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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. More people are killed by...PEOPLE...religion is not the root cause of people killing people
  2. Oh man I am so jealous!! This was my dream vehicle when I was in high school...never could save enough pennies to get one. Thought about getting one now and fixing it up...but then I realize I have zero skills in terms of "fixing it up"!
  3. I just ran across this and was going to post it...glad someone did...what an amazing person!
  4. I am not sure...that is tricky...but I agree with you 100% that the gumbent does influence and propagate a narrative.
  5. I'm with ya...twitter can do whatever the heck they want. And people on both sides of this issue speak out of both sides of their mouth. My only beef in relation to this is I think the gubment should stay out of trying to control the speech on social media platforms...doesn't matter what side of the isle the gubment happens to be on at the time either.
  6. There is no truer sentence! Just wish people...cough cough, you, cough cough...could use the same lens when looking at all things that are written/said and how they are worded.
  7. People on here..."there's nothing wrong with Twitter, they should be able to regulate what is posted on their site, they are a private company." Fast forward, same people, "OMG, I can't believe Elon is regulating what is posted on Twitter...it is so wrong! He is just silencing people with opposing opinions." Aaandd...HYPOCRISY at its finest!!
  8. I agree GWN...but you should have quoted Plasi too. I do have to say...the whole defund the police thing was in fact started based on political ideology. I didn't agree with it then and I don't agree with some of the R politicians saying we should defund the FBI. Now defund the IRS...that I MAY agree with depending on the why behind it. The whole IRS should and needs to be trimmed down anyway. Our government has turned the whole thing into a big pile of dog turd...it needs to be simplified!
  9. There isn't anything remotely funny about ACTUAL abortion, but satire and comedy is open to all topics...if satire and comedy isn't for you than it isn't for you.
  10. Wow...didn't know that...if true...not saying it isn't but just never heard any of that for some reason. One would think it would have been all over MSNBC...but then again maybe it was since I don't watch the news. The whole Epstein thing is sickening, and every last person involved should be in jail...or even better...get the Epstein treatment.
  11. My first car...1974 Monte Carlo with a 350 4-barrel, when those carbs opened up that thing went...miss that car.
  12. Was he rumored to have been there? Serious question. I know according to the documentary they had dinner once, but never made reference of him being on the pedophile plane.
  13. You know what Vak...how about take a look in the mirror...everything you claim I am, I can turn around and claim the same about you. What's also funny, not only do you try and put words in my mouth you try and put words into the legislation you oppose because it is coming from a person you didn't vote for, and also you somehow know it means something else because, hey, you are a lawyer (by the way you are the one who brought that up not me). Anyway, I'll continue to be a dumbass and think I know stuff that maybe I don't, but guess what, you also will continue to be a dumbass and claim to know stuff that maybe you don't. Enjoy the warm weather down there in Florida...can't wait until I can move there in 10 years...and I'll actually be down there in 2 weeks...can't wait to get my ass kicked by amberjack.
  14. Here is my take on it, the 'scientists" claiming global warming are using what I like to call "Lazy Science"...which is they take the easy way out when analyzing weather trend data...now granted we don't have exact data for the whole history of the earth's existence; however, using let's say 1000 years of data to predict that the earth is unnaturally warming and then correlating that to humans polluting the earth is "lazy" considering the earth is what, billions of years old and have gone through way more drastic climate changes then what we are seeing now, when there weren't humans (todays variety anyway). With all that being said, do I think that humans have an impact on the world in terms of pollution, unequivocally YES, but that doesn't mean the earth is going to be destroyed in 20-30 years. However, does it behoof us humans to be conscious of what we do to the environment, absolutely...but stifling and trying to get rid of certain industries is asinine. Quit with all the dooms day emotional crap, drive your gas-powered cars, or electric ones (which have just as much if not more impact on the environment...but, shhhh), make sure we aren't pumping bad things into our water ways, replant what we cut down, continue to innovate on removing harmful stuff or reusing it for human consumption, etc. JMHO
  15. Sorry GWN, but some do find the humor in what he is posting...even be it off color...humor isn't for everyone I guess.
  16. And didn't China actually limit number of births...or you could only keep the male babies? Maybe this still happens??
  17. And que the multitude of links to articles that have headlines "Donald Trump is Guilty! and then contain zero facts or information that supports the claim....but have to love Mikey, Plasi, Vak and Le Du's commitment to the narrative.
  18. Come on...trust the "science"!!
  19. That is the exact same vehicle my bff had in HS...except the seventeen 6x9's as it was completely stock and a chick magnet for sure!!
  20. Here's one...what if climate change was responsible for more homers in baseball?? Oh wait, "scientists" are making that claim...
  21. Ahhh...deep thoughts by jross...you should do a daily thread like this.
  22. Sorry...I took it upon myself to change it to Pinto...but yes, that was a mistake as there was no finer, finner, fine, hell, no gooder car then the Pinto...my high school sweetheart had a blue one...she made the "Coolest Cars" page in the yearbook and rightfully so...ahhh...fond memories.
  23. I'd love to see the ford pinto against a true master of trash talk and bravado...Connor McGregor!!
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