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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. That's the most pitiful thing about this: Deuce is going to be numerously indicted in mere days, and to think you'd be so short sighted as to not focus on that mess, first and foremost.
  2. Thanks for illustrating what I've said about eggakashun for thirty years: those who claim to know the most about how the edutation system works actually know the least about how it works. All you have to do is let them talk to begin entertaining those of us with a "tad bit" of experience with it.
  3. I must have done something wrong, as I'm not seeing it. Oh, well...
  4. I tried to set up a UNI club page under the "Clubs" page. Just curious as to why it hasn't been allowed. Thanks, in advance!
  5. Yet, here's betting that you supported Deuce right up until you were told by AM radyo and Tattletale "News" in the past week to begin questioning Deuce's candidacy, right? I thought so...
  6. Be careful whom you're listening to, friends, when it comes to these issues. AM radyo and Tattletale "News" is only interested in making people fearful and angry so that you will vote against the people that they fear. HUD McVeigh Hannity is the chief culprit. I shall provide some professional insight. 1. Contrary to current popular mythology, crime in the U.S. has essentially been in freefall since 1991, including today. Yes, there has been a temporary uptick in the homicide rate in the past two years, but crime, on the whole has been falling. The homicide rate is also expected to begin its freefall again, as it was before. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/10/31/violent-crime-is-a-key-midterm-voting-issue-but-what-does-the-data-say/ 2. There has not been widespread defunding of the police. https://abcnews.go.com/US/defunding-claims-police-funding-increased-us-cities/story?id=91511971 3. Only two States and D.C. have either eliminated cash bail (Illinois), or greatly reduced it (New Jersey). https://www.npr.org/2021/02/22/970378490/illinois-becomes-first-state-to-eliminate-cash-bail They've been making fantasy reality and reality fantasy since I was banned on these very rasslin' forums. Remember me using that slogan then, friends? Open Borders!
  7. Don't use "Clinic," as us Rochesterites call it, physicians, just local, Ioway ones. No psychotropic meds needed yet ( hoping that continues), but I'll be sure to consult with my local "physician," a biochemist, if such conditions do arise. HOWEVER, because biochemists indeed know more about medicine than do physicians, you and my friends on here will be thrilled to know that I've done did set up an upcoming physical exam with a biochemist colleague of mine. He'll done git me healed up in no time! Biden's Border Crisis!
  8. Well, my best advice would be to contact our major medical centers in the U.S.-I can help you with the Mayo Clinic, as I still know a lot of contacts within there-and inform them that they are ALL wrong for following and prescribing da COVID advice, and that you and the 30 percenters, gathered around AM radyo and Tattletale "News" each and every day, have ALL of the answers for what to do with da COVID. As I said before, I won't stop you. It should CERTAINLY give you the fame you seek, as they are all wrong and you and the 30 percenters, gathered around AM radyo and Tattletale "News" each and everyday are completely right. Now, that is QUITE a feat! Go git, em, sir! TDS!
  9. Having grown up in Rochester, Minnesota, still living close to there, still having all of my family there, and still keeping in touch with everything, I'll trust what they were telling us regarding COVID and how to prevent and treat it. Oddly, I've never seen any alarm bells raised by them over Fauci, nor any refuting of what he has suggested. I'll trust them; theys perdy derned good at medicine. You can continue to try to outfox them and call them wrong. I won't stop you.
  10. Did you not say, "no one," sir? Absolutism rarely works...
  11. Super! Mes always likes an eggakated man. Unfortunately, you didn't quite meet my question asking where your MEDICAL training was from. Far be it from me to think I'd know more than a physician when it comes to medicine, but, that's just me. However, and, for some odd reason, my three shots sure minimized my COVID symptoms, the two times that I got it. Incidentally, that was something Fauci was recommending for us to do, but, of course, he's wrong.
  12. Must be why LeDuke just liked my last post, eh, sir?
  13. And your medical training comes from where to draw this "conclusion," sir? Now, given the fact that the ONLY people who speak of Fauci being wrong are, ironically, members of the "media." So, one must ask: what's that about drinking Kool-Aid, sir? I certainly don't recall Fauci ever saying that injecting disinfectants, nor ultraviolent radiation would be immediate cures for COVID, do you, sir? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for reminding me why I don't vote, nor participate in this charade that we call the American "political system."
  15. Democrats!? Who's talking about them, other than you? I don't vote, nor participate in this charade that we call a "political system," so no party tag belongs to me, sir. Plus, I'm an avowed Communercicist, so why would I like Democrats?! Hunter Biden! Libruls operate child sex rings! Fauci is wrong!
  16. Ballot dumping! Obamer spied on Deuce Tower! News is Fake!
  17. Maybe not to that percentage, but, oddly enough, it's very close to the same percentage of the two older cohorts who voted Republican. SO, if indeed the 30-44 year old vote isn't really representing anything significant, as you say, one can only conclude that the other two cohorts who voted Republican are insignificant as well, correct, sir? RIGGED! STOP THE STEAL! DOMINION VOTING MACHINES!
  18. Well, you're right. Why, after all, a majority of 30-44 year olds DIDN'T indeed vote Democrat. Obamer's a Mozlum! Obamer's not a citizen! Vince Foster!
  19. Insurrectionists are tourists! Sandy Hook is a hoax! COVID doesn't kill!
  20. Looks like the same "stupidity" question could be asked middle-aged people as well (30-44 year olds). Stated another way, why are half of the voters in America "stupid?" Q! Hunter Biden! Pizzagate!
  21. To me, what was great about SVV''s music threat at the Closed Mat was that so many were contributing to it, and all contributing things that they like. Nothing wrong with putting in stuff you like. To me, it just creates one big playlist for me to listen to from time to time. And NOTHING wrong with that Frank Marino stuff. Can't say I've ever heard him, but I loved it.
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