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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Of course I am biased...we all are biased. I just am truly open to listening to both sides and hearing what others think about stuff. I just base most of my stuff off of logic/data/facts (not manufactured facts) and less on the emotion.
  2. But if the person was Trump's kid...WHOAAA!!! The world would be ending as we know it....INVESTIGATE!! LOCK HIM UP!!! I can only imagine how many links Mikey would be posting and you would be gobbling them up. My take is I don't give two shnits about it, but rather I sit back and watch the hypocrisy flow....well, don't actually sit back but rather call people out on it as I can't stand it. Better off just saying "Yes I am biased and only think and look at things one way and that way is if the people involved vote the same as me then they are right and everyone else is wrong."
  3. Agreed! And that documentary "The Social Dilemma" is crazy! I made my teenage son watch it...he is mostly on the SnapChat and just watches tik toc videos but doesn't post anything. I am lucky he is a kid that is skeptical of everything he sees/reads on the internet and will search "facts" out before blindly believing things he reads; it makes me so proud when we chat and he says he read something and looked into it and it wasn't true at all. He laughs at the click bait headlines. Anyway, I am digressing. I think everyone should watch "The Social Dilemma"...even though I know they can put spin on any of those types of documentaries, but even still, scary stuff. That's why I only do wrestling forums like this one...nothing but facts and truths being spewed here daily! I do enjoy the banter though...and have actually learned some things and changed my views a couple times.
  4. You are right...they do do that with all of our data...one of the reason's social media is the bane of our society, but his point, which I agree with 100%, but it's not what info/data of mine they can collect and sell, but how they control the messaging/narrative/content that is presented and more importantly the information they won't let be shown on their platforms...THAT should scare us all way more than someone knowing my or your search history...IMHO.
  5. Pleasantly surprised to see Mikey continuing his obsessive posting of links to whachadoodle articles. But a little disappointed he wasn't all over the story of how Elon wants to build a "Utopia Town" by Austin for all the workers of his companies. Clearly this has to be good fodder in his brain on how bad Elon is and subsequently how this will also be Trump's fault in some way and should be investigated. I'm sure there are links to something like this out there already and Mikey's amazing investigation skills will uncover it with some more "SEE!! SEE!!" links.
  6. I heard that all the country has to do is "claim you", and some countries charge a lot of money to be a "citizen" and others not so much...but I may be wrong.
  7. Yep...change a letter here and there and the names used and this statement would still be true.
  8. Weird that people say they think Lee won't perform based on some perspective in their head of the style of Folkstyle wrestling he does...but then think it's ridiculous for someone to come back and say they think Lee will perform well in freestyle. Especially when they are using past results as a reason for their opinion. Can't make this crap up. Anyway, I was and still am not a fan of Lee not finishing the NCAA's. Doesn't diminish what he has accomplished, but it is disappointing. I really hope he wrestles freestyle...he is a generational (if not once in a lifetime) talent and hope it translates to a lot of success on the international stage for the USA!
  9. Like someone said, the number doesn't include streaming services in it's numbers..which is how I watched. I too had a house of about 20 people watching.
  10. I see your point, but the SCOTUS isn't governing the country being that R's are the minority in the congress. Here goes a can of worms but you are the one using it to try and make a point...which is incorrect in its intent...first, the SCOTUS abortion ruling isn't a ruling on legality of abortion. It was a ruling on legality of who makes the laws around abortion...ie., that the decision should be made at the state level. Hence, each state may have R's as the minority, or D's as the minority, and vice versa...those states are the ones governing abortion. It is factual wrong to say the SCOTUS banned abortion, or made them illegal...I'd figure you would have known that being a lawyer and all. And the fraction between the R's on the supreme court on abortion is probably based on their personal believes about abortion, but had to make the correct constitutional decision in regards to the legality of Roe v Wade. Just like guns I personally think there needs to be some regulations on abortion, but not blanketly illegal, nor blanketly legal. Just my opinion. Anyway, agree to disagree on the topic of court packing...everyone has their reasons of why they think what the R's did was bad, or what the D's want to do is bad. I apologize for putting you in the bucket of blind partisan people like a few on here. Sorry...I re-read what you wrote...if you weren't saying that the SCOTUS was governing my apologies. Hard to multitask while at work...ha But I don't think overall the R's are a minority in this country...quite the opposite at the state level.
