is there a deciphering eye in the house that can notice the substantive difference between the "current events" post above and the ones that I routinely use?
  16. I had nothing to do with the use of the name Panther Train, nor Choo Choo.
  17. As I said, translation: I supported him. If you vote for someone, you supported them. Yous hands aint clean.
  18. Hunter Biden! Open Borders! Inflation Nation!
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