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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Ooops...haven't had my full compliment of caffeine.
  2. LOL...once again thanks for your valuable contribution
  3. So why does that not make him a true freshmen? He didn't red/gray shirt...he didn't skip a year in terms of age...he is chronologically what is considered a true freshmen. Never understood trying to diminish someone. Anyway, Haines, hands down, best TRUE freshmen year...so far.
  4. What is your question? You, Mike, and others jump down Elon's throat and indicate how he is in so much trouble, and your wife "gasped" when she read the posts on twitter?? What is so "gasping" about it...that you and your other ilk just want him to be guilty so bad?? And you respond...."Convicting?" instead of commenting on the point of my post?? The irony and complete idiocrasy of what you guys do? I guess I'll never understand the attitude of "let's go find a way to make sure the person fails and accuse him of bad things before there are any facts released because they think differently than I do" By the way I think Elon is a whackadoodle...but he is also brilliant at the same time...guess I can see through faults in people without trying to bring them down, wish them to be in jail (without concrete facts), and think they are the worst people in the world when I have never actually met them.
  5. I can't stand when you are coaching at a tournament and either the parents or someone from the opposing team stands right behind the coaches chairs and yells crap to their wrester. I got into it with a dad once as they were right over my shoulder yelling opposite things to their kid...I said, "Sir, can you please move to the other side of the mat or get back in the stands?", he replied something like he had every right to be there, and I said "It is common sense that you don't stand behind the opposing teams coaches and yell stuff, get out of here!!" He didn't like that and we had words...the other coached grabbed me so I just went back to coaching. I did awhile later go up to the dad and we chatted and he apologized saying it is his kids first year and he doesn't know what he is doing...we ended up laughing and shaking hands. But point is it has happened so many times and drives me crazy!
  6. I'm all for someone being held responsible for wrongdoing, including if it involved HIPPA laws and/or discrimination towards someone disabled, but holy hell people, you are convicting someone based on a news site article and posts on the very social media platform that is on page 23 of hate against it?? Again, you can't make this stuff up.
  7. Color me stupid but I thought that was the rule...ie., someone has to choose top or bottom...wow, out of all the college wrestling I watched I don't think I ever saw someone take neutral in the TB's. So to answer the original question, yes, they should do like HS.
  8. Thank the lord...I have been waiting for the 800th documentary on Iowa wrestling...
  9. I think we should pin fall this topic! In seriousness I can't stand when people say oh, you play wrestling...errrr
  10. Not sure the connection since no one is trying to overthrow the government, but funny nonetheless.
  11. You are correct...the article I read said Eastern Oregon is asking for it and that Idaho had to vote on it...haven't followed up to see what the latest is. Not sure what to think about it...if I take what my dad says, who is far on one side of the isle, or my mom, who is far on the other side, this is the future...i.e., there will be a split US. Kind-a-sorta is already in a way.
  12. She is a whackadoodle! However, what do you all think of Idaho trying to get some of the boarder counties of Oregon to become part of the state of Idaho to maintain their conservative values?
  13. The BIGGER problem is the media/news doing it. There is absolutely no more integrity to news outlets and the media anymore...they "heard" something and then go and publish it without doing any investigation or corroboration...hence, fake news. I myself have heard that Twitter wasn't ever really profitable, but never looked into it...because I really didn't care that much about it to since I don't use it.
  14. So if someone is found liable for how they collected the information in the article they published, does that exonerate the illegal activity he uncovered in the article?? And I'll say it before you try and argue that in the court of law it may be hard to prosecute them...but my point is the guy still uncovered illegal activity.
  15. Seriously...didn't you read this thread?? Your political lover Mikey posted an article about democrats vs. republican's and sex offenses...man your loyalty to a political party knows no bounds.
  16. So Mikey...you blame the car for hitting the girl because you have an unnatural obsessive hate for the guy running the company as opposed to hating the idiot drunk driver who hit the girl scout stand...again you can't make this stuff up...
  17. How in the heck does someone make rape and pedophilia a partisan thing?? Can't make this stuff up...
  18. I think we all agree on that very point. Which then causes people to 'pick sides" and take "stances" on what "science" to believe or not to believe. My overall point is that yes you should "trust" doctors and scientists/experts....to a point....that point being that each individual should have overall say in what does or doesn't happen in terms of their safety and health. Example....if my doctor suggests I take a drug, or I suggest I take a Pharmaceautical for whatever I may have (insert jokes here), I should have a say which one I take (ex. what are the different options, side effects, cost, etc.) and I should have a say if I even take the prescribed drug. What I don't do is just blindly let my doctor tell me to take a drug or to do XYZ. What I don't do is blindly follow what I see on TV. What I don't do is blindly follow politicians. What I don't do is blindly follow "experts". ETC.
  19. I took Ornithology in college because I had to (Biology major)...thought it would be "easy" as I know a lot of birds (LOL)...it was one of the hardest classes as it too was taught by a renowned ornithologist (RIP Dr. Grewe). But he was one of the coolest/intelligent, most interesting person I have ever met.
  20. I literally came on here this morning going to post this exact thing...thank you! Wish we could go back and read some of the old Covid threads on the mat.com...I know I got into a lot of debates with people about Covid...you may have been one of them as my stance was a little aggressive...but man, sure wish some of those who on here arguing "science" could re-read what they wrote about Covid and the "science" now...where is that hindsight??
  21. Funny how this topic got turned into a trash on Trump thread. It is quite laughable. Anyway, the basis for all of this arguing is just blind partisan support followed by weird narratives in peoples heads on how what they believe is right.
  22. So according to your take on things, the cake shop owners should never have been sued for not making the wedding cake for the gay marriage??
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