  11. The issue here is that both sides do the same stuff...sometimes I think what the D's do is "worse" and sometimes I think what the R's do is "worse"...in this case I think what the D's want to do is "worse", that's my opinion and I gave my reasons why...my mistake for thinking you were saying what the R's did was bad and what the D's want to do is okay.
  12. AKA...whatever the D's do = Good! Whatever the R's do = Bad! Got it!
  13. First way to understand that the two are different is to remove one's bipartisan glasses. Second, there is a big difference replacing justices than creating seats to gain the majority. The first is "normal" in the process of things and is just unfortunate timing for the other party (to me this is like the person who does a lay-up at the end of a basketball game when the game is already won instead of just running out the clock)...the other is one party purposely creating a majority (changing the rules of the basketball game until you win the game). By the way, I don't think court packing will happen any time soon anyway so sort of a moot point.
  14. Agree with your last statement about the minority ruling the majority in this country. But about court packing, I guess I don't see any sort of comparison in what the "R's" did in terms of the SCOTUS, they filled empty seats...did they maybe not follow "norms" of doing so with an outgoing president...sure...have no problem for them being critiqued or criticized for that, but it wasn't "against the rules"...it was part of the "game". Creating more seats so that one party can have the majority is a totally different thing. I guess me personally, one is way worse than the other.
  15. You just used your own hypocrisy to try and show that someone else is being a hypocrite?? Wow...can't make this stuff up.
  16. No one needs to...you do well enough on your own...and all of a sudden you become quite when called out on your bipartisan hypocrisy.
  17. Also @Mike Parrish I'll admit it...you are right...I was "arguing" the Stormy Daniels thing and not the last link you posted...my bad.
  18. Thanks...you proved my point...my guess is in 2015 - 2022 you were like "Nothing to see here!!"...so you are doing the exact same thing the people you can't stand did! Do you not see the hypocrisy? And nice try on the last part...first I am neither a D nor an R....also there is a big difference in that there wasn't some rogue republican DA trying to bring charges against Hillary after she was already investigated and no charges were filed against her. But continue to see it from your bipartisan perspective.
  19. SEE!!! SEE!!! He clearly isn't guilty!! Legal drama surrounding Trump reaches a fever pitch | CNN Politics See how stupid doing that is @Mike Parrish
  20. Honestly, first off, I couldn't care less if Trump gets arrested or not. What I do care about is using the justice system as a political hit job...again, regardless of the person being "investigated" has a "D" or an "R" after their name. To me, this case HAS been investigated...a couple times. Why weren't charges brought then? Point is, charges weren't brought. It is quite obvious the lawyer at the time, is a whackjob/narcissist/conman (maybe more so than Trump), and the other person involved...well, we all know who she is, so both stories wouldn't hold up in any court? Even if she was paid off, there are far worse cases this DA isn't focused on right now. And so you can go ahead and use the overly emotional "extremely serious" to describe this...that is your opinion. My guess is your words used to describe a case like this would be MUCH different if it was someone who has a "D" after their name...not to mention we wouldn't be seeing link after link posted saying "SEE!!!" "SEE!!" "GUILTY!!" But that is your schtick so keep on keeping on. Is that specific enough??? My guess is you'll nitpick a misspelling here or there, say something I said was "Hyperbole" and at the same time call me some juvenal/immature name.
  21. If you say I don't then you live in that world bud.
  22. Come on Mike...you are better than this...poles mean nothing....hasn't that been established the last two election cycles...not to mention Desantis hasn't even announced he is running. Doesn't matter, I stated my opinion and that doesn't change. Like I said, my only hope is we are voting for someone other than Trump or Biden.
  23. What...someone misled attorneys...please say it aint so!
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