sense I think I've distilled the thought I'll just put it here.
Pyles annoys me because for someone in his position he should be at least one of three things and probably two:
1) A person of encyclopedic knowledge of high school, college or senior level wrestling. He doesn't have any of that. He has a good general knowledge base, but compared to say Willie's knowledge of highschool wrestling, or Jason Bryant's general knowledge he's far behind.
2) Someone with interesting and occasionally valuable insights into the sport itself. His commentary is incredibly banal, he's not very articulate, and he relies on existing narratives when he should be focusing on the narratives that arise within the flow of individual matches. The last one is why I like DC and JB, they're pointing out aspects of tactics and gamesmanship.
3) Someone with inside knowledge. This one gets very annoying because he is constantly referring to athletes by their first names as if they're cronies, yet news never seems to break on Flo first. It gives the vibe that if he knew something interesting he wouldn't ever report it.
I wish I could couch it in a way that's not essentially an attack on someone for doing their job, but we're a niche group of people who love the sport, and this is the place to voice such concerns.