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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Sorry, but, no, you didn't. I've never met a person who read it and continued to parrot "hoax" when told to do so.
  2. Not sure what that has to do with the person who has actually read the Mueller report and cleared the record by saying there was NO HOAX at all, other than the one that Deuce and his apologists have put over on you.
  3. Maybe, but there was a shortage of fuel from my angle.
  4. Poke done did ran out of fuel, eh, friends? I said at the beginning that those sunken eyes didn't look good. Reminded me of Slaton that one match.
  5. Ever find the bias in that full newscast that I offered to you, Columbio? Facts don't reveal themselves, eh? Can you tell me what the news will bring me tomorrow?
  6. Ah, yes, another one who never read the Mueller report. You'll be surprised what it'll tell you. I sure was. Makes one wonder why Deuce said his "presidency" is fu$%ed" (exact words), why Deuce fired Lock Him Up Flynn, and why Flynn was imprisoned for lying to the FBI about his communications with Russia.
  7. Yes, I'm very aware of that, but that's not what you were saying.
  8. Nice to see that Pokeman's eyes aren't sunken in at all. Yowza! Weight cutting has been rough.
  9. Formally known as JCG on the old Mat.com forums, over 20 years ago. One of the few posters that I actually met.
  10. I'd add, if this is true, I'm more comfortable with that than I am a foreign, adversarial gubment trying to influence the outcome of our "elections." Tattletale "News" and AM radio has made an industry out of trying to get people elected/"elected."
  11. I try to stay reasonably informed, and I can't say that I've heard one bit of that until now. Did this actually happen as you say, or, ironically, more misinformation that gets repeatedly drum beated to where it becomes "real" within irresponsible media sources? I ask this genuinely. I'd like to learn about it.
  12. I don't vote for partisan offices, so don't think I had a dog in the fight. With that said, there was actual evidence of election tampering and fraudulent activity in 2016. None whatsoever in Deuce's case, yet here incites stupid people to violence over his delusion.
  13. Unless you actually like being deliberately lied to and/or deliberately misled, I'm not sure how anyone would be uncomfortable with a private company wanting to kick people off for misinforming people. Is there some benefit to incorrect information? I thought that I had entered the Twilight Zone when the 30 percenters didn't want someone in gubment keeping misinformation out of our gubment and society.
  14. EVERY UNI "loss" tonight was Rigged! Dominion! Stop the steal!
  15. Died with Jerry for me. We'll have to talk more though. I have a lot to say about them.
  16. Not necessarily an OSU fan, but I do like your avatar, being a former mini-touring Deadhead in the early 80's.
  17. I used to play a lot of cribbage, backgammon, and pepper (pretty much an exclusive Iowa card game), but quit a long time ago. I can handle being beaten at something that is a skilled game, but when it's a matter of luck (dice and getting the right cards), I get way too ticked off and make Deuce Trump look like a good loser. So, I had to quit.
  18. Still a little sore over that data schmata, I see, Butch. Actually, I'm none of the above, as I'd never even entertain the thought of playing bridge. You and the old folks at the nursing home must have had a whizzbang of a time playin' dat dere bridge. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. He still does a great job getting top tiered recruits into the program, most of which from right here in Iowa. In the shadow of the Sqwawkers and Iowa State, that's pretty impressive.
  20. Guy's an absolute madman. Reminds me of Bill Orally years ago being told that something would be incongruent with the Constitution, and Orally replied (screaming in rage, of course), "don't be a pinhead, screw the Constitution!"
  21. Oh, yeah, out the big hurt on him. No one saw that one coming either, but just when you put down yis guard on a UNI Panther, they slap you right into next week.
  22. Boy, themy there UNI Panthers done put the spank on this round, eh, friends!? Granted, I awarded him the medal earlier in the week, but count Keckeisen for sure as one UNI champ, as he's already shelled that Hidlay twice. Happel will put the hurt on that Hardy clown too, friends.
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