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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. While your obsession with Musk is borderline psychotic, if he had anything to do with pedophile island he should be investigated and held responsible for laws he may have broke.
  2. No. 1A = Parenting and the lack of teaching accountability and discipline No. 1B = Mental Health - this is related to No. 1A in that parents need to teach their kids how to deal with conflict and work through tough things in life...and NOT to just shove pills down kids throats. And then make it okay to talk about things
  3. Ban all the guns that weren't available when they wrote the constitution because?? Seriously? Such a weak argument. You know what...the government didn't have the weapons we have now when the constitution wasn't written either...the concept still stands...and should always stand. It's illegal to own a fully automatic weapon...you can't own nuclear weapons...the list goes on and on...yet, take guns away from people??
  4. Dude...he was NOT trying to use sarcasm...the only difference he knows is that he thinks he is smarter than anyone. and he is the most partisan poster on here (he has no objective thinking). He got OWNED on this thread...and then shut down and tried to change the subject. Which is his MO. Just wait...he'll post a link that has nothing to do with the topic, or some twitter link, and say how it is true, then bad mouth twitter and how the source someone else posted to contradict him...it's hilarious.
  5. LOLOLOL...people are looking at me funny at work as I laugh at my computer screen
  6. Being just an average wrestling fan, to me the OTC USE to be the place to go, but it is definitely the RTC route now as it is where the best coaches and training partners are.
  7. Who are the coaches at the OTC even? Do they have any? Is it Zadick? Slay?
  8. Let's follow along folks...you get called out for the title of the thread...you post another article/social media post and indicate you are standing by the title of this thread...called out again and you post this doozy "He’s a rapist piece of shit"...then get called out multiple more times and you turn around and try and criticize my education...then when you realized how stupid this whole thread is that you started, you end with "It was intentional hyperbole"...LOL...you can't make this stuff up....funniest part is you thinking people fall for your b.s. and that you think other people are the dumb ones. But keep on keeping on being you Mikey!!
  9. If you brake the law you should be investigated...regardless of the letter after your name.
  10. LOL...even your failed attempts at criticism show how immature your posts and thought processes are. Keep on starting threads accusing people of rape, while posting articles about a civil suit and then trying to criticize other people while acknowledging it was a civil suit...can't make this stuff up...but yes, "try" and rip on MY education...LOL
  11. That is what you got out of my post...but then again my hopes weren't high for your response either. And the irony of you acknowledging it was a civil case but still stand by that he was somehow convicted of a crime....
  12. WOW...finally agree with you on something Mikey...except for the second sentence unless you add "Dems" to it. That isn't a just a GOP talking point...I hear it a lot from both sides.
  13. All I know is that Mikey better not EVER call someone else's sources out, or call other people names for their personal opinion on a topic. I'm with mspart on this...can't stand Trump, he needs to go away, but to come on here and post what Mikey posted is pretty freakin bottom feeder type troll crap. Funny part is, I'd be the first in line to bash and smear anyone and want the max sentencing possible, including Trump, if they in fact were convicted of rape.
  14. I am sorry, but blaming the gun or Hollywood and/or corporations/NRA won't fix the problem...IMHO. While I don't agree 100% with everything @BerniePragle said, he brought up a good point that I think is one of the major causes and that is critical thinking...teaching kids logic and problem solving and thinking for themselves is what we need to bring back. And where does all that start?? Yep...that's right, at home!! But also in school and college. If a kid sees a violent film or plays a violent video game, there has to be strong parenting to discuss with the child what it is and what it isn't that they are watching/playing. Or schools need to get back to teaching the basics and critical thinking so kids can navigate through things in life. And just as important, they need discipline and taught that they will be held accountable for their actions. And let's all not forget the issue with mental health...we need to continue to make it okay to discuss these things. To be a parent that can identify this in their kids and have the resources to help them through it...and not just shoving pills down their throats. And once again, as far as the name calling and focusing in on sources and where the information came from, those things I can guarantee will NEVER do anything to stop innocent people from being killed.
  15. This whole thread is completely asinine and so disingenuous it hurts my head. Between the name calling and the "post your proof"..."no you post your proof"...and my favorite..."that isn't true because they don't list their source". All of these types of statements are indicative of people not wanting to have an open and honest conversation. Was just talking about this with my son and parents yesterday...people seriously don't want to have open and honest conversations about guns and mass murder. We all are fed the opinions about guns and murders by completely and 100% biased information...and no one wants to open their minds to look at things from a different point of view. First off EVERYON agrees sensless killing is terrible and needs to stop. But one side isn't ready to have a conversation that the big bad gun isn't the root cause of the problem nor is the big bad AR15 an assault weapon nor a weapon of war (I'd take my dad's semiautomatic .284 rifle over an AR15...can have the same capacity with a much larger bullet and stopping power)...thos on the other side also need to open their minds to discussions about gun laws...not bans, but sensible gun laws. But EVERYONE needs to have the discussion around mental health and self-accountability/responsibility and being held responsible (aka., parenting!), which to me is what is completely eroding in this society. So, name calling and the back and forth of I know you are but what am I solves nothing, so if anyone wants to have an open conversation and is ready to learn others point of view, I'd love to have that conversation. And here is a start, if someone post something that you don't believe, or agree with, go look up the information yourself, saying the ownness is on the person who posted it to back it up is the first sign you are not at a point to have an open and honest discussion.
  16. I personally couldn't care less if he was fired or not fired, but it cracks me up when companies do this..."you're fired, we are going to pay your salary, and you can't go work somewhere else." Now I know why they do it and all the legal mumbo jumbo, but it is completely stupid and illogical. "We hate you enough to not have you work here, but we still want to pay you, and would appreciate you not taking your talents to another company."
  17. Tucker = Don Lemon....with the exception of popularity, Tucker was WAY more popular in terms of viewership than Donny. Guess he was just better than Donny at sensationalizing the news...not even going to call it news, but sensationalizing topics. I actually liked Tucker for a little bit back in the day as he seemed to call the politicians out on their b.s. and non-answers to questions...on both sides, but then over the last couple of years he seemed to have gotten WAY more sensationalized and got pretty whackadoodle on some subjects, thus I quit watching. Never could stomach Donny, he thought he was way smarter than he was and quite frankly came off as an egotistical non-educated A-hole that clearly hates women and white men (even though I think there was a rumor he was dating one)...well his tv persona came off that way.
  18. Huh...just never heard it before...seems weird to me, but oh well...
  19. You are correct...you do not see truth being told very often on any news channel...from CNN/Fox to local news, it's all crap and opinions versus actual news. It is exhausting wading through it all to try and find some semblance of truth/news.
  20. So saw this today and was very confused and concerned. Fear and Greed Index - Investor Sentiment | CNN I am not super into investing other than some real estate, 401k, and roth stuff, but never heard of describing the market trends using terms like "Fear" and "Greed"
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