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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. 20% of israel is muslim, so no its not a theocratic state. I'm not dignifying the genocide implication with a response.
  2. No I was implying it was the only thing they could offer for a temporary ceasefire because they need to hide behind the living ones. You are being willfully ignorant repeatedly by claiming Israel should leave gaza with the hostages and hamas intact.
  3. his point is that this is essentially a tribal conflict and we as good people should back the weaker side.
  4. to think all this time we just needed a dictionary so you could learn what genocide and theocratic mean!
  5. Theocratic genocidal developments need to go away, even if they are modern.
  6. i don't care at all what the biden administration wants so stop saying that. Israel can't leave with hamas intact for obvious reasons. BTW "because its not what happened" and "your claim was dishhonest" are not very sophisticated arguments.
  7. Is that better or worse than murdering them and establishing a genocidal theocracy?
  8. well then why when i asked you for an authority on your perspective on the war did you refer me to two dudes talking about nothing except the the opinions of various jewish subgroups for three hours? was this a troll?
  9. Isreal didn't offer a withdrawal from Gaza. You think these animals can just make up a deal by themselves, agree to it with themselves, and israel has to go along? You didn't explain why what I said was plainly not true.
  10. I actually have a related opinion on PSU thats original, one of their key advantages is the cohesiveness of the staff. I think a lot of this is because they have enough money to go around, but I've never had even an intuition that the PSU backstage is as Jerry Springer show as most programs.
  11. Reportedly Israel was negotiating with Hamas and offered a temporary ceasefire/prisoners in exchange for the hostages, Hamas countered by offering the dead bodies of hostages instead.
  12. Just to add depth to this comment, PSU guys are in shape, tough, skilled, make you tired, wrestle in all three positions, are the best with collar ties and underhooks (which are working the best right now)...what exactly do you want from another program? Someone to teach elbow control? they just passed on the best guy for that. I'm annoyed by PSU's success, just cause its not very exciting, but as long as they are outcoaching everyone as well as outrecruiting them how can you complain.
  13. if this is true he really shouldn't have gotten the job....(jokes aside I would be annoyed to have that stuff pop up on my phone too)
  14. you act as if we don't need "a match" when psu is concerned.
  15. When people bring up the athlete/coach debate, i feel like it grinds to halt once you acknowledge that 1) Being a great athlete doesn't guarantee you being a great coach 2) being a great wrestler correlates with coaching quality, 3) being a bad wrestler definitely doesn't correlate with being good coach.
  16. no just dusk (thought my hung over self would have been really pissed if the building was facing east), I just thought the time I'd spend rewriting the thing to reflect that seemed poor roi.
  17. I recall saying he wasn't a fit for OSU for that reason more than once. What do you mean called out? People are actually saying its just an all around bad policy?
  18. i don't understand the nature of this response to my comment
  19. BTW, who ever "called out Pop" on no alcohol? And none of this implies that Sanderson would or taylor will throw someone off the team for drinking once like Popolizio. I recollect Ed Ruth having any altercation in a bar and don't remember him getting run off.
  20. I'm just saying its gonna be harder than it was at PSU.
  21. This is a real challenge for coaching at OSU. Kids don't go there for the rigorous academics, and you don't necessarily want the demographic who doesn't care about academics unless they are really really good.
  22. Sam Harris, who if you're not familiar with I'd recommend listening to enough to at least know what he's about because i consider him to be an independent thinker, talks to an expert on urban warfare who has spent extensive time in Gaza.
  23. Yeah the natural light thing is a direct outgrowth of "Iowa no fun dungeon" joke that has become the joke only stupid people laugh at. The only way it makes things cleaner is by heating up portions of the mat like you alluded to, and this isn't a viable means of cleaning the mats due to inconsistent coverage and weather. The natural light room I was in for years was facing west, and I was in there a lot at dawn and dusk, and those times sucked because you have sun directly in your eyes, a confound that doesn't have a training benefit. Its very aethetic if you're not wrestling, but if you are you want a washed out and evenly lit room, not a bunch of shadows and sun beams carving up the landscape visually.
  24. they're gonna have to train the cheerleaders in a lot more than splits and hand gestures....namely krav maga
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