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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Weird...didn't know the definition of trolling is making sure someone's b.s. and hypocrisy is called out...learn something new every day I guess.
  2. Freaking got dizzy...I like something Mikey wrote....
  3. Funny he quoted someone else and made a response to you...sort of loses it's...well...everything.
  4. Irony coming from the guy that posts links from absolutely laughable sources...how about read the content and make the decision for yourself before you just dismiss something because you don't like where it is coming from.
  5. Exactly!!! Funny how that works. Also funny how much people care more about the life of a convicted killer/pedophile/rapist/etc. than the life of others who have not done any of those and even maybe were on the other end of the sick individuals. Just don't get how much effort and care people put towards these sick individuals than they do for the victims and their family's. All I have to say is if someone did this to someone in my family it wouldn't need to go to court.
  6. I'll leave the speculation up to the Brands and others on here about his overall greatness compared to the Ruskies...but what I will say is he is one of the best in the NCAA's that I have ever seen. Even wading through all the nit picking that some on here like to do, to see him dismantle Top 10 competition like he is is once in a lifetime stuff...much like watching Cael. My prediction on the international front, he will win a gold or two and be done, again much like Cael, and then take over the Iowa program. Despite loathing the Hawks, Lee is someone I would pay to watch.
  7. Hello Pot...meet Kettle I admit I am, and have been annoying as possible to you in order for you to feel a lot of other people's pain they get from reading your drivel and personal insults when you realize you are either wrong and/or a tremendous hypocrite.
  8. Google "reading comprehension" and then find someone to help you read it.
  9. Looking in the mirror while typing again Mikey? And thanks for confirming you can't hold partisan opinion on people being held accountable. Own it, instead of personally attacking someone who calls you out on it.
  10. Instead of obsessing about the death penalty and infering someones personal opinion on it, what is your answer to the problem with people like Salas and the policies in Illinois?
  11. Agreed...to bad you can't hold this opinion about every R and D, or which political party a person supports.
  12. If he only could have broke the law in Ohio.... Deputy, Jail Officers Out After Staging Inmate Wrestling Matches: Sheriff (newsweek.com)
  13. Tennessee has a wrestling program??
  14. Glad you FINALLY got it after asking like 10 times....keep on keeping on Jimmy!
  15. You want to deflect from what is actually the problem by playing semantics to fit your political narrative of all "R's" are bad and all "D's" are good b.s. Trump AND Biden should be held accountable for having top secret documents when they shouldn't have had them...period. Quite trying to make is sound like Trumps was SOOOO much worse...they both are bad!
  16. Oh boy...jajensen09 is probably sitting at his key board, staring at your post, and can't even type a response because he is shaking so bad from anger...watch out....
  17. Appreciate the insight...but overall, insert any other president with what you wrote and it holds true. None of the last how many presidents had a clue what was in the best interest of Joe the Plumber, gave lip service to all the things spewed during campaigning, contributed to offshoring and tax breaks to corporate America (now some of those things do make sense when looked at from an overall perspective in terms of getting companies in places to have jobs available for people to work and earn a living. Can't criticize a company taking advantage of what is offered by our government, nor think the company owners are nothing but greedy in humane people when yet they are providing jobs, health care, etc. to a great number of people. Anyway, I digress, to actually answer your question and not give this huge overarching statements, I think Trump did a good job at looking at how we were spending our money and getting people to pay their fair share (ie., the UN, climate committee). His trade policy stance actually is fairly good considering how badly we were paying WAY more than we should have been. Some, not all, his reduction of completely stupid and zero benefit regulations that corporations and individuals had to pay for I liked. He did have a business head and made some good decisions in regards to our economy. Now HOW he went about some of these things was terrible and drove me to dislike him as a person, but that doesn't change how I felt about what he did. I honestly think all our presidential candidates are essentially all the same, and until we do something different we can't expect a different result as a society. I personally am more of a moderate who hates the D and/or R divide we have and who we have to vote for. Get rid of the biparty and just vote for people based on what their potential policies are.
  18. Yikes...but hey at least you are honest and I can respect that.
  19. It wasn't a decision about it "being a right"...that is the point. It was a decision about the ruling of Roe v Wade and who, based on the laws and constitution, has the right to make legislation about abortion.
  20. So here is what gets my goat...when each side plays the extreme "what if" game, or use emotional fallacy statements by saying what could happen. The big 2nd amendment people do the same things (although I believe in the 2nd amendment and sensible background checks) as the Roe v Wade supporters do...say some extreme thing could happen because of a change in regard to a ruling. As for Roe v Wade ruling, I am just glad people have stopped using the emotional fallacy statement of "The SCOTUS banned abortions!", just as I'd like to see people stop using the emotional fallacy statement that the government is coming to take all your guns away used by the 2nd Amendment or die folks. This wasn't meant to derail the conversation but rather, come on people...stop with all the emotional fallacy statements to try and prove your point. To me abortion is a topic I don't think most of us are equipped to have, as it is EXTREMELY complicated. I agree with the SCOTUS that it should be left up to the State to make the legislation around it. I am against abortion, but at the same time don't believe it is my right to say what someone else does in their unique situation. I REALLY struggle with those who use it as a form of birth control but not sure how one can determine that based on each individual situation...so not my place to judge what is in that person's heart when they have to make that terrible decision. Just a tough thing and not sure anyone of us have the right answer and at the same time have the right answer.
  21. So you don't know either...got it. Pretty sure Supreme Court Justices know more about the constitution than you.
  22. I have actually found myself agreeing with a lot of what you wrote on this topic. I have a hard time when people just spew catchy headlines and blast politicians based on if they are a D or an R. If either side screws up they absolutely should be held accountable...equally. And wasn't sure if I wanted to address something you wrote about Trump's policies, or not his policies but don't want to go down that rabbit hole. I too despise the man, but probably for different reasons than you. Stay well.
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