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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Is it considered mental illness to think someone supports Trump when he has continually said he doesn't? How about is it mental illness to obsess over someone who hasn't been president for 2 years? Or maybe it's mental illness if you are so engrossed in one political party you can't objectively look at anything?? Anyway, as for Hilary, you have once again shown your loyalty to your party with what you said. Wow. You literally have to be so close minded and partisan to deny she said anything about election fraud when she lost. My guess is she was so embarrassed losing to someone like Trump she had to find an excuse other than she is worse than he is...and that is scary! Anyway, back to the original overall point that you can't seem to comprehend due to your unconditional love for the democratic party...both sides do the exact same thing!!
  2. Did she not say the election was stolen?? Did she not say there was voter fraud?? And three of you on here are so caught up in the mental illness of Trump Derangement syndrome that you can't see anything outside of "Trump is the ill of all things in the world". Trump is and was an idiot, but so are the majority of politicians on both sides. You and your ilk are just so far up the "D's" arses you refuse to have an objective look at anything. Keep pounding on the Trump drum and closing your eyes to everything else that is happening. Anyway, back on topic, it is actually scary that so many people don't see through the narrative that was painted about Jan 6th based on political motivation. And I say that NOT supporting the people who went into the capital (see previous post). Maybe someday you will realize the actual truth is probably somewhere in the middle of all the "news" stories and the selective video "evidence".
  3. #1 Nino #2 AOC (although I do like him and feel bad for him that he has to have THOSE initials)
  4. Agreed...they are the same type of person who believed all of Hillary's election lies, John Kerry's, etc. A couple points: - I believe there is some sort of voter "fraud" in every single presidential election, regardless of who won. I think protesting is stupid, although I do believe it should be a right to do so. Rioting (defined as, while protesting there is any sort of property damage or violence) should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I believe in our justice system as it is designed, but also believe it is corrupt and people are wrongfully convicted due to political believes and what social issue are hip at the time, as well as people are not convicted for the very same reasons. I feel that the Jan 6 crap is stupid and those people shouldn't have done it, but I also don't believe they should be prosecuted and handed WAY harsher sentences than the rioters who participated in riots all across the country (Antifa, Furgeson, Portland, Minneapolis, etc.). In my home state, there has essentially been zero prosecution for those who broke windows, stole things from small businesses, set fires, etc. I also despise Trump as a person, but don't believe he is the cause of Jan 6th...it is a WAY over-interpretation/illogical reach of correlation/intent...and I believe both sides do it...people crucify the person who holds a different political believe for things they say, and the candidate who they align to can say the exact same things and they rationalize it away and excuse them. I could go on and on, point being people on the left/far left will always think Jan 6th was Trump's fault no matter what he actually said, and think the Jan 6th protestors/rioters are the worst human beings on the face of the earth...and the far right do the exact same thing.
  5. Like I said before, I think each situation and country needs to be evaluated by itself and not compared to any other county and situation when making a decision about banning from the Olympics. It is very complicated and there are so many factors involved (intent, culture, societal norms, invading a country unprovoked, state sanctioned doping, etc.). Point is, I don't think you can say, well you banned that country for XYZ so you should ban this country for ABC.
  6. This would be accurate if Hamiti just beat Kennedy by 1 or in OT, but he dismantled him. Not to mention you're over exaggerating of Kennedy's style. With that being said, I still think KOT is my favorite to win it all again. He'll make the adjustments against Carr.
  7. I would assume there is more to the story as there always is...my guess is the bill/budget contained a lot more than just funding for new police, which is what the R's baulked at...again, just a guess as that is usually the case when one side does or doesn't vote for a bill/budget. But people like to glob onto catching headlines and say the R's don't want to fund the police when in fact that isn't the case...or my favorite, the "Don't Say Gay" Bill in FL...not in one spot does the bill say anything remotely close to that. As for the IRS...I could have guessed they were understaffed...turned in my taxes over a month ago, got my state return in 5 days, and to this day have yet to receive my federal return. Anyway, just silly how the politicians say and do things to deceive the general public, and a lot of people fall for it.
  8. I love Dake too...it was more in reference to a bunch of people on the past forum ripping Dake on his Covid believes and some other things he does around his diet and comments he made. Really wasn't to be take that serious...most of my postings hold some degree of sarcasm.
  9. Yeah...the more I looked into it I saw that, I assume, he was meaning the IRS and FBI but said the "R's called for defunding the police", which obviously came from the D's. It would be interesting to see "WHY" the D's want additional IRS agents and to increase funding to the FBI...I just have looked into that...my guess is the R's are against it because of lack of reasoning and a good "WHY" as to why the D's want it...now I know what I can do this morning.
