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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Cherry picked, eh?! OK, here's an entire broadcast of my local news, once of my four sources for REPORTED news. I don't care about what people cover and don't cover, just the FACTS of the day. Please find me the biased reporting below (outside of the sports guy tooting the horn of the Sqwawkeyes). https://www.kwwl.com/livestream/
  2. Ouch! My original post about bias. "Regarding the news, in specific, baloney. If you watch reported news, that sticks to the old dictum of who, what, why, where, when, and how you will not see "bias" surface in such news. That's the ONLY news that is worthy to me. Someone once said- and it holds true for me- that if you can't clearly determine how a reporter votes, then you are getting neutral, reported news." All your words, sir. "Bias in news is unavoidable." "Good luck finding news like described. It's very rare or doesn't even exist. If you think you found it, it just means you found your echo chamber. "They can't be biased, they agree with me and talk about all the stories I care about!"" "Maybe if you can't tell how they vote, it's because your powers of perception just aren't that strong. Your perception of the news you watch has exactly zero to do with it's accuracy or bias. It sounded good though. " Later, more of my words. "Really!? I've been tuning into reported news my whole life- I'm probably older than you are- and I find it three times daily. Talk to an actual trained journalist some time about who, what, where, when, why, and how. They can easily inform you how it works and that it is what their job depends on." All your words, sir. "Please, by all means share this noble and perfect news source so that I too can drink from the fountain of truth and knowledge." "If you recall, my argument is that there is not an unbiased source for news. Why on earth would you think I'd have an answer to your question? Shirley you can't be serious." "You've mentioned multiple times that you have a great source of news that gives you just the facts with no bias. You've even mentioned it to multiple people. I simply asked what that news source was. Refusing to answer my question while being so adamant about having an answer is a frustrating and ridiculous way to have a conversation." (I've since provided it, and now you're caught!). "They would." (Regarding if journalists disagree that news cannot be reported without bias). "Prove me wrong. Give me someplace I can go for unbiased news?" "I never claimed to see bias in every or any specific news clip or reporter. (Except for Stephen Colbert but I don't think anyone would call him a journalist.)"
  3. Can't get one by YOU, can I, sailor?
  4. You're the one who dismisses data (data, schmata, remember?). All is know is this: student test scores HAVE been increasing for over 50 years, like it or lump it. Outside of that, I'll pursue none of your other nonsense none. Data schmata, and now you suddenly want to talk about the importance of science. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I deal with enough foolishness to engage any more of it, sir.
  5. I'm not talking about science literacy. This all began when I showed you, through school testing, that student test scores have been rising since the 1970's. That's a different matter than literacy, which, I would agree, is a problem for many. Should I go to Ron Give Me The Infrastructure Funds Paul to diagnose and treat an infectious disease? If not, why not?
  6. Yes you did say that, for God's sake! You've been saying ALL ALONG that there is no news that is not biased, not reported without bias, and that ALL journalists would disagree with me that they are taught to report without bias. Who, what, where, when, why, and how. Remember? Good, God, are you dishonest!
  7. I wasn't talking about the CNN article, and NOT where I go to get my news REPORTED to me. That's what I keep saying.
  8. There are A LOT of people opposed to equality. Don't kid yisself. Equity is what you think it is. Equity levels the playing field. We don't always go into something with a level playing field. Equity helps do that.
  9. Scott Casper and Mark Ironside for me, but NOT for reasons that people would typically think.
  10. Here's another from my local news. Where do you see bias, and, second, how does this guy vote? https://www.kwwl.com/video/governor-reynolds-announces-20-million-in-housing-developments/video_99310614-d062-50a3-8e3c-1c33d14628f5.html
  11. Another question mark. Punctuation isn't a strong suit, is it? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Baloney. A friend of mine was one for 33 years and he would speak of the reprimands that would come his way if he wasn't simply reporting the facts. Here's one of my three sources of REPORTED news that I get each day. If your local news isn't just reported to you then it's pretty bad news. In just this segment, (1) please enlighten me as to the bias that only you see, and (2) tell me how this guy votes (one claim that you made that you can tell how someone votes). Note that I also deliberately chose a political segment. https://www.kwwl.com/video/michigan-expected-to-replace-iowa-caucuses-as-first-nominating-spot-for-democrats-in-2024/video_778aa8ec-9e23-541c-b3e7-99b47b0ff2ad.html
  13. Yet, you continue to say that there is no journalism free of reporting bias. Journalists disagree.
  14. Ok. There are no facts then. Gotcha.
  15. So, there's no way to determine truth or any way to ascertain accurate information?
  16. Yat, we all sit surrounded by Chinese products, don't we? It's our companies exploiting cheap labor, while we want to buy inexpensive products. We're ALL guilty.
  17. And you'll then call science, "data schmata," won't you, sir? As Ronnie Trees Cause The Greenhouse Effect Reagan said, "facts are stupid things. "
  18. Ok. I ask a benign question, I get an answer, I then "like" the response, and she goes into a blind rage. Then, you, trying to capture the same attention as the rager, proceed to name call. Why, yes, I do INDEED need to toughen up!
  19. You didn't call me a Turdbuscuit, or something of that order to make yourself feel better? Didn't tell me to quit everything? What did you say then? Was just asking a question. No hidden agenda.
  20. I was just curious, given the annual low attendance at a rasslin event, minus the vacation destination. No need to fly off the handle, just curious.
  21. Baloney. I get my who, what, why, where, when, and how REPORTED to me with no editorial three full times each day.
  22. Well, if this is so, and it enrages you so, then work to get them fired and their courses removed. If not, then learn to relax because a differing thought is being shared.
  23. So, in other words, there's no truth then, correct? No way for us to learn accurately what is happening in our world, right?
  24. Why, yes, because once someone explained it to me, I've continued to argue with people, haven't I? Save us the phoney outrage, boy
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