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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Its funny how people want Trump to be guilty of something just because he is a dips@!# and they don't like his policies (which my guess is if some of the people on here actual knew what some of his policies actually were they may in fact like them). I can attest to liking some of his policies but despise the man.
  2. Sure hope your outrage, and maybe rightfully so, doesn't stop based on political party...I'll wait for you to list your glimpse of the future based on what some of the Dems have done....
  3. So again, what law did he break? And you can't be mad at someone who follows the tax laws as written and thus, they don't have to pay as much tax as you hope they would. Trump is a lot of things but the amount he paid or didn't pay in taxes doesn't make him a criminal. Be mad at our politicians who made the laws and the IRS if you need to be mad at something. Be mad and hate Trump for, well, to many reasons really, but being mad about his taxes is baseless.
  4. Wow...I actually agree with Mike on something.
  5. Say all you want about McCarthy as I am not a fan, but it is absolutely laughable to say Schiff is a better person than anyone.
  6. Surprised that there hasn't been any discussion about this (I'm not really surprised). Biden supporters (or I should say anyone with a D after their name supporters) where are you?? Can't wait to hear the hypocrisy from some of you on this... Where I stand on this issue...Biden should be held accountable for this as should Trump.
  7. Dude...let it play out as it will take care of itself...relax...sheesh
  8. Wait...Barry was a 3'xer. Here is a list of them Fanco Wrestling - Top 10 Best Iowa Hawkeye Wrestlers of All Time
  9. I made the mistake of thinking of Gable while writing what I wrote. I agree Lee may be in the conversation if he wins his fourth, but sure where some 3 timers that were hammers at Iowa in the past...even 2 timers. But Cael is definitely the GOAT at Penn St....as a COACH...LOL
  10. Ban any move that may make the other wrestler uncomfortable. I am all for progressing the sport, but it scares me to think what wrestling may look like in the future if it goes the way some of your guy's hope for in regard to the rules and making certain moves illegal.
  11. Back to the original topic, I think Lee is an elite college wrestler, and definitely should be in discussion as one of the best ever...but man...there sure were a lot of elite wrestlers that have come through Iowa, so it's hard to say unequivocally if he is the Iowa Hawkey's GOAT.
  12. Not sure how anyone that watches college wrestling for any length of time can't say as of right now Cael is the GOAT...people sure have a weird look at the world sometimes.
  13. While funny...again what tax laws did Trump break? I'll wait for your link to someone's opinion that he must have broken some tax law...
  14. Not sure how this is a shot at me when Mr. DingDong is exactly like the other guy in the clip??
  15. In the mid-section absolutely, but sorry bub, WAY more open minded then you. You can't fathom the fact that your opinion on things could be wrong. And rather than listen to other thoughts and opinions, to maybe broaden yours, you personally attack them and misdirect, nip pick, and post stupid link after link without any real thought of your own.
  16. Man...you are insufferable...big sigh...so tell me what law he broke?? So are you for facts or just interjections/theories? You so remind me of a news channel I turned to after Hamlin just got rushed to the hospital in the middle of the 1st quarter...literally no one has a clue what is happening or what did happen, and this news channel brings on "Doctor" literally as the ambulance is on the way to the hospital, who says with 100% certainty exactly what has happened to him based on a 1 second clip of him making a seemingless harmless tackle. Point being, you just bought into the very thing this "Doctor" did and that is for dramatics and pure bias, make a judgment on something with little to absolutely no information, claim he is guilty based on what "appears" to be Trump breaking some tax law...which you nor the article can articulate or show any evidence of. By the way, prayers and thoughts are with Damar Hamlin and hope he is okay! Sure does seem silly to be arguing with complete strangers on a forum about things that really don't matter.
  17. Wow...how can you say you have no interest in comparing severity of a virus...seriously?!?! How in the hell do you make your decisions on what is safe for you and what isn't? Or do you just wait for someone else to tell you how to react and behave? And no shit sherlock...this isn't a game...it isn't about winning or losing other than the fact that decisions are made that do in fact impact life's and livelihoods based on severity of a virus. You going to tell all those kids who missed out on once in a lifetime opportunities you don't care who wins or loses? Are you going to tell all those small business that went under and lost their life savings you don't care who wins or loses?? What about all the mental health issues?? How about the opiod epidemic?? How about all the things that kill people WAY more than Covid? I am in no way downplaying Covid, and in no way dismissing anything, but if you can't see the importance of truly understanding the severity of a virus, and/or you can't see how badly this whole thing was basterdized by our politicians and the media than you truly are not worth arguing with. I honestly think it is sad that there is even a need to debate this...it should have never gotten to this point...we got screwed over by our "leaders" and "experts" for political reasons. It should have never been overblown or undersold as to what this was and can cause. And the reality of it all is you are probably wrong AND I am probably wrong in regard to this...that is how bad it has gotten when it shouldn't have.
  18. Are you freaking serious...read the CDC website...they have been explicit that they are counting it different. You are seriously disengenious to think that Covid and the Flu have been counted the same. Tell me the last time you relative had terminal cancer and got sick with the flu and the death was documented as the flu?? Tell me the last time your relative had terminal cancer and got sick with Covid and the death was documented as Covid?? I can tell you both...read the f'ing CDC's website!!
  19. LOL...you are the worst debater in the world...all you do is try and deflect and try and get personal because you have no response.
  20. Read the article is your response...but you can't tell me what law he broke...dude...YOU read the article and tell me and everyone else what law he broke...jesus!!
  21. Its amazing that you don't care about that question...how do you compare the severity of a virus when you change the definition of what the virus causes?? I too am not trying to argue, but how does one say Covid is so deadly but the definition of what caused death was changed for Covid...it is different for all other viruses.
  22. So your answer is that because you are obsessed with Trump he is guilty?? Dude...then say what law he broke?? If he broke the law he should go to jail.
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