  10. Sorry...once you said you played basketball, everything you say is inferior. LOL...JK....just doing some good ribbing on a Friday. I actually agree with what you said.
  11. What is amazing is any sort of social media/media outlet would not report on rumors or hearsay without all the facts...I thought that was the MO for all media outlets including MSM?!?!
  12. Don't you just love close minded people like above!?!?
  13. I'm not sure how I feel about the ban of athletes from Russia at the Olympics...I am sort of torn. But I find it hard to compare what Russia is doing now to other countries given that you are trying to compare thousands of years of culture to an active invasion of another country...to me those are apples and oranges...and I don't mean that in a sense of what I think is right vs. wrong, as both are atrocious (i.e, invading a country or throwing gay people off buildings or gassing their own civilians, etc.), but the comparisons need to be checked in my opinion. And as far as what we did in Iraq, I think intent matters here...and I am not trying to start an argument of the whole "WMD" thing or if we should have "cared enough" to go int there, but we weren't there to take over a country per se, but rather "free" a country from a true tyrant who had ill will for the US. Anyway, point being what Russia is doing should stand on it's own when determining if they should compete in the Olympics...and I believe that is what the multi-national IOC has done.
  14. Anyone see the president say that it was republican's who were calling for defunding the police and that he is committed to protecting our communities?? Can't make this crap up! I think someone commented on it and said it is like a bad stand-up routine...I sort of agree. Que, you know who turning this into a Trump thread...
  15. Jesus...this board is exhausting at times...SORRY you can't understand the point of the post! It's as bad as people that don't respond to the point of a post but rather point out spelling mistakes. For ease...replace Olympic champion with World champion, does that make you feel better....or even change the meaning of the post??
  16. I think Jake Sufflohn (sp?) from Nebraska was...maybe?? I think for sure he was a 4x qualifier but never AA'd.
  17. I find it funny when people use how good they were at wrestling to defend idiotic opinions about things...like you can be an Olympic champion and still have no idea what you are talking about. Just like PhD's, MD's, or other types of "experts" may be wrong and have terrible backed opinions. Now if this was a forum only talking about technique, training, diet, etc....sure, the Olympic champ may hold a lot of street cred...unless you are Dake...people just love to hate on him no matter what.
  18. And also Mikey...I find it hilarious that you complain how bad twitter is and that it is a cesspool because of Elon, yet constantly use twitter as a source to make your illogical points, or to some how "prove" something about him...do you not see the irony/hypocrisy in that?
  19. If you say so. Again, I wasn't and am not trying to defend the man...he can do that himself...and he makes his own bed with his own actions just like Trump did/does...but again, I am able to dislike what some people do, but also understand and see their brilliance (Elon) and good policy (Trump) despite their childish and whackadoodlish behavior. I guess I don't discount people's good ideas and thoughts because they don't know how to act on social media. I also don't go looking for boogey men and listen to the stupid news or MSM articles claiming they did this or they did that when they have no facts, or data, or evidence to back up their claims. People's opinions in the media and news have all of a sudden been taken as fact, data, or evidence, and it is ridiculous that so called "smart" people fall for it.
  20. Is this response similar to the "I know you are but what am I?" childish tactics? I'll play..."I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks on you!" This is fun!! LOL
  21. First year it is clear they have rewarded "weaker" conferences over the "grind" of a Big ten schedule...I have a feeling Big schools and their wrestlers will make a statement.
  22. Funny...not really as it is expected from you...that you think I am "mounting a defense" when it had nothing to do with Elon and more to do with you and others blind partisan hatred for him. My guess is until he switched to the big bad "R's" you probably just overlooked his whackadoodleness...by the way that isn't a word either but weird you didn't call that out since I used it to describe Elon...point being you and others blind partisan support and criticisms/hypocrisy is tiresome, and I enjoy calling it out. And funny that you hate Elon for petty/childish/stupid attacks on people personally, yet you engage in that exact same behavior...as I always say, you can't make this stuff up.
  23. Even though the original question is ridiculous, I am amazed at the behavior of some of the coaches...I wish the refs would call unsportsmanlike conduct on the coaches more...especially the frequent offenders. If you listen to them they are like the grade school bullies at recess that don't know how to control their emotions and throw temper tantrums when they don't get what their way. While entertaining in a way it is sort of ridiculous as well. Yes I like the word ridiculous
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