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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Mask mandates and shutdowns. Such things are execution worthy, don't ya know?
  2. Well, that would explain it. Thanks.
  3. Just looked at Nebraska's lineup, I guess I'm not seeing this as an earth shattering "upset."
  4. Heck yeah! That's killer! Complete with the Orange amp! They're no longer?
  5. Seen too many early season bouts never happen. Here's predicting someone doesn't rassle.
  6. Seen too many early season bouts never happen. Here's calling someone doesn't rassle.
  7. Looking like Adorable Adrian... ...to this song
  8. I'll check this out as soon as I can. Not heard of them, so I'll be excited to hear. Thanks for posting. I'd like to see this grow with good music.
  9. Before you thank me, thank the White/Parsons String Bender.
  10. I can't access the site because I was banned from there, so I can't help you there. Perhaps someone knows how to get into the archives? I can then show you and the others on here who may (doubtful) care.
  11. Keep in mind who started this tedium, sir. Nothing worse than an agitator who tries to play victim when he/she gets called to the table. Again, show me where we mutually agreed in the conditions and the grand is yours. If not, then perhaps you shouldn't have tried poking me in the eye over something from ten years ago, eh, sir?
  12. As I said, sir, I'm an honest man; show me where we both agreed on the final conditions of the bet and if I indeed lost, I will pay you the $1,000 that I owe you. Please reveal it, heat up your Paypal account, and you'll be one grand richer. Ok? Thanks. And, to Husker Du, as I said earlier, if you need to bounce me from the site for this which happened probably ten years ago on another site, please do. I'm already having an enchanted time on here, so feel free to make my day, sir.
  13. As was pointed out by me and by SHP, Bob and I never agreed on the final terms of the bet. I made my sucker bet offer, Bob changed the conditions in midstream, and declared himself the "winner." However, neither of us finalized the bet by confirming what we were betting on. So, no, no bet was officially made. However, I still recall it was $1,000- simply because it was a sucker bet that I couldn't lose-but because I'm a man of my word and an honest man, if someone can show where we both agreed on the final conditions of the bet I'll pay up. No worries about me betting on here though, as most never take my bets because they're always sucker bets. If you need to ban me for this what happened years ago on another forum, and to which I never fudged on, please have at it. It wouldn't be the first time and my life is not driven by forums. So, have at it, sir. If not, you won't see me on here much anyway, outside of an occasional music video I'll post on the music board. Don't have the fire for rasslin boards any longer.
  14. Why would I start elsewhere? See below.
  15. Although I agree with jross, this will do. In honor of SVV, from The Open Mat, who first started such threads on rasslin sites, I'm happy to help kick it off. SVV's thread is still a video playlist of mine.
  16. If you mean that a request is already there, I've seen requests for such a forum, but, unless I'm missing it, there's no forum as of yet.
  17. I'd like an Off Topic forum, just for reviving SVV's great Glorious Music Video thread. It was a great place for us to share music that we all like. I can also assure those with reservations with me posting that you won't see or hear much from me at all, except for a music thread.
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