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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Packing the court is just an extension of poor losers...geeze people get real. By the way, I think Trump's "followers" is extremely low at this point and if the R's put out the right candidate I feel like they have a chance against Biden...a lot of my D friends do not like Biden or want him to run again. Here's to hoping both the R's and D's put out high quality candidates as opposed to Biden and Drump!!
  2. I'm a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty, but with AJ...come one...the guy is a ticking time bomb if he isn't locked up. Head scratching move if Iowa brings him and the middle brother in. I agree with what someone said in that the younger one should stand on his own and be judged completely separately, and as of this moment he seems like a good recruit.
  3. Man you anti-religious folks are dense...do you not get that the islamic faith insults all other faiths in it's whole concept. And vice versa. That is why they are...get ready for it...DIFFERENT religions!! A lot of you are like "Karen" sitting at the park calling out things that are "bad" when you know nothing about the very thing you are calling bad.
  4. I really hope this is true. I can't stand Iowa, but Lee has been one of my favorite wrestlers to watch the last few years and he is a once in a generational talent, but him pulling out after the loss really bugged me...not to discredit what he has already accomplished, but just wish he would have finished out the tournament.
  5. So disappointing...once again people getting their undies in a bunch about someone's faith. Not to mention him saying something that non-islamic/anti-religious folks find offensive or disparaging in some way. Ironic really.
  6. That would be a fun meeting! I may be going to the US Open. And I agree...we all probably have a heck of a lot more in common then differences.
  7. Wow...the stark contrast of your "objectivity" towards Biden and his kin compared to Trump and his is blinding...but not unexpected.
  8. Right before I logged on this morning...I said to myself..."I bet Mikey and Plas are creaming in their shorts right now because of the possibility of Trump getting arrested!" And I was right! I figured the idiot would have gotten arrested for something else other than the old hush money crap.
  9. So you say what you said on a thread talking about Charlie Kirk...but you weren't talking about Charlie Kirk?? Got it! So I assume you have actually listened to those other folks you mentioned, besides 30 second sound clips?? I have listened to Ben Shapiro and he is super intelligent and uses nothing but logic, facts, and data...hard to argue anything he says...I mean people try and he shreds them apart. But I also will say, most of the people who argue with him are coming from a place of emotion and feelings rather than then the logic, facts, and data side of things...and he sometimes doesn't take emotion and feelings into account on things when he should. By the way Alex Jones is a whackadoodle!
  10. How does me asking your lover to comment on a post that contradicts his narrative on Jan 6th, equate to me not understanding something?? And when he says he isn't even going to read it, nor respond to it, I tell him he is close minded and illogical...that is then somehow turned into, I don't understand something...and I'm illogical...and people are laughing at ME and shaking their heads??? LOL...again, it must be amazing living in that world of yours inside your little head. Once again, you can't make this stuff up. But then again, I am arguing with complete strangers on the internet, so what does that say about me?!?! LOL
  11. LOL! Sounds like my kind of place! If you are ever in Old Towne Scottsdale check out a place called Burger Therapy...place is amazing...they have like 75 different types of burgers which range in size from small to large...the smalls are hard to finish, and thus I can only imagine how big the larges are...must be like 1lb burgers or something plus all the obsessive amounts of toppings they put on it. And their schtick is they are rude as hell to you...very entertaining. The spicey siracha and peanut butter and jelly burger is amazing! So is the jalapeno mac n cheese burger.
  12. And once again, my point has been made. This is one of the most illogical posts I've ever read. It makes absolutely no sense. But keep on keeping on being Mikey! Must be fun in that head of yours.
  13. Oh man...sounds amazing! I am actually on week 3 of Keto to help get rid of these lbs...and actually could probably eat those sausage cheeseburgers...and then throw some chili on it....HEAD...EXPLODE...LOL
  14. AKA...you are closed minded and unwilling to look at all viewpoints and information available to you because you want to just think whatever the TV tells you to...and use no logic or deductive reasoning of your own..got it. You and Mikey carry on calling people names and being two of the most illogical posters on here.
  15. "righ wing provocateurs" is a new one I haven't heard. Anyway, I thought you didn't know who he was?? But you have a label for him? And you are basing your opinion of him on a Wiki page?? I challenge you and your buddy Mikey to sit and actually LISTEN to what he has to say and then tell me his is just a "right wing provocateurs"...whatever that means.
  16. Will you please quit using me as an example to make a point...hurts my feelings.
  17. Soooo...I have a question...is what happened considered a "protest"??
  18. Ahhh...gotcha...thanks!
  19. So once again you clearly have demonstrated you have no reading comprehension as I have been asking you to reply and challenge any part of what mspart posted...yet you and your political lover Mikey attack me...then call me slow, a troll, etc...as I always say, you can't make this up. I guess I get it, your only defense is to attack the person calling you out on it, that way you truly don't have to address it and realize the whole premise around your argument falls apart rather easily and quickly. I'll wait for more name calling...
  20. Because you have zero reading comprehension does not somehow equal me not having a point...but whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the day big guy.
  21. A new low you say? Care to elaborate? Or are one sentence quips your thing now, other than just posting a link to an obscure article? Funny you two do the exact same thing...over and over and over...start an argument, when you get called out on it and proven to be wrong, you resort to misdirection and name calling...it is quite humorous
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